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#107 : Show devant !


L'équipe se prépare à présenter leur travail aux investisseurs potentiels. La mère d'Ivy, une star de Broadway, fait une apparition à l'atelier. Karen reçoit une offre d'un grand producteur musical. Julia et Michael font face aux conséquences de leurs actes.

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The Workshop

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Show devant !


Promo 107 (VO)

Promo 107 (VO)


Plus de détails

Réalisation : Mimi Leder 
Scénario :
Jason Grote

Guests : Bernadette Peters (Leigh Conroy); Will Chase (Michael Swift)

Karen sèche les répétitions pour une séance d’enregistrement afin de préparer une démo pour le célèbre mais mystérieux Mr. Raskin. Elle ne le rencontre toujours pas mais impressionne l’ingénieur du son avec sa reprise de "Brighter Than the Sun", de Colbie Caillat.

Ivy arriva aux répétitions avec derrière elle, sa mère, la célèbre artiste de Broasway, Leigh Conroy. Leigh a l’habitude d’être le centre des attentions et vole la vedette en chantant "Roses Turn » pour l’ensemble venu répéter. Ivy l’observe d’un mauvais œil, fatiguée du comportement de sa mère.

La liaison de Julia et Michael est plus forte que jamais, jusqu’à ce que la femme de ce dernier, ainsi que son fils, débarquent en plein milieu de la répétition. Julia craque et fuit le studio de répétition pour retrouver sa famille, chez elle. Elle est choquée de retrouver Leo en train de fumer de l’herbe avec son ami. Elle le gronde, mais Leo lui fait comprendre qu’il est courant pour sa liaison avec Michael. Julia est clouée.

L’atelier est dans tout juste 24 heures, et Eileen a un gros problème : l’air conditionné ne fonctionne plus. Keith, le barman du Boushouac l’entend se plaindre et lui propose généreusement son aide. Eileen emmène Keith, Ellis et le plombier recommandé par Keith dans le sous-sol, auprès de la chaudière.

John, le ‘non’petit-ami de Tom, arrive à l’atelier et semble prendre tout le monde à rebrousse-poil. Mais Tom est plus déconcerté par Sam qu’il trouve « beaucoup trop » hétéro. Ivy lui rigole au nez et lui annonce que Sam est aussi gay que lui. Tom est choqué par cette nouvelle et se demande pourquoi le comportement de Sam le gêne tant.

Bien que l’air conditionné ne soit pas revenu, l’atelier doit débuter. Ivy fait du premier numéro un succès. Les invités regardent le spectacle, enlevant quelques couches de vêtements au fur et à mesure. Mais alors que l’atelier avance, les choses commencent à aller de travers ; Ivy fait quelques erreurs et ne semble plus avoir la tête dans le jeu.

Michael Swift vole la vedette à Ivy en chantant son solo, "Lexington and 52nd". L’air condittionné revient alors qu’il termine son numéro. L’équipe a des retours mitigés sur la qualité de l’atelier jusque-là. Derek dit à l’équipe qu’ils ont fait un très bon boulot, mais l’ambiance dans le studio ne reflète pas cela. Ivy est loin de ses meilleures performances.

Karen reçoit un appel de Mr. Raskin lui-même, mais choisit de rester à l’atelier, au lieu de le rencontrer. Le reste de l’ensemble pense qu’elle est folle, ce n’est qu’un atelier, alors qu’enregistrer avec Billy Raskin est une opportunité qu’elle n’aura qu’une fois dans sa vie. Mais Karen reste sur sa position, elle ne raterait l’atelier pour rien au monde.

Après l’atelier, la mère d’Ivy lui dit combien tous les éléments du spectacle étaient géniaux, elle mentionne tout sauf Ivy. Ivy craque et lui dit tout ce qu’elle a l’esprit, rien de ce qu’elle fait n’est jamais assez bien pour elle. Pourrait-elle enfin laisser à sa fille une chance de briller ? Ivy laisse sa mère au milieu du studio, embarrassée de réaliser que sa fille a raison.

