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#106 : Sans voix


Ivy doit choisir jusqu'où elle est prête à aller pour le rôle de Marilyn après s'être blessée la voix. Julia continue d'éviter Michael. Eileen en apprend plus sur Ellis. Karen chante pour une Bar Mitzvah.

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Promo 106 (VO)


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Réalisation : Dan Attias
Scénario : Jacquelyn Reingold

Guest : Will Chase (Michael Swift)

Avec la présentation aux investisseurs potentiels dans une semaine, la pression se fait sentir chez tout le monde. Et apparemment, c’est Ivy qui subit le plus de stress ; pendant les répétitions, elle est incapable de sortir les notes les plus hautes – sa voix ne suit plus.

Ivy va immédiatement voir le médecin pour ausculter ses cordes vocales. Pendant ce temps, l’équipe créative se demande si Karen sera capable de la remplacer si le besoin se fait sentir. Karen surprend la conversation et se dépêche de rentrer chez elle pour se préparer au rôle. Il lui reste peu de temps avant la prochaine répétition et beaucoup de choses à apprendre !

Le médecin prescrit de la Prednisone à Ivy, un médicament qui est censé faire des merveilles pour les problèmes vocaux. Le seul problème est qu’Ivy est extrêmement sensible aux substances chimiques et ce médicament a beaucoup d’effets secondaires possibles : hallucinations, gain de poids et insomnie pour en nommer quelques uns. Ivy veut prendre une bonne nuit de sommeil avant de commencer le traitement médicamenteux, mais Derek la pousse à prendre les pilules tout de suite en lui disant que si elle ne vient pas aux répétitions, Karen la remplacera. Après que Derek ait quitté son appartement, Ivy décide d’avaler les pilules. Ce ne sont pas des pilules qui l’empêcheront de réaliser son rêve.

Après le baiser passionné entre Julia et Michael (dont Leo a été témoin), Julia est submergée par la culpabilité et est incapable de se concentrer. Quand Frank revient de son voyage d’affaire, elle se jette dans ses bras et le supplie de ne plus jamais quitter la ville. Leo l’observe d’un œil mauvais.

Le jour suivant, Ivy se rend à la répétition, droguée et prête à chanter. Karen est déçue de ne pas avoir la possibilité de jouer Marilyn après s’être préparée toute la soirée. Jessica propose à Karen d’animer une Bar Mitzvah à sa place, sachant que Karen a besoin d’argent. Dans un premier temps, Karen rejette l’offre, mais change rapidement d’avis quand elle apprend qu’elle sera payée 500 dollars pour la soirée.

Rongée par la culpabilité, Julia se confesse à Tom, qui la soutien mais lui fait aussi la morale. Julia a une famille, tout comme Michael ! Julia sait qu’il a raison mais éviter Michael n’est pas facile. Il n’arrête pas de l’appeler et de lui faire des avances déplacées pendant les répétitions malgré son comportement froid et distant.

Ellis donne un coup de pouce à Eileen. Elle est à la recherche de fonds pour la comédie musicale, d’un nouvel appartement et attend toujours de récupérer son argent personnel bloqué dans le divorce. Elle se laisse aller en compagnie d’Ellis et de son ami, Zach, dans un bar où elle n’a rien à prouver à personne. Elle décide que le Lower East Side lui ressemble plus, et choisit un appartement un peu moins glamour, après avoir réévalué son style de vie.

Chez elle, Ivy est heureuse de voir les médicaments fonctionner. Elle peut enfin chanter comme avant. Mais son bonheur est rapidement mis à mal quand elle victime d’une étrange hallucination : Karen incarnant Marilyn dans son miroir.

Dans le besoin, Sam et Tom viennent à la rescousse d’Ivy et l’aident à s’accrocher à la réalité. Tom refuse toujours de croire que Sam, fanatique des sports et légèrement macho sur les bords, est un artiste de l’ensemble, encore moins qu’il est gay.

Karen est un peu perdue dans les traditions juives, lors de la Bar Mitzvah. Mais alors que la fête approche de la fin, ayant le choix du dernier morceau de la soirée, elle se laisse aller dans une interprétation inspirée de « Shake It Out », de Florence + the Machine. Les invités sont comblés, Karen donne tout. Les invités partis, un homme donne sa carte professionnelle à Karen, et lui demande de l’appeler le lendemain.

