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#201 : En route pour Broadway

Bombshell retourne à New York dans l'espoir d'obtenir un théâtre pour ses débuts à Broadway, mais un nouveau scandale pourrait bien remettre son futur en question.

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On Broadway

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En route pour Broadway

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Veronica Moore (Jennifer Hudson)

Veronica Moore (Jennifer Hudson)

Karen chante sur scène

Karen chante sur scène

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Karen Cartwright sur scène

Karen Cartwright sur scène

Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) et Sam Strickland (Leslie Odom Jr) dans la rue.

Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) et Sam Strickland (Leslie Odom Jr) dans la rue.

Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez)

Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez)

Veronica Moore se prépare avant de monter sur scène

Veronica Moore se prépare avant de monter sur scène

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) et Dereck Wills (Jack Davenport) discutent

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) et Dereck Wills (Jack Davenport) discutent

Karen (Katharine McPhee) chante avec Veronica

Karen (Katharine McPhee) chante avec Veronica

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 05.02.2013 à 21:00
4.48m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Michael Morris
Scénario : Joshua Safran

Le cast de « Bombshell » rentre de Boston. L’avenir se présente sous un bel augure pour Karen, acclamée à Boston et qui partage désormais un appartement avec son amie, Ana. Le cast et l’équipe créative se remettent immédiatement au travail, mais pas avant qu’Eileen ne prévienne les comédiens que leurs contrats ne seront pas tous renouvelés. En privé, l’équipe créative discute des modifications à apporter à « Bombshell ». De son côté, Eileen organise une soirée pour la presse. Ivy réalise que, Karen étant désormais la star de la production, sa place est en danger.

Derek et Karen assistent ensemble à la production de « Beautiful », une comédie musicale dont Veronica Moore, une actrice et chanteuse récompensée par un Tony, est la star. Veronica est une amie proche de Derek, et la paire travaillera ensemble sur la production « The Wiz ». Après le spectacle, Veronica offre quelques conseils de survie à Karen : quand tu es une star, il y a toujours quelqu’un prêt à prendre ta place. Néanmoins, si le travail est là, ils n’en seront pas capables. Cette nuit-là, Ivy suggère à Tom qu’elle et les filles chantent « Smash » à la fête d’Eileen, en plus du solo de Karen. Ivy prétend que cela offrira à la presse un plus large aperçu du spectacle, mais en réalité elle se bat pour affirmer sa place dans la production.

Alors qu’Eileen attend Jordan Roth au restaurant, son ex-mari l’intercepte et lui annonce qu’il veut investir dans la production, désormais un succès. Eileen le rembarre alors même que Jordan s’arrête à la table avec une grande nouvelle : il propose le St. James Theatre à « Bombshell ». LE jour suivant, aux répétitions de la soirée, Ivy demande sans détours à Julia si son contrat est en danger. Julia lui explique qu’elle présenter ses excuses à Karen, pas pour ce qu’elle a fait, mais pour la raison de ses actes. Dans un autre restaurant, Derek rencontre un journaliste qui l’interroge sur le départ de Rebecca Duvall de la production. Plus tard, Karen avoue à Derek qu’elle ne peut pas protéger son travail si Ivy se place constamment sur son chemin. Etonnement, Derek lui annonce que si elle veut voir Ivy hors de la production, alors ce sera fait.

Alors qu’ils se promènent dans les rues de New York, Tom essaie de convaincre Sam d’accepter un rôle principal dans la tournée de la production « The Book Of Mormon », mais Sam n’a pas vraiment envie de laisser Tom et « Bombshell » derrière lui. Tom lui confie également qu’il a peur de parler à Julia des critiques qu’elle refuse de lire : Tom est largement loué, alors que Julia est énormément critiquée. Alors qu’ils arrivent à un croisement, le couple aperçoit le mari de Julia, Frank, tenant la porte d’un taxi à une belle jeune femme…

A la soirée, les invités discutent du dernier article publié sur « Bombshell », qui prétend que la sortie soudaine de Rebecca serait du à un harcèlement sexuel de la part de Derek. Derek est inquiet, il y a beaucoup en jeu pour lui et la dernière dont il a besoin est bien nouvelle bavure sur sa réputation. Au milieu du chaos, Eileen apprend que Jordan Roth ne viendra pas à la soirée. Pour distraire leurs invités, Karen et Veronica chante un grand classique, « On Broadway ». Hypnotisé par la performance, Derek prend Karen à part et le couple partage un instant chargé d’émotions, qui aurait bien pu mener à un baiser si Ivy ne les avait pas interrompu.

