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#202 : La route est longue

L'équipe créative de "Bombshell" essaie de rétablir la réputation de la production à la suite des révélations faites sur les fonds utilisés pour financer la comédie musicale et les accusations de harcèlement sexuel à l'encontre de Derek. De son côté, Karen propose son aide à un duo de jeunes compositeurs travaillant sur leur première comédie musicale.

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The Fallout

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La route est longue

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Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 05.02.2013 à 22:00
4.48m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Craig Zisk
Scénario : Julie Rottenberg & Elisa Zuritsky

Pressée de régler les problèmes financiers de la production, Eileen a passé des heures avec ses avocats. Le projet devrait rapidement être remis sur pied, et elle demande à Tom et Derek de ne pas accepter d’autres offres entre temps. Karen, qui pense toujours à la musique de Jimmy, l’attend devant le restaurent et l’interroge sur les détails de la comédie musicale que lui et Kyle ont écrit. Jimmy nie son implication dans le projet et drague Karen à la place. Elle s’en va, rebutée par son attitude, mais Kyle l’arrête et lui demande de le rencontrer après ses heures de travail. Il explique que Jimmy est un mec compliqué et qu’il est très protecteur de son travail, mais ils ont vraiment quelque chose de génial en développement.

Derek rencontre son agent, qui l’informe qu’il a été licencié de « The Wiz » car cinq danseuses viennent de l’accuser publiquement de harcèlement sexuel. Au même moment, Eileen découvre qu’on l’a retirée de la liste des invités du gala organisé par l’American Theatre Wing. Elle demande à Jerry de l’inviter à sa table. Jerry s’interroge sur l’effritement de son équipe créative, mais Eileen lui assure qu’ils ne pourraient pas être plus unifiés. En réalité, Julia n’a pas quitté son canapé depuis une semaine et est complètement déprimée. Non seulement sa relation avec Frank est au plus mal, mais maintenant tout le monde sait comment elle a détruit sa famille. Elle supplie Tom de s’excuser à sa place, car il n’ira au gala sous aucun prétexte.

A Time Square, Karen rencontre Kyle qui lui passe un tas désordonné de menus avec des notes et des paroles gribouillées dessus. Karen n’est pas impressionnée. Elle pensait qu’ils travaillaient sur quelque chose de sérieux. Kyle l’assure que Jimmy est un compositeur incroyablement talentueux et l’invite à passer chez eux dan la soirée pour qu’elle apprenne à le connaître. Quand Derek rencontre l’une des danseuses qui l’a accusé, elle le remet à sa place : il ne l’a jamais touché, non, mais en tant que grand directeur, il abuse constamment de sa position. Dan l’espoir de trouver Tom, Ivy finit par vider son sac auprès de Julia à la place. Dans un monde dominé par la concurrence, a-t-elle déjà voulu tout abandonner ? Julia sait comment se sent Ivy. C’est un business très brutal, mais tôt ou tard, quelque chose finit toujours par arriver qui lui rappelle combien elle aime ce monde.

Quand Derek est accusé par une autre danseuse, Eileen l’appelle pour le désinviter du gala. Elle a besoin d’ambassadeurs, pas de sujets de ragots. Dépité, Derek raccroche le téléphone et finit son verre, qui le pousse dans un rêve éveillé. Un groupe de femme en talons roses et mini-robes noires (dont Karen et Ivy) chantent et dansent au son de « Would I Lie To You » d’Eurythmics. Pendant ce temps, Tom est arrêté dans la rue par Harvey Fierstein, avide de ragots. Eileen Rand folâtre avec un baron de la drogue ? Derek est un séducteur en série ? Harvey a même entendu dire que Tom et Julia allaient se séparer ! Tom corrige cette rumeur et, désespéré, promet à Harvey qu’il les verra lui et Julia dans la soirée, au gala. Il lui parle également d’un prétendu discours qu’ils auraient écrit pour l’occasion.

Quand Tom rentre chez lui, Julia a déjà entendu la news et est excitée à l’idée de présenter un award ! Elle est tellement reconnaissante que la communauté supporte leur équipe pendant une passe difficile. Coincé dans son mensonge, Tom confirme que, oui, les représentants de l’American Theatre Wing leur ont bien demandé de présenter. Chez Karen, Ana joue ce qu’elle peut de la musique de Jimmy et il est clair qu’il est très doué. Ana est également convaincue que Jimmy a un faible pour Karen, mais Karen maintient qu’elle n’est intéressée que par son talent. Pendant ce temps, Ivy rencontre un Derek complètement ivre, assis au pied de son appartement.