Michael appelle Julia, lui demandant de le rejoindre dans la salle de répétition le soir même pour discuter de ce qui s’est passé. Julia refuse, mais finit par changer d’avis au dernier moment. Elle dit à Michael qu’elle est là uniquement pour mettre les choses au clair, mais les intentions de Michael divergent des siennes. Julia n’arrive pas à résister son attraction et le couple laissent leurs émotions parler. Ils font l’amour dans la salle de répétition.

Karen raconte le déroulement de la Bar Mitzvah à Jessica et lui montre la carte professionnelle qu’on lui a donnée. Karen est choquée d’apprendre que la carte appartient à un grand producteur de musique, Bobby Raskin. Elle l’appelle immédiatement, c’est une opportunité en or.

Le cast répète le dernier numéro, « History Is Made at Night », pendant lequel Michael et Julia se lancent des regards enflammés. Le numéro n’est pas encore ancré dans la mémoire des artistes et Ivy et Michael font un faux mouvement et s’écroulent l’un sur l’autre, morts de rire. Derek ne trouve pas cela drôle et réprimande durement Ivy et Michael pour leur manque de professionnalisme. Ivy n’en peux plus et se lâche devant tout le monde : elle confronte Derek sur son harcèlement et ses mauvaises critiques pendant les répétitions. Mais il est clair pour tout le monde que cette crise de nerf va plus loin que les simples répétitions. Ivy quitte la pièce en claquant la porte, Derek explique son comportement par les effets secondaire des médicaments qu’a pris Ivy, remettant en question tout ce que vient de dire Ivy.

[Ivy - Let me be your star ]

Derek : You okay?

Ivy : Absolutely. Do you want some coffee?

Derek : What time is it?


Ralph : $7 million? That's not a lot for a musical these days.

Eileen : Well, if you want to give me $15 million, Ralph, I won't say no.

Ralph : Well, you'll need it to get to Broadway.

Eileen : Well, actually, we're just looking at a workshop and an out-of-town tryout.

Ralph : And after that?

Eileen : Ralph! You called me, remember? You called me up and asked me if you could come over and talk to me. Now you're playing hard to get. Why are you here if you're not interested?

Ralph : When's the workshop?

Eileen : A week from Sunday.

Ralph : Okay. I'm not saying I'm interested, but I am intrigued.


Jessica : 22b comes after 18, replace 21 with 19.

Sue : No, I have 12 replacing 21.

Jessica : That was last week. Don't confuse her.

Karen : When do they stop changing everything?

Bobby : Five seconds before the performance.

Karen : Oh.


Julia : And then... wait... The... the... Yes, Natasha Lytess scene here, it will heighten the progression.

Derek : Oh, my God, this isn't a high-school science project, it's a bloody musical!

Julia : No, it's a workshop! A first workshop!

Derek : And people are coming to see it!

Tom : Could we dial this down?

Derek : Look, there is no discernible story, linear or otherwise, between pages 7 and 32. That's not a gap. That is a black hole. And if you don't fix it this week, we're all going to get sucked into its tidal force, and all we'll be left with is "Marilyn the red dwarf."

Julia : Okay, look, there's been a really crazy situation at home, okay? My husband has been out of town. My son has gotten into some trouble, and I've had to be there for him.

Derek : That is great, Julia. I am thrilled to hear your oh-so-sad story, but this workshop goes up in front of an audience in a week. Tom here has written a beautiful melody, but check it out... The lyrics are half finished. Whole song... Half the lyrics!

Julia : Tom, it's okay.

Tom : No, it might be okay for you, but it's not okay for me. He is not using me or my music as a club with which to bludgeon my writing partner! Got it?


Karen : Oh.

Bobby : It's okay. It always gets a little tense with a new musical.

Karen : No, not that. It's my credit card bill.

Jessica :  It's bad?

Karen : $326.38.

Bobby : You're kidding.

Sue : You're kidding, right?

Jessica : Can I see that? I don't think I've ever seen one this low before. Have you ever seen one this low?

Sue : Oh, my God. I would be singing and dancing if I had a credit card bill this low.

Jessica & Bobby : You're singing and dancing anyway.

Bobby : Shut up!

Jessica : Get out of my head.


Linda : Everything okay in here?

Ivy : Terrific.

Linda : They're ready to start.


