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#114 : Lever de rideau

Le cast et l'équipe de Bombshell présente la pièce à leur premier public, mais le résultat est décevant. Dev essaie de se réconcilier avec Karen, mais prend un décision désastreuse après avoir bu. Frank doit se résoudre au fait que Michael Swift est de retour dans le spectacle et donc dans sa vie de famille. Rebecca fait une allergie aliment et finit à l'hôpital.

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Lever de rideau

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 07.05.2012 à 22:00
5.72m / 1.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Robert Duncan McNeill
Scénario : David Marshall Grant

Guest : Uma Thurman (Rebecca Duvall)

Dev se réveille et trouve Ivy dans le lit à ses côtés ! Les deux se mettent d’accord pour ne rien dire à personne.

Frank et Leo présents pour la supporter, Julia décide de rejoindre la production à Boston. Ils croisent Michael à l’entrée du théâtre. Mais aux yeux de Julia, c’est Tom le traitre. Elle refuse de lui adresser la parole.

Le preview débute enfin. Le rideau se lève sur Rebecca, déguisée en Marilyn, et la production débute sur un bon pied.

Ivy, Karen et le reste de l’ensemble ont leur chance de briller avec un numéro sensuel autour de Zanuck. L’audience est conquise par leur performance. Entre les numéros, Karen essaie de joindre Dev, mais sans succès.

Le spectacle se termine sur fin anti-climatique avec le suicide de Marilyn. Alors que la scène est replongée dans le noir, l’audience reste silencieuse, confuse. Personne n’applaudit. Plus tard, l’équipe créative se réunit pour faire le point. Il s doivent clairement repenser la fin. Derek et Eileen exigent une nouvelle fin avec une nouvelle chanson de Julia et Tom.

Après le spectacle, Dev surprend Karen en faisant une apparition. Lui et Ivy se rencontrent pour la « première fois » et font de leur mieux pour cacher le fait qu’ils sont mal à l’aise. Un peu plus tard, Karen confie à Dev comment le stress des dernières répétitions l’ont empêchée de penser clairement, mais maintenant que le preview est passé, elle est heureuse de le voir là pour la supporter. Karen lui demande si sa proposition est toujours valable. Dev la redemande en mariage, et cette fois-ci Karen dit « oui ». Mais Dev n’a pas la bague sur lui, il prétend l’avoir laissée à New York.

Après le spectacle, Rebecca exprime ses peurs à Karen. Personne n’a applaudi, et c’est de sa faute. Karen fait de son mieux pour la réconforter, lui faisant remarquer qu’elle n’était pas le centre des problèmes de la production. Alors qu’elle boit son smoothie, Rebecca s’étouffe. Elle est amenée d’urgence à l’hôpital. Plus tard, tout le monde apprend que Rebecca a fait une grave réaction allergique à des arachides. Ce nouveau développement pose deux questions importantes : Qui a mis la vie de Rebecca en danger et qui prendra la place de Rebecca si elle n’est pas revenue à tant pour le prochain preview.

Dev prend Ivy à part pour lui demander si elle a trouvé une bague dans sa chambre d’hôtel. Apparemment, la bague de fiançailles de Karen a disparu. Ivy promet de chercher mais annonce finalement à Dev qu’elle n’a rien trouvé.

Tom et Julia s’adressent enfin la parole. Julia est furieuse que Tom ait placé la production devant elle et sa famille. Tom insiste sur le fait que Michael était obligé de revenir pour le bien de la production et qu’elle devrait être capable de séparer sa vie professionnelle de sa vie personnelle. Julia annonce à Tom qu’ils ne sont plus une équipe.

Sam emmène Tom à l’église et une bonne partie du cast décident de les rejoindre. Karen et Sam offre une performance gospel de « Stand », accompagnés de la chorale de l’église.

Karen rend visite à Rebecca à l’hôpital. Rebecca est à nouveau sur pieds. Elle annonce à Karen qu’il y avait des arachides dans son smoothie, elle les a sentis en buvant la boisson. Elle ne sait pas qui l’a empoisonné et ne veut pas le savoir. Elle ne veut plus non plus faire partie de la production.

Jessica : Derek is doing it with the movie star? Where did you hear this?

Karen : Ivy told me.

Jessica : Was she sure?

Derek : Morning. Yeah, so...

Jessica : Where is she?

Karen : Who knows? Dev and I got into a huge fight last night, and he left town and went to New York, and he's not texting me.

Jessica : Ugh, I can't find my phone. Can you call Ivy? She was really drunk last night, and she has no room to make any mistakes at all after what happened at “Heaven On Earth”.

Ivy : No, no, no, no, that's mine. Hello?