Au gala, Julia réalise que Tom lui a menti et est furieuse qu’il ait créé une nouvelle opportunité pour elle d’être humiliée en publique. Il admet que bien que ce soit difficile pour lui de la voir tant déprimée, il est à court d’excuses pour elle. Elle doit se reprendre ! Au point où ils en sont, ce n’est pas que sa carrière à elle qu’elle met en jeu, c’est aussi celle de Tom. Karen, Ana, Bobby et Sue arrivent à l’appartement de Jimmy et Kyle, à Greenpoint, et sont impressionné par le monde déjà présent. Karen décide de jouer la carte séduction avec Jimmy dans l’espoir qu’il s’ouvre à elle. Bobby, quant à lui, s’en va faire la conversation à Kyle.

Devant l’appartement d’Ivy, Derek lui déballe tous ses problèmes. Est-il vraiment un montre ? Bien qu’Ivy soit distante au début, elle l’assure qu’il n’est pas un monstre. Les deux amis restent assis, silencieux, sur les marches de l’immeuble. Au gala, la communauté de Broadway tourne le dos à Eileen. Personne ne semble voir au-delà de ses problèmes financiers. A Brooklyn, Karen passe à l’action. Accompagnée par Ana, elle se lève et se met à chanter la chanson écrite par Jimmy, devant tout le monde. La foule est captivée par sa performance, mais avant la fin de la chanson, Jimmy se lève soudainement et quitte l’appartement. Il est furieux que Kyle ait montré sa musique à quelqu’un. Il n’a besoin de l’aide de personne et veux monter la comédie musicale tout seul ! Après s’être fait insultée par Jimmy, Karen et ses amis quittent la fête.

Eileen refuse d’abandonner sans se battre. Déterminée à montrer à la communauté ce qu’ils rateront s’ils ne supportent pas « Bombshell », Eileen demande à Ivy de venir et de chanter. Julia précède la performance avec l’annonce que « Bombshell » sera bien à Broadway cette saison. Ivy chante comme si sa vie en dépendait et elle reçoit une ovation à la fin de sa performance. La femme du procureur étant présente, « Bombshell » est autorisée à reprendre sa production, malgré les doutes sur son financement. Eileen a l’intention d’emprunter de l’argent à Jerry.

Le lendemain matin, Kyle se retourne contre Jimmy. Karen était leur unique chance, quelqu’un avec de vraies relations dans l’industrie ! Quand fera-t-il passer leurs besoins devant son ego ? Chez Tom, Julia admet qu’avoir entendu Ivy chanter leur chanson l’a rendu de nouveau excitée pour « Bombshell ». Dès maintenant, elle travaillera aussi dur que possible. Ivy fait un arrêt chez Derek pour le remercier, mais trouve Karen chez lui. Karen la remercie d’avoir été là à sa place pour sauver « Bombshell », étant dans le train quand Eileen l’a contacté. Alors qu’Ivy s’en va, Karen sort son ordinateur pour montrer le travail de Jimmy à Derek.

Jimmy : Hello? Excuse me.

Karen : Hey. You're here.

Jimmy : Uh, I work here.

Karen : Right. Uh, I'm sorry to ambush you. I'm Karen, by the way. Um, I left you a few messages, but you never called back.

Jimmy : Girls just usually call to yell at me, so...

Karen : Well, that's not what I was calling to do. I was hoping we could talk about your music.

Jimmy : My what?

Karen : You guys are writing a musical. I mean, I'd love to hear more.

Jimmy : There's nothing to hear. I don't... I don't write anything.

Karen : So the song you played last week after closing, that wasn't yours? Your friend just lied when he said it was from your musical?

Jimmy : Are you always like this?

Karen : Like what?

Jimmy : Uptight. I mean, if you stopped clenching your jaw like that, you know, you could actually be cute.

Karen : I don't clench my jaw.

Jimmy : Relax.

Karen : That's really rude.

Jimmy : Okay, you're doing it again. You know, my... My shift's over at 5:00, if you want to hang out.

Karen : No, I don't... I don't want to hang out. I just want... You know what? Forget it.

Jimmy : See ya.

Kyle : Dude, was that Karen Cartwright?

Jimmy : No idea.

Kyle : She's the girl I told you about, the one that was here the other night. She's a big deal. She could help us.

Jimmy : We do it on our own, all right? We don't need anyone's help. Move it. I'm late.