Plus tard, Leigh et Ivy partage un moment tendre quand Leigh explique à sa fille qu’elle ne veut juste pas qu’Ivy ait à essuyer une nouvelle déception. Elle sait à quel point Broadway peut être cruel. Elle a peur que « Marilyn » soit une autre impasse pour sa fille. Elle n’a aucun doute sur le fait qu’Ivy est une star.

Après l’atelier, Julia, Tom, Eileen et Derek font le point sur les critiques et ce qui doit être modifié. Derek pense qu’il leur faut engager une célébrité. Eileen est d’accord, mais Tom refuse. Julia et Tom pensent, quant à eux, que c’est de Michael Swift que vient le problème. Derek ne veut pas les croire, Michael l’a impressionné. Eileen décide finalement d’écouter les scénaristes. Michael sera remplacé.

Quand Julia rentre chez elle, elle fait savoir à Leo que Michael a été viré parce qu’il n’était pas le bon choix pour le rôle. Leo fond en larmes.

Michael : Hey. You look good today.

Julia : You too.

Derek : You giving my actors notes?

Michael : Oh, I changed a lyric without asking.

Derek : Were they any good?

Julia : Pretty good.

Derek : Okay, so, what's this new lyric?

Michael : Um, I'll go get it.

Derek : Is it hot in here? It's really hot in here!

Ellis : I actually just overheard the building manager talking. He said there's a problem with the boiler.

Eileen : Okay, I'll go talk to him.

Derek : It's ridiculously hot. We've got investors coming in tomorrow!


Engineer : You're late.

Karen : Uh, I know, sorry. The train. Are you Mr. Raskin?

Engineer : Ha!

Karen : I guess not.

Engineer : Let's get this over with. Yo, stop, stop.

Karen : Sorry.

Engineer : Trying to blow out my speakers?

Karen : Oh, I'm really more of a stage performer.

Engineer : Back up from the mic.

[Karen - Brighter Than the Sun ]

Engineer : That was beautiful.

Karen : Thanks.

Engineer : I think I love you.


Julia : Let go of me.

Michael : I have this other lyric I needed to talk to you about.

Tom : Julia. Derek has some questions about the breakup scene.

Julia : Uh, did Ivy get here?

Tom : Still hunting her down, but he doesn't want to wait. They're looking for you both.


Eileen : Look, I talked with you about this, two hours ago.

Building Manager : I called the plumber as soon as you spoke to me.

Eileen : And yet we still have a problem with the heat?

Building Manager : What can I say? It's New York.

Building Manager : Those guys... They're on their own schedule.

Eileen : Perhaps you could call again. I have an extremely important workshop happening in 24 hours.

Building Manager : I would be happy to do that. It's just they got contracts on a lot of buildings. They can't always get the guys over here right away!


Derek : Where's Arthur Miller?

Arthur : Back here.

Derek : I'm gonna need to change your entrance.

Karen : Hey, guys.

Jessica : So, how'd it go?

Karen : Pretty good. A little weird. The studio was, like, state of the art. I've never seen anything like it before.

Bobby : Where were you?

Jessica : Cutting a demo for Bobby Raskin.

Bobby : Shut up.

Karen : Oh, my God. They... they want me back.

Jessica : What?

Karen : I have to go back. They want me back at the recording studio, like, right now. What do I do?

Jessica : Here. Linda... Karen has to take off for an hour or two. Is that gonna be okay?

Linda : Sure thing.

Jessica : Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Ivy : Ugh, we're so late.

Leigh Conroy : Well, traffic was never like this when I lived in New York.

Ivy : Oh... I know, mom. That's why I said we should take the subway.

Leigh : My God. Does this take me back.

Ivy : Derek.

Leigh : Derek Wells. I know you by reputation. Leigh Conroy.

Ivy : My mother.

Derek : You never told me your mother was Leigh Conroy.

Leigh : She is, and she's quite contrite at having caused the late arrival of your star.

Ivy : I told her a cab would take too long, but she won't take the subway.

Leigh : Not in heels I won't. Ivy was quite reluctant to let me come.

Derek : It's an honor to have you.