Quand Ivy demande à Derek pourquoi il l’a appelée, il avoue que son contrat ne sera pas renouvelé. Plus tard, dans le hall, Ivy annonce à Karen que c’était la bonne chose à faire, même si Karen ne peut pas détester Ivy autant qu’elle-même se déteste pour ce qu’elle a fait. Elle avoue avoir fait quelque chose de vraiment stupide dans le premier preview de Karen, et pour quoi ? Un rôle ? Karen est surprise par l’honnêteté d’Ivy. Après que Tom ait raconté à Julia avoir vu Frank avec une autre femme, Julia confronte Frank. Stupéfié qu’elle ait l’audace de le critiquer après tout ce qu’elle a fait, Frank fait une scène au beau milieu de la soirée. Peut-être bien qu’il devrait coucher avec quelqu’un pour égaliser le score ! Après tout, il semblerait bien que tous les membres de la production couchent les uns avec les autres !

Dehors, Tom réconforte une Julia en pleurs. Non seulement son mariage est terminé, mais Julia confesse avoir lu les critiques, prétendant seulement ne pas les avoir lu car elle était mortifiée. Tout ce quelle fait tourne mal. Tom promet de l’aider. Il est son partenaire après tout, contre vents et marées. A l’intérieur, Eileen annonce à son équipe créative que la production est officiellement gelée. Le gouvernement a été informé de la provenance de l’argent emprunté par Eileen pour financer la production, et tout le projet fait désormais l’objet d’une enquête.

Le jour suivant, Derek et Karen font le point sur tout ce qui s’est passé. Comment tout ce sur quoi ils ont travaillé comme des acharnés a-t-il pu s’écrouler en une soirée ? Derek espère que Karen trouvera un autre projet avec un impact aussi fort que « Bombshell ». A l’appartement de Tom, lui et Julia décident de vivre ensemble en attendant que Julia reprenne pied. Il n’y a qu’une condition : Tom doit arrêter de lui cacher des choses. Cela inclue un article du New York Post déclarant que le livret de Julia a besoin d’une grosse masse de travail. Une Karen désabusée finit son verre dans un bar vide. Le barman, Kyle, reconnait Karen de « Bombshell » et la supplie de signer son Playbill. C’est l’heure de la fermeture, et alors que Karen est priée de sortir, elle entend quelqu’un jouer du piano et chanter une magnifique chanson. C’est Jimmy, un beau serveur du restaurant que Karen à qui Karen a déjà parlé quelques jours auparavant. Kyle lui dit que la chanson qu’elle entend est extraite de la comédie musicale qu’il est en train d’écrire avec Jimmy. Karen ne peut pas détacher ses yeux de Jimmy et appelle Derek pour lui faire écouter le morceau. Quand Jimmy chante ses dernières notes, Karen réalise qu’elle a trouvé quelque chose, quelque chose de spécial.

[Karen - Cut, Print, Movin' On ]

 Ivy : After you.

Karen : You can get the next one.


Derek : Okay, everyone, now that we're finally here, first things first, please... For a job well done... In Boston. That was then. This is now. Eileen.

Eileen : I trust you all enjoyed yourselves up there. We had a successful run. I would say, overall, the experience was instructive. But before we apply its lessons, there's a small question of where. It is my goal to book us a Broadway theater by the end of this week.

Derek : In the meantime, if any of you get any other offers, go on vacation, or frankly even think about getting a haircut, let us know.

Eileen : While I'd like to publicly state that it is my intention to pick up everyone's contract... Depending on the changes made by the creative team, we may not be able to do that.

Julia : But we're not there yet. We thank you. And we hope to see you on Broadway soon.

Eileen : And no raises, so don't ask. Karen, can I have a word, please?

Karen : Sure. Yes.


Bobby : "Some of you will cease to exist after the creative team's changes"?

Ivy : I'm not worried.

Bobby : You should be. She's part of the creative team now. If I were you, I'd keep an eye on my back, make sure there's no target on it.