Eileen : Ellis, what can I do for you?

Ellis : Derek is mad because Julia didn't finish a song, and then Tom and Julia and Derek got into a huge fight over the script, and Tom stormed out of rehearsal. I just thought you might like to know.

Eileen : Yes, I might like to know that.

Ellis : Uh, where are you going?

Eileen : To rehearsal.


[Ivy & Marilyn's cast - Let me be your star ]

Ivy : Sorry. Sorry. I'm so sorry.

Derek : You okay?

Ivy : Can we just start it at the end of the bridge?

[Ivy & Marilyn's cast - Let me be your star ]


Josh : One, two, three, for, five, that's it. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!

Derek : Yeah, well done, guys. Let's call it a day. Check over your scripts, please, get a good night's sleep, and no one get so much as a cold from now on.

Karen : Good night.

Michael : Good night.

Karen : Shoot.

Michael : Listen, I've been having some problems with the whole transition to the breakup scene.

Julia : Uh, we can talk about it tomorrow.

Michael : Oh, I don't want to take up rehearsal time. Uh, could I call you tonight, or maybe even right now we could grab a coffee?

Julia : Tomorrow would be best.

Michael : Okay.

Derek : Did you talk to her?

Tom : According to the doctor, her throat is inflamed but not infected. There are no nodules or polyps.

Derek : Did he give her a steroid?

Tom : She has some prednisone, yes, but she's hypersensitive to drugs, so it's not necessarily her best first option.

Derek : So what are her other options?

Tom : She's gonna try vocal rest for the night.

Derek : Okay, what are our options? Can we postpone?

Eileen : Well, that'd be difficult.

Derek : How difficult?

Eileen : Well, a lot of our investors already have it on their schedules. If we postpone, it sends the wrong message.

Derek : Okay, what about our other Marilyn? Can she do it?

Tom : Whoa, hang on!

Derek : Yeah, I'd love to hang on, but I've just found out I've got to do an entire workshop about Marilyn Monroe with no Marilyn.

Tom : For a day, maybe!

Derek : Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware I had an extra day.

Eileen : Can Karen do it, Julia? Can she learn the role in a week? I don't know.

Tom : Stop it. And by the way, don't you dare breathe a word about this to Ivy. Stress plays a huge part in all of this. You've already been leaning on her too hard. If she finds out you want to replace her, it'll make it much worse.

Eileen : A leading lady with vocal problems... No one believes that even when it's true!

Derek : Yep.


Derek : So what did he say?

Ivy : It's inflamed. Strained more than anything. It's stress.

Derek : He gave you prednisone, right? Well, that's good. That stuff is a miracle worker.

Ivy : Well, there are a lot of bad side effects.

Derek : Darling, you work in musical theater. There are lots of terrible side effects... Bankruptcy, alcoholism... Insanity.

Ivy : Don't make me laugh.

Derek : Look, everybody uses the stuff... don't worry about it. If it helps, it's worth it. Look, I have to go work on tomorrow's schedule. If you can't do it, we'll have to get the Cartwright girl to fill in, okay? I can't just waste the day.


Karen : Would you have to learn the dances?

Dev : I don't know yet. Can you ask?

Karen : Not until they ask me.

Derek : They better do it fast.

Karen : You know what? I can do this.


Leo : Mom. Mom!

Julia : Oh! Sorry. Aah! I'm so not the cook around here.

Leo : No kidding.

Julia : Okay.  Most of them are... are okay. Ow! Some of them... ouch! There you go. They're saved. I'm saving them.

Leo : Mom, I don't want pancakes.

Julia :  You love pancakes.

Leo : You burned them.

Julia : Will... can you please put your phone away?

Leo : Why, so I can eat your bad pancakes?

Julia : Look, I know that I'm not as good a cook as dad.

Leo : Yeah, you're not, which would be why I asked for cereal.

Frank : You're cooking. It smells good.

Leo : Dad?

Julia : Frank?

Frank : I knew there was a reason I took the red-eye.

Julia : Oh, I'm so glad you're home.

Leo : Me too.

Julia : God, I missed you. Look at you... Handsome, even after flying all night.

Frank : Wow. I should go away more often.

Julia : No, don't.

Leo : Yeah, don't.


Derek : Hey, there you are.

Ivy : Hey.

Derek : Did you take it?