Karen : Derek, it's me. Um, I just wanted to let you know I finally got in touch with that composer.

Kyle : Hey! Hey, Karen, wait up!

Karen : Um, it turn... And... um, I got to call you back. Hey.

Kyle : Hey. Look, I'm sorry about whatever he said to you back there.

Karen : That guy's your friend, right? Why, exactly?

Kyle : I know. He's complicated. But he's a really good guy when you get to know him and an amazing composer. He's just really protective of our stuff.

Karen : Well, I wanted to hear more, play it for my friend Derek, see what he thought.

Kyle : Derek, as in Derek Wills? Like... like the Derek Wills? He's, uh...

Karen : Irrelevant to this conversation, since your friend clearly isn't interested.

Kyle : Yes, he is. He just doesn't know it yet, and so am I. Look, can you meet me in a couple hours, when I'm done with my shift? There's something I want to show you.


Eileen : I realize your clients haven't gotten paid, Saul. No one has. I'm truly sorry. But mark my words, I'll have this all ironed out, tout de suite! Now, if you'll excuse me...


Derek : The fact I was able to stage a single number in the middle of that circus you and Julia created is nothing short of a miracle.

Tom : "Circus"... how choice. Let's talk about you juggling every Marilyn in the show.

Eileen : Boys, there's nothing to be gained by turning on each other.

Tom : But it feels good.

Derek : All right, then... Maybe we should turn on you. Did it not even seem a little bit strange to you that a Brooklyn bartender and his funny little friends had millions of dollars in cash lying around?

Eileen : I have spent the last three hours with the federal government and my accountant, going through every bill, receipt, and pay stub since the beginning of time. It's all in order.

Tom : Did they say when we could get back to work?

Eileen : No, but we're still alive. Karen is singing tonight at the American theatre wing gala. Every Broadway bigwig will be there. So, for now, I'd like to ask both of you please not to accept any other project until all of this is settled.

Derek : Yeah, I can't make that guarantee... I need to work.

Tom : You have offers after last week's revelations?

Derek : Yeah. Rebecca Duvall has moved on, so have the tabloids. So, beyond directing one of Broadway's biggest stars in The Wiz, yes, I have several offers.

Tom : Amazing. What a business.

Derek : Oh, Tom. Did you pack something warm for your trip to the moral high ground?

Eileen : Why don't you both get out of my office? I'll let you know what happens tonight.

Tom : Julia and I are here for you, whatever you need.

Derek : You are. This is the third meeting Julia's missed.

Tom : She had a college thing with Leo.

Liz : It's Miriam Abramson's office on line e... on the American theatre wing.


Ivy : I'm so jealous. You're going on tour with The Book of Mormon, and I can't even get a callback for an eHarmony commercial.

Sam : You got to bug your agent more.

Ivy : Are you kidding me? That's all I've been doing.

Sam : But you are Ivy Lynn. She don't stay down for long. At least you're not Lisa McMann. Approaching, approaching.

Ivy : Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God... I cannot face that woman today. She's been plugging away longer than I have.

Lisa : Ivy? And Sam?

Ivy : Oh, my God!

Sam : Lisa McMann!

Lisa : Hi! This is too funny! I was just thinking about you guys and that awful Shakespeare festival we did in the adirondacks.

Ivy : Ugh, don't remind me. So what have you been up to?

Lisa : Stationery! Yeah! I got out of the biz, and my whole life changed. Now I make my own hours. People actually want what I'm offering... No more rejection, rejection, rejection. Oh, um... Here is my guesthouse. Yeah. Oh, how about you guys?


Derek : Hello, darling. How's my second favorite agent in the world?

Derek’s Agent : Oh. Very sweet.

Derek : Loving the purple.

Derek’s Agent : Thank you.

Derek : So... Got some news for me? What's happening with The Wiz?

Derek’s Agent : Well, Ronnie's a big fan, as you know, and she remains that way. She fought hard for you with the producers.

Derek : Whoa, wait. Am I hearing a past tense in there?

Derek’s Agent : They're letting you go.

Derek : Just because I shagged a couple of actresses? That's ludicrous.

Derek’s Agent : Well, it's not just because of that. The local news has a story. We got the heads-up an hour ago. Five dancers have come forward and are accusing you of sexual harassment. I have the names here somewhere. Um...


Eileen : I don't want to talk to her assistant again. I want to talk to her.

Jerry : Looks nothing like you.

Eileen : I knew I should have moved offices. Jerry... I'm in a particularly tight spot, and you owe me.