Julia : Ms. Conroy, forgive me. You've been such an inspiration.

Leigh : Oh, no need for me to forgive you for that.

Bobby : Sing something!

Leigh : No, I couldn't.

Ivy : We do have a lot to get through today.

Jessica : Do “Everything's coming up roses”.

Bobby : Yeah.

Leigh : I couldn't.

Jessica : Oh, come on, please, please. I saw you do it when I was eight, at the Westport Country Playhouse... you were amazing.

Leigh : Unfortunately, our pianist is running late.

Tom : Don't be ridiculous. I know it.

[ Leigh Conroy - Everything's Coming Up Roses ]


Tom : 10:00 in the morning, she sounds like that.

Derek : So are we good?

Ivy : Fine.

Derek : Listen. I know I don't say this enough, but... You're wonderful in this show.

Ivy : Thank you.

Derek : And you're gonna be great tomorrow.


Josh : One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and grab her.

Derek : It's even hotter in here than it was before.

Michael : Sweltering.

Artie : Daddy, daddy!

Monica : Daddy's working.

Michael : Oh!

Monica : I'm sorry. We were in the neighborhood, so...

Michael : What do you got?

Artie : I've got a golden hat.

Michael : I see that.

Monica : He wanted to dress up like daddy.

Derek : The child thing never ceases to perplex me.

Tom : Because you're a reptile.

Julia : Excuse me.

Derek : Oh, did I say something? That's the least offensive thing I've said in days. Oh, you as well.


Tom : Julia.

Julia : I thought I had to throw up. I'm okay.

Tom : Well, that's good. 'Cause I think this gentleman is waiting to get his bike. Sorry. You gonna be okay? Julia, what did... Oh, my God. You did, didn't you? You slept with him?

Julia : I have to go home. I'm sorry. You have to finish the day without me. I have to... I have to go home.

Derek : Where the hell is she? Has anybody seen Julia?

Tom : She had to go home.

Derek : Well, we need to work on “Lexington and 52nd street”.

Tom : I'm here. Let's work.

Derek : No, the song is fine. The book needs work. It's the dialogue. Eileen.

Eileen : She just left?

Tom : Yup. Had to go home.

Derek : Well, she does realize the workshop is tomorrow. I need something to work on. Linda, find me something to work on.


Ellis : Eileen.

Eileen : Ellis.

Ellis : Can I talk to you for a second?

Eileen : Sure.

Ellis : This is difficult, but you really need to know this. Julia is having an affair with Michael Swift. It's why she's been so erratic with the pages. It's completely out of control. They...

Eileen : That's enough. I won't pretend this isn't useful information, because it is. But if I hear you've repeated this to anyone, you'll never work on this production or in this town again. Do we understand each other?

Ellis : Yes.

Eileen : Good.


Leo : Oh... Mom. What... What're you doing here?

Julia : I live here.

Leo : You're supposed to be at rehearsal.

Julia : You're supposed to be not smoking pot. Mason, would you get out of here?

Mason : Oh, yeah. Sure, Mrs. Houston.

Julia : Oh, don't be so polite, you little drug addict. My workshop is tomorrow. You know what I'm in the middle of!

Leo : I do know what you're in the middle of. And I think it sucks, and I think you suck.


Leigh : That Derek's very charming. And so handsome.

Ivy : Mom...

Leigh : He's a very important director. I'm not so sure I'd let him slip out of my hands.

Ivy : I am not talking about this with you.

Leigh : You poor thing. I was over getting nervous by the time I was your age, but you're used to the ensemble.

Ivy : It's not nerves, it's the prednisone. I got these sleeping pills, but I don't want to start taking one thing on top of another.

Leigh : I won a Tony without any of it. Look at that magnetism. No wonder you're nervous. I don't know how you're gonna pull that off.


Eileen : Nobody?

Ellis : Well, it's a union contract. Nobody wants to step on that. It's a problem.

Eileen : Don't talk to me about problems with unions. I work in the theater.

Ellis : Well, I... I did find somebody that said he would step in, but he mostly spoke Chinese, and I couldn't understand what he wanted.