Eileen : I'm planning a little soiree for the press this weekend, a sort of coming-out party for the show. I'd love it if you'd sing something, perhaps the opening number.

Karen : Of course. Yeah, that'd be great. Anything for you.

Eileen : Great. Well, maybe you'd like to choose a couple backup singers. It can be whoever you want.

Karen : Well, Jessica and Beth, of course.

Eileen : And one more.

Karen : Joy.

Eileen : Joy. Great. Linda?

Linda : Yes.

Eileen : Would you grab Jessica, Beth, and Joy for me?

Linda : Hey, girls...

Eileen : I hope you're ready. It all starts now.




Eileen : Moving on... Michael Swift wants to be let out of his contract. He feels that he did us a favor when we were in a bind and we have ample time to recast. I, uh, trust there are no objections?

Derek : Nope.

Eileen : Okay, good. Let's talk about the reviews.

Julia : Uh, remember, I haven't read them.

Derek : You're not serious.

Tom : She never does.

Julia : I just read Tom's face. It tells me everything I need to know.

Derek : Oh, did Tom's face tell you what they singled out, then? Me, the cast...

Eileen : Derek.

Derek : She's the one who hasn't read them.

Julia : I don't need some critic getting in my head. I sat in the audience for three weeks. I know there are things that need to be done. I want this to be the best it can be.

Eileen : And that's what we're going to do. After my meeting tonight with Jordan Roth, we're going to book the best theater Broadway has to offer... The St. James.

Julia : Oh, the St. James would be so amazing. Oklahoma! opened there.

Tom : The king and I.

Both : The producers.

Julia : Big hits.

Tom : Long runs.

Julia : Good juju.

Derek : Yeah, okay, great, um... What if we don't get a theater today, hmm? I've got a lot of projects waiting to hear how busy I'm gonna be... I want to know what to plan for.

Eileen : Don't worry about it, Derek. I'll get it. Meanwhile, keep our leading lady happy. Everyone's talking about her. They want to know if she's as good as they've heard.

Derek : Oh, she's better.

Tom : Yes, we all know where you stand on the matter.

Derek : Oh, and it's not just me. Or didn't you read the reviews either?

Julia : Oh, God, not listening. Going outside.

Derek : "When Karen Cartwright implores you to let her be your star, you'd have no problem answering with a resounding 'yes, ' if it weren't..."

Tom : I'm aware.

Derek : It's not you I'm worried about.

Tom : I'm handling it.

Derek : Yeah, well, can we not do it on Tom time, please? Sometime this century would be nice. Call me when you have a reason to.

Eileen : Bye, Derek.


Karen : Thank you, Ana, for letting me move in and everything.

Ana : Well, thank my roommate for doing that Disney cruise. Where are you going tonight, by the way?

Karen : Derek is taking me to see Veronica Moore and then meet her after.

Ana : Oh, you get to meet her? I'm so jealous. She's incredible. You're gonna love the show too. It's about this, like, sweet, 1950s Aretha/Etta James type, but she has this really overbearing mother.

Karen : Well, don't spoil it.

Ana : Here.

Karen : How do I look?

Ana : Like you care.

Karen : Maybe I do. See ya later, sweet cheeks.

Ana : Bye.


Sam : So what'd your agent say?

Ivy : When I told him that he should expect a phone call about my contract, he said that the agency had already received phone calls for their other clients.

Sam : Maybe they're calling alphabetically. They just haven't gotten to "l" yet.

Ivy : Did you get a call, Sam Strickland? Yeah. What can I do about it?

Sam : Besides be on your best behavior... Which I know you already are... You got to find a way to stay with the show.

Ivy : Any suggestions?

Sam : Well, you're an amazing singer, an even better actress. Remind everybody why they fell in love with you in the first place. Once you do that, you can get back on the road to becoming the star you were intended to be.

Ivy : What is a star, anyway? Do they even still exist?


[♪ Mama makes three ♪ - Veronica Moore]

Derek : Hey.

Veronica : How you doing?

Derek : I'm good. Karen Cartwright.

Veronica : Ah.

Karen : Veronica, you were incredible.

Veronica : Ronnie. Great to meet you. Derek's told me all about you. Y'all give me a second. Let me get dressed. And I'll be back.

Derek : Come in. You ready for your last performances?