Jerry : I do?

Eileen : Yes. You're giving me your table tonight for the American theatre wing gala.

Jerry : I thought you were already going.

Eileen : I thought I was too. But Miriam Abramson's assistant called to say that I am no longer on the guest list.

Jerry : Is that so?

Eileen : I have only a small window of opportunity for Bombshell, and I will not have it closed. I refuse to be treated like a criminal.

Jerry : So... You want to be my date, hmm?

Eileen : Oh, no. You're not going. It'll be just me and my creative team.

Jerry : I hear Julia's a mess. The Wiz dropped Derek like a hot potato.

Eileen : Julia's fine. And so is Derek. My team couldn't be more unified. They'll sail through.

Jerry : You're welcome.


Tom : Hello?

Eileen : Hi, boys. I need Julia too. Is she there?

Tom : Oh, she's meeting with her realtor.

Derek : What's going on, Eileen? I'm on my way home.

Eileen : Okay, we've got a slight change of plans. Karen's no longer singing tonight. Instead, it'll be the four of us, 8:00 at the Plaza, and I want you on your best behavior, all of you... No fighting, no surprises, no scandals. Is that understood?

Derek : Bloody paparazzo. Of course.

Eileen : And, Tom, tell Julia it's cocktail attire.

Tom : Yep.

Julia : No!

Eileen : Okay, great. See you at 8:00.


Julia : No, I can't, not tonight. I'm not up for it, maybe tomorrow.

Tom : You have to. Eileen needs us. Besides, it's been a week. You're starting to merge with the couch. Some air will be good for you.

Julia : I got some air today. I met Leo in Riverside Park.

Tom : And then you came home and put your pajamas back on?

Julia : I may have met him in them.

Tom : Julia!

Julia : Look, it's... It's bad enough that I destroyed my family. Now Frank is telling people, and everyone is writing me. I have to relive the whole thing every time I check my email!

Tom : I know it's hard, but we can't abandon Bombshell in her hour of need. None of your relatives are gonna be at the thing tonight.

Julia : No, just industry people... That's worse. They'll eat me alive. Look, if there was anywhere else that you wanted me to go with you tonight...  The Bronx zoo, whole foods...

Tom : The shower?

Julia : I am asking my friend Tom to tell my partner Tom that I need the night off. Please?

Tom : I will tell Eileen you're sick and represent the team myself.

Julia : Thank you. You're the best.

Tom : Yes, I am.

Julia : And I promise, I'll get back up soon. Just a... Just a little longer?


Karen : This is... this is what you wanted to show me?

Kyle : He doesn't write anything down, really, except, occasionally, when he's wasted. Uh, this one is particularly amazing. He doesn't know I saved it. Read the lyrics. I think they start on the cocktail menu.

Karen : I don't understand... do you guys have a musical or not?

Kyle : We do. We're still working on it, but most of the songs are written.

Karen : Does your friend even know you're here? Uh... Look... I just came from a Clearasil audition and then found out the one thing I was looking forward to got canceled tonight, so you can understand I was hoping to get involved with something that's real. This obviously isn't it. Let me know if it ever comes together, okay?

Kyle : Find someone to play this for you. And if you like it or you want to hear more, come to our place tonight... We're having some people over. Maybe if you stop by and got to know Jimmy a little better, he'd let his guard down, play you some stuff. Think about it?


Julia : Um... You can just... Leave it at the door, whatever it is! Thank you!

Ivy : Julia? It's Ivy.

Julia : Oh!


Derek : Hello, Daisy. Can I have a word?

Daisy : I can't talk to you, Derek.

Derek : Oh, yeah, you can. We need to have a little chat about your understanding of the phrase "sexual harassment." You know I never touched you.

Daisy : I didn't say you did. You only hit on me through four callbacks of Sweet charity, and when I finally said I wouldn't sleep with you, I mysteriously lost out on the job.

Derek : Oh, well, as I recall, you didn't get the job 'cause, while you were a pretty good dancer, you were only an okay actress, which is why, after all these years, you're still teaching pilates.

Daisy : You're unbelievable. Is that really what you came here to say?

Derek : Yeah, pretty much. Since when is it harassment to ask someone out on a date?

Daisy : You don't get it. You're a big-shot director. You're in a position of power from the minute you wake up in the morning, and you don't treat that power with respect. Or did you really think women say yes because they actually like you?


Ivy : I'm sorry. I thought I was gonna be venting to Tom. Are you sure this is okay?