Eileen : What do you mean, "what he wanted"?

Ellis : Well, just in terms of money.

Eileen : I've never heard of a Chinese plumber before.

Nick :So you live on the lower east side, and you've never heard of a Chinese plumber.

Eileen : I'm new to the neighborhood.

Nick :You know, I've got a guy lives upstairs. He did this whole place. Plumbing, wiring, not exactly licensed, but he knows what he's doing.

Eileen : He knows what he's doing?

Nick : Oh, absolutely.

Eileen : Does he speak English?

Nick :Yeah, he speaks English. He's illegal, so he prefers things a little under the table.

Eileen : Well, get him down here.


Leigh : I slept like a rock.


Frank : Hey. The big day. The workshop.


Dev : Who on earth is calling you at 6:00 in the morning?

Karen : Bobby Raskin.


Jessica : Bobby Raskin called, and he wants to meet you.

Bobby : That's incredible. Like, crazy incredible.

Karen : No, no, no, you don't understand. He wants to meet me now, like in half an hour. They said it's the only time, and then he's leaving for a month. He's going somewhere in Europe or Dubai or something. What is with her?

Bobby : Don't worry about Ivy. Why aren't you on your way over there?

Karen : We're starting in half an hour... I'd miss the workshop.

Bobby : You're making $200 a week in this. You're in the chorus, and Bobby Raskin wants to meet with you.

Karen : You think I should just leave?

Bobby : I think it's a crazy opportunity.

Jessica : We'll be fine. You're in the chorus. Nobody will hold it against you. Even Derek will understand.

Karen : Well, I just would never do that. I just wouldn't do that.


Plumber : Looks like the boiler room. It's locked, though.

Eileen : May I? Thank you.

Ellis : Whoa.

Nick :Who was that for?

Eileen : My soon-to-be ex-husband. Despite how this looks, this is all perfectly legitimate.

Plumber : Whatever you say.


Julia : Michael.

Michael : Hey, you.

Julia : No. Leo knows.

Michael : Oh. That's, um... That's something.

Julia : Yeah. And you have that beautiful son. How could you not think of him?

Michael : Don't do this to me again.

Julia : You know I'm right.

Michael : I don't know that.

Derek : Hey. I need you both. They're coming. And can we please just listen to it one last time? Okay, I'm asking nicely. It's just not working. Let's have a run at it, could we? Okay, um... You're being ridiculous.

Michael : Yeah, it's great. Terrific. You're out there, all of New York is staring up your skirt.

Derek : It's just publicity.

Michael : It's dirty. It's filthy.

Derek : Joe.

Michael : Uh, can we hold?

Derek : Yes, all right, fine, I've got it. I'm not the greatest Marilyn. Okay, Julia, step in.

Julia : What?

Derek : Step in. Read for Marilyn.

Julia : Where's Ivy?

Linda : I just got a text. She's stuck in the elevator.

Derek : Oh, my God, this wonderful building. Look, it's now or never. Please.

Julia : I'm not a joke.

Michael : This relationship is a joke.

Julia : That's not the line.

Michael : Well, maybe it should be.

Julia : Look, what do you want out of me?

Michael : What I want is, uh, what's here. What's real between us, and you keep lying.

Julia : I never lie.

Michael : You lie every day. Every day is a lie with you.

Julia : You don't get to decide how these things go. I am not yours to order around. I'm not yours.

Derek : Actually, that's pretty good. Certainly bumps into the song better. Did someone get that?

Julia : Got it.

Michael : Heat's still broken, right? I need a little break.

Derek : Well, stay off the elevator. Write that out for me.

Linda : Okay.

Derek : Hey. Oh, God. You know, early on in my so-called career, I was working on a new play. Promising young playwright, lovely little theater.

Eileen : Hmm.

Derek : Then, one day, we turned up, and the roof had caved in 'cause of a snowstorm. And the leading lady got SARS. Do you remember SARS?

Eileen : Yeah.

Derek : And finally a divan we had on set got bedbugs.

Eileen : Well, that's quite a story.