Veronica : Not really. It's sad to leave.

Derek : It's time to move on. We're doing a revival of The Wiz after I finish with you.

Karen : I know. I can't wait.

Veronica : Another good-girl role for Broadway's sweetheart.

Derek : As long as you keep winning them Tonys, darling.

Karen : Oh, if you don't mind me saying, the speech you gave when you won your first one, about the things you gave up when you started out and how those sacrifices weren't for nothing, it was a huge inspiration to me.

Derek : I have a question, Ronnie. What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone who's about to get exactly where you are?

Veronica : That's easy. Protect the work. The moment you lose focus, the moment the work suffers. Someone's always waiting to take you down, honey. But if the work's good, they won't be able to.

Karen : That's good advice. Thank you.

Veronica : You're welcome. Get ready. This is gonna be you in six months.


Tom : Look at 'em. Two years later, they're still smiling.

Julia : Eh.

Tom : So it's a piece of fluff. Bombshell will take us to the next level. You know we have some stuff to fix first, right? I mean, it isn't perfect.

Julia : Of course. Everyone has their work to do, even you. Okay. Time to go. I promised Frank that I would be there when he got home from his dinner with the new superintendent.

Tom : I am so glad it's working out between you two.

Julia : We're trying.

Tom : I know you are. So how long do you think till we hear from...


Jerry : Eileen.

Eileen : Jerry. I thought I felt a chill. That seat's taken.

Jerry : Oh, by, uh, Jordan Roth. I don't see him. Maybe he knows, like everyone else knows, you don't have the capital yet to take Bombshell to Broadway. I could help. I have a lot of friends.

Eileen : Yes, mine... The ones you stole.

Jerry : If only you would stop, stop thinking the worst of me.

Eileen : I know you, and I know what you're up to. You saw my show, and you saw it was better than anything you have. So you called all the theater owners to block my way, hoping that I would come to you in my time of need. If you want in, you should just say so.

Jerry : I want in.

Eileen : Get out of here before I throw another drink in your face.

Jordan : Eileen, I'm so sorry I'm late.

Eileen : Jordan. Nonsense. You already called.

Jordan : Does he know?

Eileen : No. Should we tell him?

Jordan : I have offered Bombshell to the St. James.

Eileen : Isn't that wonderful? Oh. It's Nick, my boyfriend. Excuse me. Hi. Guess what. I hope you're sitting down. We're going to Broadway.

Jordan : Excuse me.

Jerry : Mm.


[Karen  - ♪ Let me be your star ]

Linda : And then people will clap, Eileen will speak, and the other number will start.

Karen : Uh, another? Eileen only asked me to do one.

Linda : Oh, it's not you. It's Ivy and the ensemble. They're going to sing Smash.

Tom : Linda, can we do something about the angle of this piano? I feel like I can't see anyone.

Linda : Well, sure. What if we...

Ivy : I know you won't believe me, but this isn't about you.

Karen : No, it's about you, as usual. Excuse me.

Julia : Seems like old times.

Ivy : Can I ask you a question?

Julia : Go ahead.

Ivy : What is my future with this show exactly? I want to do everything I can to ensure that when it opens on Broadway that I'm a part of it. And my agent still hasn't gotten a phone call...

Julia : That's why you asked to sing. Okay, here's my answer. It's not gonna be easy. You need to apologize to Karen for whatever it is that went on between you two.

Ivy : I already did, in Boston.

Julia : Well, maybe you were apologizing for the wrong thing. After the whole Michael... Well, you know... Um... I spent a lot of time telling my husband I was sorry for what I did. But it meant nothing until I apologized for why I did it. If you could stop making this about what happened and tell her why it did, you might just get a second chance.

Tom : Ivy, you're up.

Julia : Good luck. I'm rooting for you.


Michael : So, Derek, another big moment for you... Bombshell and The Wiz treading the boards the same season.

Derek : Mm hmm. Did you see the show in Boston?

Michael : Not only did I see it, I saw it with Rebecca Duvall. I don't suppose you have anything to say about her abrupt exit from the show? No comment. Really?

Derek : Ah.

Karen : Okay.

Derek : Okay, Rebecca Duvall is a superstar. And like most superstars, she knows what she's good at... And what she isn't.