Julia : Of course, I'm thrilled to be of use to anyone.

Ivy : I know you guys are super successful now. But did you ever feel like giving up?

Julia : Um, I could barely get up to answer the door.

Ivy : Ugh, I just don't know what to do. Now I'm going in for parts that I would have passed on two years ago. Maybe I should just quit.

Julia : I've been where you are. It's a brutal business. But just when I'd want to throw in the towel, something would happen to remind me of why I love it in the first place. And thus, the dysfunctional cycle continues.

Ivy : Oh, yeah.

Julia : It cures everything. It really does.


Harvey Fierstein : Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom! Listen, I've been meaning to call you. Oh, honey, I've been so worried.

Tom : You are... why?

Harvey : If they said half the stuff about a show of mine they're saying about yours, I would be on suicide watch.

Tom : Ah! Well, you know our business. So much is exaggerated or just plain made up.

Harvey : Hey, you think I believe half of it? But I mean, come on, it's absurd. I mean, even Derek couldn't be as much of a dog as they're saying.

Tom : You know, that's the kind of thing that...

Harvey : And Eileen rand running around with a drug lord?

Tom : Well, honestly...

Harvey : Oh, wait.

Tom : I really don't know the specifics.

Harvey : Please do not thank me, but I have ordered everyone to stop talking about Julia having a nervous breakdown.

Tom : Well, thank you anyway for that. Um, but she's doing fine. The split was amicable.

Harvey : Well, you mean it's true? You know what? You have nothing to worry about. You are too good... someone's gonna snatch you right up. In fact, I have this idea that...

Tom : What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. J-Julia and I haven't broken up. I was talking about... No, we're fine. Harvey, look at me. Julia's fine. We are still together.

Harvey : So I guess I will see you both tonight at that theatre wingding thing? Yes? The two of you, together?

Tom : Yes, you will. Uh, Julia will not only be there with me, but, uh... uh... We're giving a speech... A tribute, um, as a team... Both of us, together.

Harvey : And I will be right there cheering you on, as always. All right, later.

Tom : Bye. Bye.


Eileen : So it's up to six dancers now? Well, thank you for telling me that, Peggy. Clearly, you're taking no delight whatsoever in my misfortune.

Liz : Derek on two.

Eileen : Bye, Peggy. Did you not hear a word I said to you this morning?

Derek : I didn't do anything.

Eileen : Oh, you did a lot. It's just catching up with you now.

Derek : Yeah, whatever. What time is this thing again tonight?

Eileen : You're not coming. Bombshell needs ambassadors, not another liability.

Derek : Oh, I'm sorry. Well, Julia the adulteress is now Ambassador, but the serial seducer isn't? Is this a gender thing?

Eileen : You know what? I'm hanging up now, Derek.

Derek : You're not going to 'cause I'm gonna hang up first! Another one of these. Ahh. I have a question for you, young mate.

Jimmy : Hmm?

Derek : If you have something somebody wants, does that mean you can't sleep with them?

Jimmy : Dude, I don't know. My shift's over. Dan, he's all yours.

Derek : Oh, come on. All women like me. Hello. You're not a dancer, by any chance, are you?

Man : Back off, dude. She's with me.

Derek : I think the lady can speak for herself.

[Karen & Ivy - Would I lie to you? ]


Tom : Honey, I'm home. Listen... I may have done something.

Julia : I know.

Tom : Ah.

Julia : I heard.

Tom : You heard?

Julia : Mary Testa just called. She said that she heard from Jackie Hoffman, who heard from Cheyenne Jackson, who heard from Harvey Fierstein that we're presenting tonight?

Tom : Yes. Well...

Julia : You could have told me. That's important! I only said no because I didn't want to sit at a table and be silently judged all night. I can't say no to the entire American theatre wing. How did this happen?

Tom : Um... Okay. First of all, you can stand. Good to know.

Julia : Tell me!

Tom : Well, I got a call out of the blue...

Julia : Uh-huh.

Tom : From the head of the theatre wing... I forget her name.

Julia : Miriam Abramson. I've met her.

Tom : Right, of course you have. Well, apparently Miriam needed someone to speak about the theatre wing and all the beatific stuff it does, and when they hear we were coming, they thought, who better than us?

Julia : That is so nice... The community supporting us after everything we've just been through.

Tom : Mm.

Julia : What do you want to say? Do you want me to just take a stab at it? I've already jotted down a few thoughts.

Tom : A few?

Julia : Oh, my God. Oh, my God! I've got to do my hair. Here, you take over.