Derek : Mm-hmm. My point, Eileen, is that sometimes a project is cursed.

Eileen : Derek, this workshop is gonna happen today, as scheduled, and it's gonna be brilliant. Because the material is brilliant, and the songs are brilliant, and you're truly a great enough director to justify your behavior.

Derek : Is that supposed to be flattery?

Eileen : You can take it however you like. But we're gonna make a hit out of this. Because Marilyn deserves it.

Building Manager : Who the hell is that in my boiler room?

Eileen : I called a plumber.

Building Manager : I want him out of here immediately.

Eileen : Not before the heat is fixed.

Building Manager : Fine. I'm calling the cops.

Eileen : Oh, call the cops. And I'll call the Schuberts and the Nederlanders. They all have studios here, and I'm sure they'll be extremely interested to find out just how badly this building is maintained.

Building Manager : Anyone gets hurt, it's on your head.

Eileen : No one's gonna get hurt.

Derek : Wisely done. And we're back!


John : Excuse me, are you in the show?

Sam : Yeah.

John : Could you tell Tom Levitt that John Goodwin's here?

Sam : Sure.

John : Thanks.

Bobby : Uh oh. That's Joe Machota, from CAA.

Karen : Okay, so...

Bobby : So, he just happens to represent about three different stars who would be perfect for Marilyn.

Sam : Guys. You want to maybe shut up? She can hear you.

Bobby : Sorry.

Karen : Sorry.

Sam : Unbelievable.

Tom : Whoa! I'm sorry, You okay?

Sam : Yeah. You'll be stunned to hear that the ensemble's being a shred insensitive, sort of loudly speculating right before the performance that you're planning on replacing Ivy with a star.

Tom : Oh, God.

Sam : It's...

John : Tom?

Tom : John. Hey...

Sam : Oh. Yeah, so, if you get a chance, she could use some encouragement.

Julia : Honey, hi. Where's Leo?

Frank : He's in high school now, honey. He was gonna start skipping things sooner or later.

Michael : Hey, Frank.

Frank : Michael. How are you? Good to see you again. Hey, Leo said that you stopped by the house. You should come by when I'm there... maybe dinner sometime.

Michael : That sounds great.


Tom : How ya feeling?

Ivy : Great. Great. Where's your boyfriend?

Tom : He's not my boyfriend, we're just seeing each other. He's over there, by your... friend.

Ivy : His name is Sam, and what is your problem with him?

Tom : It's just... Okay. He's too straight. I like straight people, that's not the issue. But I just kissed John in front of him, and he was all... You know how some straight people get. He's just too straight.

Ivy : Oh, for crying out loud. He's gay.

Tom : Shut up.

Ivy : Tom, he's been my best friend since I was 18 years old. He is gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.

Tom : He's gay?

Ivy : Where have you been?

Tom : Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me?

Ivy : Who knew your gaydar was so stupid?

Tom : My gaydar is not stupid. I do not have stupid gaydar. Ugh, I hate that word. I can't believe he's gay.

Ivy : What do you care? You're seeing someone. And besides, you can't stand him.

Tom : That's right. How are you?

Ivy : Okay.

Tom : You can tell me anything. You know that, right?

Ivy : My mother is doing everything she can to undermine me. And Karen Cartwright is just handed everything on a plate, and... I really don't think I can do this.

Tom : Ivy, listen to me. You were born to do this. You have ice water in your veins.

Ivy : Thank you.


Eileen : Bill.

Bill : Hi.

Eileen : I'm so happy you could make it.

Nick :Sorry.

Eileen : Is it completely hopeless?

Nick :He's still working. He says he's close, but you got all these people here, so I'm sorry.

Eileen : Well, there's no need to apologize.

Nick :Well, back to work.

Eileen : Nick... Uh, I'd like you to stay and watch, if you want to, that is.

Keith : Sure.

Eileen : Yeah.

Nick :Well, I should maybe wash up a little.

Eileen : Uh, yeah, the bathroom's down the hall.

Nick :I'll be right back.