Ivy : First dose... six pills.

Derek : And?

Ivy : I'm... I'm having cold sweats. I've had a headache since, like, 4:00 in the morning, and I-I just feel so panicky. I'm not in good shape.

Derek : Yeah, what about your voice? Look, Ivy... I want to protect you in this situation, but, you know, if you take the day, I'm gonna have to get the Cartwright girl to fill in... You know that.

Ivy : Oh, I'm fine.

Derek : Okay. Good. Ladies and gentlemen... Marilyn is back.

Karen : She got better that fast?

Jessica : She's probably on prednisone. That drug is a miracle, if you don't mind the mood swings, insomnia, hair growth, hallucination, and weight gain. Listen, I just got a last-minute recording gig, but I'd booked a Bar Mitzvah for tonight. Can you sub for me?

Karen : A Bar Mitzvah?

Jessica : It's actually Ivy's gig. She gave it to me two weeks ago because she was trying to save her voice.

Karen : Ivy's gig... of course.

Jessica : It pays $500.

Karen : Oh.

Derek : All right, everyone, ”Let's be bad”.


Eileen : Just ask Jerry. No! No! I'm not gonna ask him to pay the maintenance on an apartment which is already in his name. He owns the place. He can pay the maintenance without my having to beg him. Listen, I'll have to call you back.

Ellis : Excuse me. Your temp is... Actually, I don't know where your temp is.

Eileen : What is it, Ellis?

Ellis : I just came by to let you know that rehearsals are going great. Ivy took the prednisone. She sounds awesome.

Eileen : Good.

Ellis : Do you need anything else?

Eileen : Do I need anything else?

Ellis : Yeah. Do you need anything else?


Michael : Jules. Jules! Don't walk away.

Julia : Break is almost over. We're about to start.

Michael : If you don't talk to me, I'll make a scene, and everyone will know. That got your attention.

Julia : What do you want, Michael?

Michael : I want to see you.

Julia : I'm here right now. You can see me right now.

Michael : Alone.

Julia : That's not possible.

Michael : I'm not kidding.

Julia : Neither am I.

Michael : I can't sleep, Jules.

Linda : We're back.

Derek : Okay, places. Top of the mambo.


Zach : Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, brand-new kitchen... 83rd floor... And a view... of the city.

Eileen : It's stunning.

Ellis : We are the first ones in.

Eileen : How'd you swing that?

Zach : I have access to Pam Corker's computer. So, technically, this isn't available yet. If you wanted to rent it under the table, you wouldn't have to pay broker's fees.

Eileen : You boys are very clever. Donny. Yes, the workshop is next Sunday. You don't want to miss it. Nantucket? At this time of year? How dreary. Well, Nathan Lane is coming and the Nederlanders. Okay, thanks.

Ellis : That, uh, didn't sound too good.

Eileen : Lemons into lemonade, Ellis. So how much?

Zach : $10,000. It's actually a bargain for this place.

Eileen : I'm aware, but, uh, maybe Pam might have something for a bit less?

Zach : In Manhattan?

Eileen : Yes, on the island of Manhattan.


Karen : Slit or Mini?

Dev : Can it be Christmas, and I get both?

Karen : It's a Bar Mitzvah. Ivy's Bar Mitzvah, apparently.

Dev : Have you actually ever been to a Bar Mitzvah?

Karen : Have you?

Dev : I'm not hired to sing one.

Karen : Look, I used to sing at weddings all the time when I was home. The song list is pretty much the same job to job.

Dev : Where is this gig?

Karen : Northport.

Dev : What, way out on Long Island?

Karen : Maybe I'm not Marilyn, but I do have a job, it's a Bar Mitzvah.

Dev : Do you even know how to get to Northport?

Karen : Yeah, Long Island railroad, then a cab. I prefer the Mini.

Dev : Mm. Well, Mini it is.


Julia : Oh, I can't concentrate. I kissed Michael.

Tom : What?

Julia : He came over the other night when Frank was out of town. He was drunk. I tried to get rid of him. When we went outside to wait for the car service, he kissed me.

Tom : And you kissed him back? Big kiss or little kiss?

Julia : Pretty big.

Tom : Julia.

Julia : He sang to me.

Tom : What did he sing?

Julia : Donny Hathaway's “A song for you”.

Tom : Mm. I bet he sounded amazing on that. I probably would have kissed him too.