Michael : If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were suggesting she poisoned herself to get out of her contract.

Derek : I did not say that, Michael, but it would've made a better story.


Jimmy : You gonna sit down and order something?

Karen : No. I'm... I'm waiting for my friend.

Jimmy : Get you something while you wait, then?

Karen : No. Thanks.

Jimmy : I'm Jimmy, by the way.

Karen : Do you talk to all your customers this much?

Jimmy : Are you a customer? Mm, I thought you were just another actress taking a meeting at my station who won't order anything but a glass of water.

Karen : I'm not like that.

Michael : Karen? Michael Riedel.  I can't wait to see you in the show.

Karen : Oh.

Michael : I hear amazing things.

Karen : Thanks. Thank you.

Jimmy : Still or sparkling?

Karen : Tap.

Derek : Hey. I got your text. Is everything okay?

Karen : Did you know about Ivy singing at the party?

Derek : No.

Karen : I keep thinking about what Ronnie said about protecting the work, and I'm worried I won't be able to with Ivy in my face all the time. I mean, I thought...

Derek : Just say the word... And I will let her go. Okay. Consider it done.


Tom : How was your meeting with Casey?

Sam : He offered me the general in the Book of Mormon tour.

Tom : Wow! That's... I mean, congratulations! Wow!

Sam : Eh, it's a great part, but I think I'm gonna stay in the city, you know?

Tom : For Bombsh...You have ten lines in our show. In Mormon, you'd be front and center.

Sam : Without you.

Tom : Sometimes you have to put what's right for you above what's right for someone else.

Sam : Have you ever done that? You didn't allow yourself to feel a second of happiness over the reviews you got. I mean, what did Variety say again?

Tom : I... [Sighs] "Levitt's score is a marvel, full of charm and pizzazz in its pastiche numbers and unparalleled emotion in its introspective moments." Look, I allowed myself some happiness in private. I just didn't want it to seem like I was gloating around Julia. I mean, she got...

Sam : Slammed in reviews she doesn't even know about.

Tom : They loved her lyrics. I'll tell her, in time, just not yet. Her focus needs to be on her marriage. We're partners, Sam. It's my job to protect her.

Sam : As her partner, it's your job to be the one person who doesn't. I mean, if you can't tell her, who can?

Tom : Maybe I'll never have to. Maybe she'll figure out her problems...

Sam : Is that...

Tom : Frank? Huh.


Jessica : Ivy, have you seen this?

Bobby : Oh, my God, is this for real?

Jessica : Yeah.

Bobby : "Rebecca Duvall has just released a statement claiming the reason she left Broadway-bound musical Bombshell was not due to illness as previously reported, but because the director, Derek Wills, sexually harassed her in her dressing room."

Ivy : Is this some sort of joke?

Bobby : Everyone knows Rebecca Duvall would sleep with a follow spot operator if it meant more light on her downstage.

Ivy : This must be what Derek called me about. Find you guys later? There's something I have to take care of first.

Jessica : Good luck.

Bobby : Your life depends on it.


Derek : Thanks for understanding.

Veronica : What, some actress throwing you under the bus to save face? You may be a womanizer, but I know there's no merit to her story.

Derek : Yeah, well, you might want to tell that to the producers of The Wiz for me.

Veronica : I'll call 'em now.

Derek : Thank you. I'll say hello to Eileen.

Eileen : And here I was, throwing a party and thinking I could talk about the show and not its director's personal life.

Derek : Michael Riedel said he's coming tonight. I want you to turn him away at the door.

Eileen : I don't think so.

Derek : He is the reason she retaliated the way she did. He just ran a quote out of context.

Eileen : I don't blame Michael Riedel for your mess, and neither should you. Now, let's just hope it doesn't blow up into something bigger. I'm going to see if Jordan's arrived for the announcement.

Linda : Frank! It's so good to see you!

Frank : Hey, Linda, how are you?

Linda : Oh, better, now that I've had a break. How are you?

Frank : I'm good. Thanks.

Linda : Oh, that's wonderful. You know how much I've always admired you and Julia's relationship.

Frank : Our relationship?

Linda : Yes. I'm glad you've worked it out.

Frank : Yeah, we, uh... We did. Thanks.

Julia : Hi. Okay, here we go. Eileen had the cocktails named after Marilyn movies. Isn't that cute? I got you a "clash by night."