Derek : Ladies and gentlemen, apologies for the delay. And the heat, which is currently being attended to. Now, as many of you know, this is very much a work in progress. We've focused primarily on the Joe DiMaggio years, and the rest of Marilyn's biography is covered very much in sketch form. But what we have is great. I think you'll agree.

Leigh : Oh, please. Don't mind me. I'm not here.

Derek : Leigh Conroy, ladies and gentlemen.

Leigh : Oh... Thank you. Thank you. Goodness, whew! Apparently, some do like it hot.

Derek : Indeed. And now, without further delay, a brand-new musical about the life of Marilyn Monroe, from the amazing Houston and Levitt.


[Ivy & the cast of Marilyn - Let Me Be Your Star ]

[Ivy & the cast of Marilyn - The 20th Century Fox Mambo ]

[Ivy, Michael & the cast of Marilyn - History is Made at Night ]

[Ivy & the cast of Marilyn - The National Pastime ]


Karen : Aah!

Jessica : Are you okay?

Karen : I'm fine. I think I'm... I'm fine.

Derek : And, uh, that's intermission.


Michael : Jules.

Julia : Not now. Please, Michael.

Michael : We have to deal with this.

Julia : There's nothing to deal with. This is wrong, and you know it. And it's over now.

Michael : All right...

Julia : Hey... Frank.

Frank : Hey, honey. Great work up there.

Julia : Thanks, sweetie.

Michael : 'Scuse me.

Julia : Actors.


Derek : Ivy.

Ivy : Yeah.

Derek : Okay, I'm talking to you as your director now. Get your head in the game. You are great in this. And you can do it better than anyone, but I need you to focus. The show needs you to focus, okay?

Ivy : Is that all?

Derek : Yeah, that's it.

Ivy : Yeah.

Tom : You do not talk to an actor like that at intermission.

Derek : Well, you do if they're off their game. Jordan, hey! Lovely to see you.


Ivy : It's just publicity.

Michael : It's dirty! It's filthy! They're turning you into a joke!

Ivy : I am not a joke.

Michael : This relationship is a joke.

Ivy : Look, what do you want from me?

Michael : What I want is what's here. What's real between us. You keep lying.

Ivy : I never lied.

[Michael - On Lexington & 52nd Street ]

Ivy : Joe... Please don't leave me, Joe. Whoo! Now, that's a fan.

Keith : Sorry.


[The cast of Marilyn - Let Me Be Your Star ]


Tom : We'll see. Bye.

John : Congratulations.

Tom : Thanks.

John : How do you feel about it?

Tom : I feel great.

John : The room was a little hot.

Tom : Will you excuse me for a second?


Derek : That was great, guys, really. I couldn't be prouder.

Karen : I thought it was awesome.

Jessica : The heat boned us.

Bobby : So boned us.

Karen : So what if it was hot? The show was fantastic.

Bobby : Yeah, and then you fell off the bleachers!

Karen : I didn't mean to. But Ivy was incredible. I was just so... I don't know. Overwhelmed.

Bobby : I don't know about incredible.

Karen : You guys know she's not my favorite person, but she was great.

Bobby : You should've taken that meeting with Raskin.

Sam : You had a meeting?

Karen : Yes. And I skipped it to do Marilyn. They think I'm crazy.

Bobby : Yeah.

Jessica : This was just a workshop, Karen. Which didn't pay anything, which probably won't go anywhere.

Karen : I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Jessica : Oh...

Bobby : I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Karen : I didn't say it like that, actually.


Eileen : Thanks for coming. Great to see you. Thanks.

Derek : We need to rethink some things.

Eileen : Not right now.

Derek : Of course, but soon.

Nick :I'm sorry about the plumber.

Eileen : Don't be silly.

Nick :This was great, though. A lot of fun.

Eileen : Thanks for coming.

Nick :Gonna have to come to more of these.

Derek : Who the hell is that?

Eileen : He makes the best $7 Martinis in Manhattan.

Derek : How nice for him.


Leigh : Bravo, darling.

Ivy : Thanks, mom.