Julia : Oh, you so would have.

Tom : But I'm not married.

Julia : Right.

Tom : I love you. You know how much I love you.

Julia : I do.

Tom : You have to figure this out fast. You have to think about Frank... And Leo.

Julia : Too much talk about me. Let's talk about you, okay? Tell me about the new guy.

Tom : Uh, good. I like him.

Julia : "Good. I like him." Simple, positive.

Tom : He's having some people over tonight. Meeting his friends.

Julia : Meeting his friends. Simple, positive, and fast.

Tom : Right?


Zach : Now we're talking.

Eileen : Who needs a $20 Martini from the Carlyle when you can get a better one down here for $7? What's the name of this place anyway?

Ellis : The "Bushwhack"

Eileen : That's a terrible name!

Ellis : I know!

Eileen : You know, I kind of love this place... Old jukebox... Darts! Mmm. I didn't even know people played darts anymore. What's this?

Zach : Oh, man, that's the best.

Ellis : Yeah.

Zach : Big buck hunter.

Eileen : How do you play? So I just shoot me some bucks? Step aside, boys!


[Ivy - Who You Are ]

Ivy : It's fine. It's going to be fine.

Karen : You sure? Because if I were you, I wouldn't be so sure of anything.

Ivy : What the hell was that?


Karen : Hi. I'm sorry. There was no cabs. I had to walk from the station in heels.

Barry : Are you Ivy Lynn?

Karen : Sure.

Barry : You better get up there.

Karen : Okay. Crap. Crap. Hello. Um... Welcome to... Ethan's Bar Mitzvah!


Keith : We were in P-town last summer, just window shopping for fun. A house on the beach... Small, a cottage... $2 million.

Aaron : That's actually cheap. But where are you gonna put your money now, you know?

Keith : What can you invest in?

Tom : Broadway musicals.

Aaron : So... how did you meet John?

Tom : Our mothers set us up.

Keith : Alicia set you up.

Aaron : Oh, stop. He just came out to her last year.

Tom : Last year?

John : You guys having a good time, huh?

Keith : Terrific.

John : Is everything okay?

Tom : I don't know. Excuse me.


Tom : What did you see?

Ivy : I don't know, but it was really weird. Marilyn was in the mirror, and it was Karen.

Sam : Sounds like anxiety and insomnia to me.

Tom : Sam.

Sam : Yeah, she called me too. I came right over. Let's get you to bed, honey. Come on.

Ivy : Really, it just freaked me out. And the next thing could be... oh, God. Oh, God, you bloat up, and you grow hair. I'm not kidding... Like a wolfman.

Sam : A-woo!

Ivy : Stop!

Sam : I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Tom : D...

Sam : A-woo!

Ivy : I am... this is real!

Sam : Ivy, baby, you need to calm down. It's nothing.

Tom : It's not nothing.

Sam : Look, she's just upset, all right? One of the side effects can be, like, mood changes. I know. I've taken this drug before. Lie down. Come on. There it is.


Dev : What did he say?

Karen : It's a text that says, "Might need you tomorrow. Please be discreet."

Dev : And Tom sent this?

Karen : Yes.

Dev : Did you call him?

Karen : It says "be discreet." If Ivy finds out, it could make her worse.

Barry : Hey! What's-your-name... “Hava nagila”, come on!

Karen : Oh, babe, I got to go. Okay.

[Karen & the Bar Mitzvah's Band - Hava nagila ]


Julia : Ugh. This scene's a mess. What are these? These are wild.

Frank : Periodic table flash cards.

Julia : There is such a thing? Wow, look at this one.

Frank : Bismuth... That's actually my favorite.

Julia : I love that you have a favorite element.

Frank : Hello? Hey, Michael. How are you? We're good. Leo's great. Congratulations. When Julia told me that you were DiMaggio, I thought, "perfect." Well, come over for a beer sometime.

Julia : What can I do for you? What are you doing calling me at home?

Michael : Because you won't talk to me otherwise.

Julia : You cannot do this.

Michael : I have to see you... alone. This is no joke, Jules.

Julia : I won't.

Michael : I'm going to the rehearsal space at 10:00.

Julia : It'll be locked.

Michael : Trust me, I'll get us in.

Monica : Artie wants a story from daddy.