Tom : You're actually excited about this.

Julia : Excited? No. But I can do this. You're my partner, and I'm not gonna let you stand up there alone. Oh, and try and keep it brief. I hate it when presenters run on.

Tom : Giving notes already before I've even started... Julia's back!


Ana :Caught in the storm. Or something like that.

Jessica : Wow. He's crazy good.

Bobby : Like Jonathan Larson good.

Jessica : Yes.

Bobby : Maybe they're writing the next Rent.

Karen : I know. It's amazing. I'm not crazy for stalking this guy, right?

Bobby : Honey, I'm ready to stalk him. Is he straight? He can't be straight. I mean, it's musical theater.

Karen : It doesn't matter if he is or he isn't. He's not interested in me... He called me "uptight."

Bobby : Okay, I say this with love, but you did sound a little uptight just now.

Ana : You guys, just give her a break. She's just out of a three-year relationship, and she's a little bit rusty. She doesn't realize when a guy is hitting on her.

Karen : You guys are missing the point. All I want to do is hear the rest of his songs. I just have to figure out how.

Bobby : I can think of one way.

Karen : I knew you were gonna say that.

Ana :She's a really good girl, but not for long. How can she get him to share his songs?

Bobby : Okay, you're definitely not writing the next Rent.

Ana : Oh, please.

Jessica : Oh.

Karen : No, she isn't. But she just gave me a better idea.


Ivy : Thanks for checking in.

Sam : Yeah, well, don't go pulling a Lisa McMann on me while I'm on tour, okay?

Ivy : Well, maybe she's got the right idea. She gave it her all, and when it didn't pan out, she exited stage left, and now she's the happiest person we know.

Sam : What would you do if you couldn't do this? Ah, see, you don't have an easy answer.

Ivy : I gotta call you back.

Derek : Good evening.


Julia : Hi, there. Sorry to intrude. Miriam, lovely to see you. I was really so touched that you thought of us for this honor, especially in light of recent events.

Miriam : I'm sorry. What?

Tom : Oh, God.

Julia : I was just wondering if you knew when in the program that we'd be speaking. I get a little stage fright sometimes. But if I know when it's coming, then...

Miriam : I don't... I-I'm sorry...

Tom : Okay, pardon me, hi, hi.

Miriam : Someone asked you to speak tonight?

Julia : You did. You asked Tom... Levitt?

Miriam : No, I'm quite certain I didn't and wouldn't either.

Tom : Hi. Hi. Hi. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Julia : No, I'm sorry. And you're gonna be.

Tom : Miriam. Excuse me. Julia. Julia? Can you please stay, so we can talk about this?

Julia : I had a million reasons to be embarrassed before I came here tonight, and you just created a new one.

Tom : I got caught in a moment, and it got away from me. I was gonna tell you the truth. But when you heard about this, you were so happy, for the first time in weeks. It got you off the couch.

Julia : That doesn't make it okay!

Old Lady : Excuse me. I have to tell you, I just saw Heaven on Earth again for the third time.

Julia : Wonderful.

Tom : I'm so glad.

Old Lady : The new Fella's not so good.

Julia : Great.

Tom : Helpful. Julia... Look... I'm really worried about you. I feel awful about everything that you're going through with Frank and Leo, but it is very hard to watch you be this down for so long.

Julia : Well, I'm sorry. Maybe you'd bounce back faster, but we're different people, and I need to do this on my own time.

Tom : But it's not just your time. It's mine too. As partners, if you're down for the count, then so am I.

Julia : Is that what this is about? I'm holding you down?

Tom : No.

Julia : You're doing it again. You're hiding something. Talk to me. I'm not made of glass.

Tom : Fine. Word on the street is that you couldn't hack it on Bombshell, that you had a nervous breakdown, and that I should be looking for another writing partner before my career goes down with yours. You keep promising you'll come out of it, but then you find another reason to crawl back onto the couch. I am running out of excuses for you.

Julia : Mm hmm.

Tom : I don't want a new writing partner, okay? I just want my old one back.


Jessica : So this is Greenpoint.

Bobby : Half pierogies and half poseurs... What's not to love?

Ana : So where is this guy?

Karen : I'm looking. I'm looking.

Bobby : I'm gonna get me some moonshine... Or that.

Karen : That's Kyle. Don't you dare.

Jessica : Too late.

Karen : Oh, there he is, in the red flannel.

Ana : Okay, I'll admit that's worth getting on the "G" train for. What are you waiting for? Go say hi.