Frank : Does everyone know?

Julia : Know what?

Frank : Linda just told me how happy she is that we're working on our marriage. Does everyone know about Michael?

Julia : Shows are like families. Everyone knows everything.

Frank : Of course. How could I ever think that our private life is private? I'll take another "clash by night."

Tom : Maybe... Maybe I shouldn't say anything. It could've just been a good-bye between good friends... Very good friends.

Sam : She's your best friend. You should tell her.


Eileen : Wha... you can't make it? Why not? What do you mean "let's talk tomorrow"? Well, do I still have the theater, or don't I? No, you don't have to go. Jordan Roth isn't coming. Something must've happened.

Tom : Maybe he heard about Rebecca.

Derek : Maybe he read Julia's reviews.

Eileen : Well, the press are here waiting for an announcement. If he doesn't show, they're gonna notice. I need something to distract them while I get to the bottom of this.

Veronica : Why not use her?

Karen : Hi.

Eileen : Good thinking.


Tom : Uh, everybody, please, put your hands together for Bombshell very own Marilyn, Karen Cartwright, plus, a very special guest... Two-time Tony award winner Veronica Moore.

[Karen & Veronica  - ♪ On Broadway ]

Veronica : Thanks.

Karen : Thank you.

Veronica : Thank you. Thank you.


Derek : Bravo.

Karen : Thank you.

Derek : I wasn't doing so well, but I feel better. How did you do that?

Karen : I'm your muse. It's what we do.

Derek : Just, um...

Ivy : Is that why you called me... To tell me you're with Karen? Because you didn't have to. It's very clear to everyone...

Derek : Look, I am not with Karen. And that is not why I called you.

Ivy : Well, then why did you call me? Oh, my God. You're letting me go. Because of her?

Derek : Ivy.


Frank : What happened to the drinks?

Julia : Who were you with tonight before you met me?

Frank : What? No one.

Julia : Tom saw you.

Frank : She's just... Someone from school, you know, the new superintendent. It was nothing.

Julia : Well, then why didn't you just tell me you were meeting?

Frank : Are you kidding me with this?

Julia : It's just a question. I'm not accusing you of anything.

Frank : Not accusing me? My God, Julia, really? Coming from you?

Julia : Frank. Frank.

Frank : No, Julia. I can't believe this... Suspecting me of something when you're the one who did everything.

Julia : Frank, calm down.

Frank : And you didn't do it just once either. And that's just the affairs that I know about.

Julia : [Softly] Frank, let's just talk about this calmly, okay?

Frank : You know what? Mary, the woman from school... I didn't sleep with her. I wanted to. Maybe... Maybe I should to even the score, huh? Would that make it okay? Or should I just sleep with someone in the cast... Keep it in the family? After all, you did, and Tom did. And... and Derek did with every actress who put on a Marilyn wig. Why the hell can't I?

Michael : Can I quote you on that?

Derek : Oh, come on.


Ivy : Karen. Look, I...

Karen : I... After you.

Ivy : Having me fired...

Karen : Ivy, I...

Ivy : Was absolutely right. You hate me. You should. But even you can't hate me as much as I hate myself for what I did. And the crazy part is that you don't even know how bad it got. That night of your first preview in Boston, I was a mess. I almost... I almost did something really stupid. And for what? Because I was jealous? Because of a part in some show? I'm truly sorry... That I ever got in your way. Good luck. You deserve it.


Tom : What happened? And where's Frank?

Julia : Gone. My marriage is over.

Tom : I'm so sorry.

Julia : And to think that, I thought, when I saw your face, that you were gonna tell me about the reviews.

Tom : I promised I wouldn't.

Julia : I read them opening night. I pretended that I didn't 'cause I was so mortified. Everything that I've done... Has turned out so wrong. What if I can't fix it?

Tom : I'll help you. I'm your partner.


Karen : Eileen, hi. Um, I know Derek was gonna let Ivy go. But I've been thinking...

Derek : Eileen, before we even print a word... Sorry, excuse me, darling. Okay, I got a plan. Um, you need to make a statement in support of me, please.

Eileen : I can't do that, Derek.

Derek : Yeah, you can. Just do it. This place is all full of journalists. Just pick one. I'm serious, Eileen. If you want me to continue with the show, you...