Jessica : Ivy, how are you?

Ivy : Who... I'm sorry, who is this?

Jessica : It's Jessica. Where are you? Derek is about to start notes.

Ivy : Oh, hi, Jessica. I'll be there in 30 minutes. He won't even notice. I-I'm not going to tell anybody.

Dev : I'm not telling anybody.


Leo : Relax, mom, they're lucky you came back at all.

Frank : If you feel uncomfortable, just call me.

Bobby : Hey Julia, welcome to Boston.

Julia : Hey, thanks.

Frank : We'll go in with you if you want.

Julia : No, I'm good.

Leo : Okay, am I the only one who enjoyed that?

Frank : Yeah, I think maybe you are. You're gonna be okay?

Julia : Once I kill Tom, I should be fine.


Eileen : Yeah, I needed those costumes yesterday. Okay, thanks. Bye. Hi, Julia. It's nice to see you.

Julia : Looking good.

Tom : You're here. You came.

Julia : I came, but I'm not speaking with you.

Tom : Yes. But you came.


Derek : You need me?

Rebecca : Oh, I just had a few notes I wanted to go over... about that follow light.

Derek : Follow spot. You're adorable.


Eileen : So you didn't think you had enough on your hands. Ivy, Julia, Michael Swift, first preview tonight.

Derek : I have to make sure Rebecca has everything she needs.

Eileen : If this blows up in any way, Derek, I'll strangle you.


Jessica :: Here comes Ivy. Hey, how are you?

Ivy : Just slept in.

Karen : Oh, nobody noticed. They haven't started notes yet either, so...

Ivy : Where's Derek?

Karen : Um, he just went backstage. You okay?

Ivy : Please don't be nice to me right now. I mean it, I really will fall apart if you're nice to me.

Karen : Okay, well, I just hope you know I had no idea what was going on with them.

Ivy : Don't worry, Karen. It's not your fault, I know.

Bobby : Always happens. You go out of town, and all hell breaks loose.

Jessica : Yeah. So true.

Bobby : I'm not even kidding.


Tom : You have to talk to me eventually.

Julia : I don't, actually.

Tom : Yes, you do.

Julia : Tom, it's been five minutes.

Tom : And you're talking to me already, see?

Derek : Okay, all right, everyone, listen up, please. We have a lot to do today. Now, I don't want anyone living in a fool's paradise, but I would say we're in pretty good shape for our first preview tonight. All right, all right. Quiet. You know I hate enthusiasm. Very funny. Hello, my darling. Okay, we're gonna bounce around a little bit on the notes today, of which I have a significant number, but as you all know, Michael Swift rejoined us yesterday as Mr. DiMaggio.

Michael : Thanks.

Derek : Now he's gonna have a lot of catching up to do, so we'll start with the DiMaggio numbers and your favorite and mine, “History Is Made At Night”. All right, people, let's move please. We've got a lot to do and very little time to do it in. No costumes, just the blocking. Thank you.

Jessica : Come on, lady.


Rebecca : Hey.

Karen : Hi.

Rebecca : Are you okay?

Karen : Fine.

Rebecca : You don't seem fine.

Karen : Are you sleeping with Derek?

Rebecca : Excuse me? I'm sorry, are you interested in him?

Karen : No. It's just, Ivy's been seeing him, so I'm surprised.

Rebecca : Oh, I didn't know. Which one's Ivy again?

Karen : Um, you know what? It doesn't matter. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Rebecca : Well, then let's get out of show business then, Karen.


Eileen : Showtime! I'm gonna watch from the mezzanine. I'll see you at interval. Break a leg.

Julia : Okay.


Eileen : You came.

Nick : That's a nice welcome.

Eileen : What happened?

Nick : I had a bit of an altercation.

Eileen : I don't want to know, do I?

Nick : Where do I sit?

Eileen : With the producer.


Karen : Come on, Dev, pick up.

Ivy : Karen, it's your first real curtain.

Karen : I know, I just... Dev went back to New York, and I can't reach him.

Ivy : Come on, the one thing you can't do is miss your cue.


Tom : So far, so good.

Julia : It just started.


[Rebecca Duvall - Let Me Be Your Star ]

[Rebecca Duvall - The 20th Century Fox mambo ]


Karen : Dev, where are you?

Ivy : Anything?

Karen : Nothing, no.


Bobby : I did not expect that to go so well.

Jessica : Yeah.

Sue : Wow, that was fierce.

Linda : 47, go.


[Rebecca Duvall & Michael Swift - Mr. and Mrs. Smith ]


Derek : She's sitting too far away from him. She's out of the light.


Rebecca : He puts his hand out way too late, so I'm out there flailing around.