Leigh : The songs are excellent, and the direction, and who was that boy that played Joe DiMaggio? He was terrific. I just loved the whole thing.

Ivy : Well, what about me?

Leigh : Well...

Ivy : Forget it. Just forget it.

Leigh : Ivy!

Ivy : Look, how am I supposed to be anything when you're always here, sucking up the light like a... like a black hole?

Leigh : Sweetheart...

Ivy : Don't even. You say something cruel every day, when you're not ignoring me. You're my mother, and you can't even say one kind word. And you know who else had a mother like that? Marilyn. Look how she turned out.

Leigh : She was a legend.

Ivy : She was an unhappy, drug-addicted disaster. Because her mother didn't love her. That's what Marilyn was.


Leigh : You coming up to the house anytime soon?

Ivy : No, I'm not.

Leigh : Your father will be disappointed. Jimmy too.

Ivy : Tell them I said hello.

Leigh : Ivy... It's hard for me to watch you. I never wanted you to do this.

Ivy : Yes, mom. That's very clear.

Leigh : I know I haven't been the greatest mother. I know that. But I know how heartbreaking this world is. And I can't stand to watch you go through everything I went through. Even now, I wish you'd find something else. Not because you're not good at it. Because you're my daughter. And I love you, and for years, I've watched as people without an ounce of your talent have passed you by. That's the theater. But your day will come, because there's no question. You're a star.


Derek : "Insiders indicated it was in serious trouble. "One long-time producer called it 'confused.' another came out and said..."

Eileen : I don't want to know. Just step away from the computer.

Derek : Okay. So... Is it over?

Eileen : Don't be ridiculous. We all know what we're doing. The show is great.

Tom : It was too hot.

Eileen : They're getting a new boiler.

Julia : Oh, they couldn't have done that yesterday?

Eileen : Listen, we're gonna have to regroup and repackage. Joe Machota was there from CAA. He represents Scarlett Johansson, Michelle Williams, Sutton Foster.

Tom : Stop. Come on, Ivy was terrific.

Derek : Not yesterday, she wasn't.

Tom : It didn't help that you told her she was off her game at intermission.

Julia : You said that?

Derek : Yeah, I did. I was directing her. Look, Ivy's terrific, but she's been in the ensemble for how long? Look, they turn down the wattage to blend in. And they can't turn it up again.

Tom : Ivy was terrific under impossible circumstances, and you didn't help. You know what I think? She humiliated you in front of everyone, and so you sabotaged her.

Derek : Okay, do you want to fix the show, or indulge in paranoid fantasies?

Tom : I'm not paranoid. This happens all the time. Things don't go well, and instead of figuring out the problem, everyone picks a scapegoat and then gangs up on them. That's all this is.

Eileen : Tom, Tom, Tom. Nobody is scapegoating Ivy. She was excellent. Now, I was hoping we could get some of these investors to come onboard on the strength of the material. But we're gonna need another piece.

Julia : It was too hot.

Derek : Ugh...

Eileen : The heat didn't help.

Tom : I... uh... I think the real problem is Michael Swift.

Julia : Tom.

Derek : Are you daft? He was sensational.

Eileen : Where are you on this, Julia?

Julia : Um... Yes. I think he should go.

Derek : Eileen!

Eileen : I think Tom and Julia should make the call on this one, Derek. There are other actors out there.

Derek : Yeah, okay.


Julia : Hey.

Leo : Hey.

Julia : Where's your dad?

Leo : Upstairs, studying chemistry.

Julia : You hungry?

Leo : No, we ate. So? What did people say about Marilyn?

Julia : They liked it. There were some problems.

Leo : There's always a few problems.

Julia : This time it was the heat.

Leo : Yeah?

Julia : We're firing Michael.

Leo : You are?

Julia : Yes. He wasn't right for the part.

Leo : No, huh?

Julia : No. He wasn't right. So we're firing him.

Leo : Good.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 23 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

21.01.2023 vers 17h

20.12.2021 vers 16h

04.11.2018 vers 20h

16.08.2018 vers 14h

10.02.2018 vers 23h

07.03.2017 vers 22h

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