Michael : I'm talking to my sister. Sorry, Suse. I got to go.


Sam : You want me to call Derek?

Ivy : No. No, no. No, you guys are the best.

Sam : Hey, where's your TV, Ive?

Ivy : Oh, it's over there under that pile of clothes.

Tom : Oh, you want to watch a movie? What do you have? Are we sick of Marilyn?

Sam : Actually, there's a rangers game on.

Tom : Oh, yeah? What's a ranger?

Sam : Okay, I'm gonna go make you some tea.

Tom : Where did you find him?

Sam : Like three feet away.

Tom : I'm sorry, but you really are the straightest chorus boy I ever met.

Sam : You think I'm straight?

Tom : You're not straight?

Sam : I didn't say that.

Ivy : I interrupted your date. Was it fun?

Tom : It was a cocktail party with his friends.

Ivy : Ooh, it sounds hideous.

Tom : It was, actually. His furniture is upscale minimalist.

Ivy : Blech.

Tom : I know.


Guitarist : All right, fellas, last song. Thank God. You been checking that thing all night. You got boyfriend problems?

Karen : Just making sure it still works. Okay, you clowns, um, I get one. Let's do Shake it out. It's on the list, so just follow me.

[Karen - Shake It Out ]

Karen : Good job, guys. Thank you.


Frank : You okay?

Julia : Yeah, my shoulders hurt. It's just stress. I'm gonna go for a walk. Sometimes that... Helps me, uh, clear my head. So I'm just gonna, um...

Frank : Go for a walk and figure it out. Don't stay out too late.


Drummer : Chicken again, boys. What a surprise.

Barry : Hey, guys. You're not Ivy, are you?

Karen : Um, no. I'm Karen Cartwright.

Barry : You ever been to a Bar Mitzvah before, Karen?

Karen : No, I'm really sorry.

Barry : A friend of mine wants you to call him tomorrow. Thanks, guys.


Julia : You got the security guard to unlock the door.

Michael : I told you I would.

Julia : Look... You cannot call me at home. You cannot text me at home. You cannot ever again show up at my home.

Michael : I know.

Julia : I should have never let them cast you.

Michael : Come on, I'm pretty good in this.

Julia : You shouldn't have taken the part.

Michael : I'm an actor. Don't offer me the part if you don't want me to take it.

Julia : It was five years ago. I thought we could handle it.

Michael : Yeah, so did I. We were both wrong.

Julia : Okay, um, you are married with a child. I have Leo and Frank, and...

Michael : And here we are.

Julia : And we can't...

Michael : Jules, why are you here if you don't want to be here?

Julia : To get through to you.

Michael : You got through.

Julia : Okay, no. I can't think if you... If you touch me.

Michael : I can't think even if we don't. How about we... Just look? I so want to see you. I'll only touch your shirt... Like this. You want me to...? You're more beautiful.

Julia : Me? You... Michael.

Michael : No one has to know. You want me to stop?

Julia : No.


John : Think your friend will be okay?

Tom : Seems like it.

John : Good. Well, my friends liked you a lot.

Tom : I was only there three minutes.

John : Mm, they found that very reassuring. They thought I was moving much too fast, introducing everyone to each other. What?

Tom : Look, I have to ask this. Did you just come out to your mother last year?

John : Aaron told you that. What a jerk.

Tom : No.

John : No, he's a total jerk. I did come out to my mother last year. I also came out to her when I was 8 and when I was 12 and when I was 23 and last year. And don't get me wrong. You'll love my mother. She's really nice, just... a little hard of hearing.

Tom : Got it.


Derek : Hey.

Ivy : Hey.

Derek : How's the voice today?

Ivy : "The voice"? The voice is fine. Terrific. Do you want to know how I am?

Derek : Sure.

Ivy : I'm fine. Tom and Sam came by and took care of me. They were worried about me, because they love me.

Derek : And now you're feeling better, yes?

Ivy : Yes, I am.

Derek : Wonderful.


Tom : Karen... Sorry about the confusing texts.

Karen : Oh, I'm just glad you thought of me. Thanks.

Tom : Great.

Karen : Oh, and if anything else happens, I'm ready.

Jessica : Karen... So how'd it go?

Karen : Maybe I'm not cut out for Bar Mitzvahs.

Jessica : Did you at least get a good tip?

Karen : Uh...