Karen : Okay.

Ana : Go. Don't be uptight!

Karen : Hey. Nice place.

Jimmy : Thanks. Nice shoe.

Karen : Oh. It's sticky.

Jimmy : Kyle said he invited you. I said you didn't know where Brooklyn was.

Karen : I hate to rock your world. I used to live in Brooklyn.

Jimmy : You are rocking my world.

Karen : Uh, my first apartment was in Fort Greene, FYI. Did it ever occur to you I might be a little cooler than you think?

Jimmy : Well, you just said "FYI," so, no.

Karen : So what does a girl got to do to get a drink around here?

Jimmy : Ky, we need some more brew! That. You can have mine for now.

Karen : Thanks.


Ivy : Okay, what is going on with you?

Derek : Oh, God, haven't you heard? Well, picture a whole line of rockettes... A big pile of girls, all telling lies about me. You know what I'm like. I'm not that bad. Oh, come on! Look... I know it was a big mess at the end, and... I was a complete ass, all right? But I'm not a monster, am I?

Ivy : Why do you care what I think all of a sudden? Shouldn't you be asking Karen? Isn't she your muse?

Derek : Oh, maybe. Whatever. You're my friend. All right, you were my friend.

Ivy : I was a lot of things, Derek. But now I don't know what I am anymore. Or if I even want to stay in this business.

Derek : You're far too good to pack it in... don't be so stupid.

Ivy : I couldn't have been that good. I wasn't Marilyn.

Derek : You were my Marilyn. What do I know? I made a million stupid mistakes. Just prove me wrong. You are a singular talent. Don't give up.

Ivy : I don't think you're a monster. Nope, not gonna happen.

Derek : Right.


Eileen : Miriam... How great to see you. What a night. Everybody's here.

Miriam : Eileen, I was told you wouldn't be joining us this evening.

Eileen : Well, you were told wrong. I wouldn't dream of missing this. After all, what's more important to me than our community?

Miriam : I would think, at this moment, your legal troubles.

Eileen : Miriam, you and I have a long history together. Surely you know I'm a woman of integrity.

Miriam : I have an organization to protect. In these economic times, we can't afford even a whiff of impropriety. So I trust you'll understand why I have to ask you and your team to leave. I should have known they were here with you. I'm so sorry no one in New York will get to see what you lost everything for. Best wishes to you.


Jimmy : Yeah, yeah, I liked the strokes too, when I was 15.

Karen : Ugh! You know what you are? A snob.

Jimmy : Me?

Karen : Yeah.

Jimmy : I'm a snob?

Karen : Uhhuh.

Jimmy : At least I'm not uptight.

Karen : No, no, don't change the subject. You heard me, snob. Deal with it. So is that the piano you don't play?

Jimmy : Yeah, I play a little... Whatever... When I'm in the mood.

Karen : Well, I sing a little when I'm in the mood.

Jimmy : Oh, I'll bet you do. So how will I know if you're in the mood.

Karen : Well... It'll be very obvious. I might, like, look around and... figure out what the vibe is.

Jimmy : Okay.

Karen : And then I might just... stand up... and stretch... warm up a bit.

Jimmy : I think I get the picture.

Karen : And then I... I might just finish my drink. Oops, already did... Kind of. Oop. Oh! And, um, probably just... sing a song.

[Karen - Caught In The Storm ]

Jimmy : You son of a bitch.


Kyle : Hold up a second!

Jimmy : You stole my songs?

Kyle : What? No.

Jimmy : I should kick your ass.

Kyle : Would you calm down? I just showed her one... I had no idea she was gonna do that.

Karen : I.. I'm so sorry. I didn't think you'd get so mad.

Jimmy : Stay out of this, princess.

Karen : Oh, my God. I-I just think you're really talented. I want to help.

Jimmy : I don't need your help, all right? I-I write for myself. You want to go write your own musical? Great. Go ahead. Leave mine alone.

Kyle : It's not just yours!

Jimmy : Yeah, says the guy who sits there and watches me write the songs.

Karen : Hey... your music is really good. I know it's scary to put yourself out there, but you have to... otherwise, you're never gonna know how good you are.

Jimmy : Yeah. Well, unlike you, I don't need other people to tell me I'm good. I know I'm good.

Karen : I know I'm good too.

Jimmy : Oh, yeah? Then why aren't you out there onstage, in the city, taking your curtain call, instead of out here, begging two strangers for a song to help you get there! You know, I think you should just take your friends and go.