Eileen : I don't give a damn what you do, Derek. There is no show.

Julia : What do you mean, there's no show?

Eileen : Someone tipped off the government about the money I've been using to finance the show and who it came from. Bombshell is under investigation and, as such, is frozen, along with the remaining funds. Now, if you'll forgive me, I have to go talk to my lawyers.


Karen : I still don't understand what happened. All this hard work... It can't really be over, can it?

Derek : It's not unheard of, you know.

Karen : That's crazy. A whole year gone by... It's like waking up from some dream.

Derek : Yeah, well, at least you woke up. It looks like my nightmare is just beginning. If I lose The Wiz and Bombshell...

Karen : Maybe I can help? I'm still your muse, aren't I?

Derek : Yeah, something like that. Look, I hope you find something else for yourself, Karen... Something that hits you the way Bombshell hit me. Oh, if you do... Give me a call. I might need a job.


Tom : How you feeling?

Julia : Oh, uh... As bad as I should. You really don't mind me crashing here?

Tom : Not as long as you can make room on this sofa for me. I'm gonna tell Sam he should take the tour.

Julia : I'm sorry.

Tom : Single again, at this age... Who'd want me?

Julia : Anyone in their right mind.

Tom : Then I probably wouldn't want them. You know what? Why don't you just stay here?

Julia : What?

Tom : Why not? It'll be like old times... Or a sitcom. Maybe even get some work done. Plus, I'd get to see Leo more.

Julia : I mean, if you really mean it, just, you know... Just until I figure out what's happening.

Tom : Don't make me beg.

Julia : Okay, wait. Uh-uh. One condition, though. Don't hide anything from me anymore... Not the truth, not the newspaper. Hand it over.

Tom : Are you sure?

Julia : Look... I can't feel any worse than I do now, right?

Tom : Okay. You're gonna need something stronger than tea.


Ivy : Hi.

Casting Agent : You're, uh, here for the ensemble, right?

Ivy : That's right.

Casting Agent : Oh. You were in Bombshell. What a mess, huh?

Ivy : Actually... It was pretty great.

[Ivy  - ♪ Don't dream it's over ]


Jimmy : Hey, you done? Bar's closing.

Karen : Sign says you're open till 1:00. It's only quarter to.

Jimmy : Yeah, and you've been watching your ice melt for the past 20 minutes. While I appreciate you actually ordered something, people got to get back to their real lives.

Karen : Yeah. This is my real life.

Jimmy : Alone at a bar at 12:45... sorry.

Karen : You really don't have the "talking to customers" thing down, do you?

Jimmy : You want to teach me?

Karen : Keep the change.

Jimmy : I'm good. Thanks.

Karen : Is he always like that?

Kyle : Yeah, kind of. Hey, um, don't I know you?

Karen : I doubt it.

Kyle : Karen Cartwright? I saw you in Bombshell. You were incredible. I was so sorry to read about what happened.

Karen : Me too. Thanks.

Kyle : Hey, um, will you do me a favor? Can you sign this for me? I know, it's really corny. But, um, I have this collection of programs from failed musicals... Oh, damn, I'm sorry. I have this thing... I just start talking before I realize that I'm talking, and then...

Karen : It's okay.

Jimmy : Kyle, we got to get going.

Karen : Oh, are you two... Are you guys, like...

Kyle : Us? No. God, no. I mean, he's not... But does it look like we are?

Karen : You have a good night.

[Jimmy  - Broadway, Here I Come ]

Karen : I forgot my phone. Sorry.

Kyle : Oh, you didn't see this. He's not playing the piano. He's not supposed to.

Karen : What is that he's playing?

Kyle : It's, uh... Just a song he... We wrote for, um... for this musical we're working on.

Karen : Cool.

Kyle : Look, you really got to go. I'm sorry.

Karen : Derek.

Derek : Karen, it's late. What's going on?

Karen : You need to hear something.

Derek : What are you talking about?

Karen : Listen.

Derek : Where are you? What is that?

Karen : Something else.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 19 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

19.02.2020 vers 18h

08.11.2018 vers 23h

16.08.2018 vers 14h

10.02.2018 vers 23h

07.03.2017 vers 22h

15.10.2016 vers 20h

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Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

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