Jessica : Oh, well. Oh... well. Holy cow! Holy moly!

Karen : What?

Jessica : I gave you that gig, and Bobby Raskin was there?

Karen : Who?

Jessica : Bobby Raskin was at the Bar Mitzvah you gave me.

Ivy : And you gave it to her?

Karen : Who's Bobby Raskin?

Jessica : Bobby Raskin? Ugh! You're from Iowa. He's big. He's like Tommy Mottola. And don't say, "who's Tommy Mottola?"

Sam : You okay?

Ivy : That chick really gets on my nerves. Why didn't I just have her fired the first day? Marilyn would have! What was that for?

Sam : 'Cause you're awesome.

Karen : Uh, hi. Hello. Is this Mr. Raskin's office? I'm Karen Cartwright. He asked that I call him?

Michael : Hi.

Julia : Hi.

Michael : How are you?

Julia : Uh... Good. You?

Michael : Great. I think we're about to start.

Linda : And we're in.

Derek : All right, everyone... Our esteemed lyricist has finally finished the verses for “History is made at night”. Since we're six days away from an invited audience, I'd like to work quickly. So let's try it with the original staging and see if it fits the new words.

Linda : Places for the second verse, please.

Derek : Uh, and if you guys could try it without the pages, that would be super.

Michael : Uh...

Derek : Just do it.

Michael : No, no, no. I got it.

Ivy : Great.

Derek : All right, then.

[Ivy & Michael - History Is Made At Night ]

Derek : Oh, for crying out loud! Is it too much to ask for a moment of professionalism?

Ivy : Sorry.

Derek : "Sorry" doesn't help me. I need something that vaguely resembles sex. Could we try that today with our Marilyn, please?

Ivy : I can do sex.

Derek : Then I'd like to see it. And by the way, I'd love it if you were singing at the same time. Let's take it from the bridge, please.

Ivy : Hey, uh, while we're stopped, I have a thought. Maybe you could give me notes without publicly humiliating me at the same time.

Derek : Oh, great.

Ivy : Oh, and maybe... maybe you could remember that artists are not football players who can take endless abuse and still do their jobs!

Derek : Okay. Miss Monroe is having a moment.

Ivy : Oh! Well, maybe a different miss Monroe could do it better. Miss Cartwright? Maybe you could take a crack at it.

Eileen : Let's take a ten.

Julia : Um, no, seriously, Derek... We should have given them more time with the lyrics.

Ivy : I don't need more time with the lyrics! You know what I need? I need to stop sleeping with men who are complete narcissistic pricks! Oh, and you're not that good-looking! And you're not that good in bed either!

Derek : It's just a side effect from the steroids.


Tom : You all right?

Ivy : Yeah, I will be.


Eileen : Well, that was quite a bit of unscripted drama today. I probably shouldn't say anything, but I rather enjoyed it. Ralph! There you are! You found the Bushwhack! This is Ellis and Zach. Ralph Masius, my favorite Broadway producer.

Ellis : Hi.

Zach : Hey.

Eileen : Hello. Could we, uh, have four of your delicious Martinis, please?

Keith : Done.

Eileen : Best drink in town, I swear.

Ralph : I'm not fancy.

Eileen : I am. The Nederlanders are coming. David stone, Jeffrey Finn... The list is incredibly impressive. Show him the list, Ellis.

Ralph : No need. Put me on it.

Eileen : Put him on the list, Ellis.

Zach : Is that the reason why we're celebrating?

Eileen : Well, that and a couple of other things. I just landed a beautiful, luxury, two-bedroom apartment... Top floor at a basement price.

Zach : Awesome!

Ellis : What neighborhood?

Eileen : The Lower East Side, boys.

Ralph : I, um, have a nephew who has a nice building.

Eileen : Cheers, everybody!

Zach : Here's to change!

Ralph : I'm down with that. Mmm! Not bad.

Eileen : How's your big buck hunter, Ralph?

Ralph : Buck what-er?

Eileen : Come on, follow me. I'm taking you all on. Oh, we'd like four more Martinis, please. Five... One for you. Watch out, now. It's my turn.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 23 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

21.01.2023 vers 17h

13.12.2021 vers 17h

04.11.2018 vers 20h

16.08.2018 vers 14h

10.02.2018 vers 23h

07.03.2017 vers 22h

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Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

Viens chatter !