Karen : Don't worry. We're going.


Tom : Well, we came, we saw, we got shunned. I say we go.

Eileen : We're going... But not until we do something very important.

Julia : What's going on? I want to help.

Eileen : Good. I want the world to see what it would miss if Bombshell went away.

Tom : And how do we do that?

Eileen : We put on a performance they'll never forget.

Julia : I like it. Calling Karen?

Tom : On it. Straight to voice mail. What do we do now?

Ivy : Hi. Sorry. I came as fast as I could.

Julia : Oh, no, please, Ivy. We're just so grateful to you for doing this.

Ivy : Hey, I'm just excited someone still wants to hear me sing.

Derek : I realize you didn't want me here, but here I am.

Eileen : Oh, please. None of us are supposed to be here.

Julia : Hello. Hi. I'm Julia Houston. Just wanted to make a little impromptu tribute to Miriam Abramson for pulling off this incredible night. Right? I am happy to introduce... Ivy Lynn... One of Broadway's future stars, who will be singing one of our songs from Bombshell, coming to Broadway... This season.

Eileen : Yeah.

[Ivy - They just keep moving the line ]

Eileen : Now I'm ready to go.


Jerry : Well, you certainly made an impresion last night.

Eileen : More than you know. Turns out the U.S. attorney's wife was there.

Jerry : How about that? What a happy coincidence.

Eileen : Yes, and it seems that we're allowed to resume work on the show, just so long as it's not for profit or public consumption.

Jerry : But how can you resume work on the show if you don't have the money to pay anyone? How much do you need?

Eileen : I'll have my lawyer draw up a contract. I don't want to owe you anything but money.

Jerry : Wonderful.


Jimmy : Dude... Yo! All right, cut the cold shoulder. Just spit it out.

Kyle : You know what I'm upset about. You cost us our one shot with a real Broadway actor with actual connections.

Jimmy : Look, I'm sorry if I... overreacted. That girl just bugs me. She's so full of herself, you know?

Kyle : Well, she's gone, so you got your way, as always. You know, I've been cleaning up your messes since we were kids. Without me, you wouldn't have a job or an apartment or any friends because you piss everyone off. And that girl was the one person who could have gotten us closer to everything I've ever wanted. Would it have killed you to do something for me for once?

Jimmy : I made coffee this morning.

Kyle : And by the way, I don't just watch you write. I'm writing the book for this thing. Selfish prick.


Tom : Wow. What's the occasion?

Julia : These are apology muffins.

Tom : Ah. They do look very guilty.

Julia : Tom, I am so sorry for everything. Last night I got so excited about the show again, just hearing Ivy sing our song. I promise I will work from here to eternity to make it up to you... and to Bombshell, if we're lucky enough to get another chance.

Tom : Thanks and I'm sorry I lied to you. It was dumb. So, in the spirit of honesty and as your friend and partner... Can I say something?

Julia : Yes.

Tom : It's time to retire the scarves.


Man : Yo.

Karen : Hey.

Ana : Sorry.

Karen : At least someone had a good time last night.

Jimmy : Hey.

Karen : How did you find me? Oh, my God, where did you get that?

Ana : I may have left that on their fridge last night. Hmm. What?

Man : What's up, Jimmy?

Ana : Come on.

Jimmy : Hey.

Ana : You need to get back inside.

Jimmy : Um... This is everything I've written so far.

Karen : Oh. I didn't expect this.

Jimmy : Yeah. The only reason I'm trusting you with this is because I owe it to Kyle.

Karen : Thank you. I think this could be really big.


Ivy : I figured you might need a little extra caffeine this morning and a little extra grease.

Derek : You're too kind.

Ivy : And I wanted to thank you for what you said last night. You really helped pull me out of my funk.

Derek : What did I say? I'm teasing, darling... Anytime.

Ivy : This storm's gonna pass for you too. Right now you're just in the worst of it. And... I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? Do you have company or something?

Derek : Actually, I do. We're just having a little work session.

Karen : Hey.

Ivy : Oh, hi. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to intrude.

Karen : I heard you saved the day last night. I was on the subway when they called me.

Ivy : Yeah. It was fun. So I guess I'll see you guys around.

Karen : Bye.

Derek : Right, then... This kid's song better be good enough to get me out of bed with a stinking hangover.

Karen : Let's see, shall we?

Derek : Mm-hmm.

Karen : What was that about?

Derek : Nothing important.

[Jimmy - Broadway, Here I Come ]

Kikavu ?

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