Melissa : I'm sure nobody noticed.

Rebecca : Thank you. Oh, please. I looked like an idiot. I mean, is that why we rehearsed today, so he could hang me out to dry?


[Darryl Zanuck & the cast of Bombshell - Don't Say Yes Until I Finish Talking ]

[Karen, Ivy, Sue, Jessica & the women of Bombshell - Smash! ]


Ivy : Ugh, Karen, he's okay.

Karen : How are you?

Ivy : I'm fine.

Karen : You're not.

Ivy : You were really good.

Karen : Oh, so were you.


Rebecca :Something secondhand and broken still can make a pretty sound ♪ Come on, come over. I just need a little company. We don't have to do anything... Just talk. I like to talk. People don't talk enough. Or they talk too much. They just don't listen. Sure. I understand. Just hold a good thought for me. ♪ I still have something beautiful to give


Tom : Why aren't they applauding? They're not applauding.


Bobby : First preview, something big always goes wrong.

Karen : Like no applause?

Bobby : Yeah, like that.


Karen : Hey. Dev!

Jessica : Hey, Dev. See you later, Karen.

Karen : I thought you went back to New York. I've been texting you all night.

Dev : I'm sorry. I just needed a bit of space.

Karen : I was so worried.

Dev : I'm sorry, Karen.

Karen : No, I'm sorry. I-I was such a jerk.

Dev : No, no, no, you weren't.

Karen : I was. I so overreacted. I trust you, I do. Oh, Ivy. Ivy, this is my boyfriend, Dev. You guys have never met.

Ivy : The famous Dev. Hi.

Dev : Nice to meet you, Ivy.


Tom : You can't end a musical with a suicide.

Julia : But that's what she did. She killed herself.

Derek : There's a lot of theories about what she did.

Julia : I thought you wanted it darker.

Derek : I want it to work, darling, all right?

Eileen : What if she had a reunion with her younger self? What if Norma Jean came to visit her?

Julia : They did that in the HBO movie, didn't they? Ashley Judd.

Tom : You saw that?

Julia : I saw everything. And you know what? In everything, she dies.

Eileen : Well, maybe she did, but “Bombshell” is going to run forever, and every night, that audience is going to rise to its feet in a standing ovation. Now, this is a three-performance weekend, and we're gonna need that new ending by Monday morning, and that's all there is to it.

Julia : She died!


Tom : She's really never been this mad at me.

Sam : You guys are like a married couple. You'll work it out.

Tom : I'm not so sure.

Sam : Hey, what are you doing this weekend?

Tom : Writing a song, I hope.

Sam : Come to church with me.

Tom : What happens in church?

Sam : People sing and pray. It's not news, Tom.

Tom : I'm Jewish.

Sam : Jews sing and pray.

Tom : Jews don't sing and pray. We complain and eat.

Sam : Well, complain and eat with God on Sunday.

Tom : Oy.


Ellis : It's not just the ending, although, hello, it's a problem.

Eileen : Well, sometimes Julia likes to take her time.

Ellis : She's not... The real problem is Rebecca.

Nick : I think she's pretty good and appealing as hell.

Ellis : Yeah, but she's not landing any of the numbers. I mean, honestly, I don't know how Derek's gonna get her there.

Eileen : Are you directing now, Ellis?

Ellis : I'm producing. Somebody has to.

Nick : Hey, kid, take a powder.

Ellis : A what?

Eileen : I think you need some rest, Ellis.

Ellis : Right. Sorry.

Eileen : That used to be me, you know, insane with worry.

Nick : What happened?

Eileen : You.

Nick : I'm gonna make sure he has a ride home.


Eileen : I love this song.

Pianist : Me too. You know it?

Eileen : Mm. When I met a young man courting the girls, I played me a waiting game. I first would refuse him with tossing curls and let the old earth take a couple of whirls till he plied me with tear, in lieu of pearls. And as time came around, he came my way. As time came around, he came.


[Eileen - September Song ]


Dev : Do you remember when we met?

Karen : How can I forget? That pub in London.

Dev : Couldn't take my eyes off you.

Karen : I couldn't take my eyes off you.

Dev : I hadn't even heard you sing. I just thought...

Karen : :We have time. We could practice Some Like It Hot.

Dev : Don't you have to go to rehearsal?

Karen : I don't have to be there till 12:00. What?

Dev : Oh, I should never have come. You asked me not to.

Karen : I'm glad you came. I told you last night.

Dev : You asked for more space.

Karen : Yeah, but I... I got it. I love you. And I don't care about R.J. I mean, I do, but it's been so crazy being up here. And if she ended up ruining our relationship, that would be really just... Stupid, wouldn't it? When you left... it scared me... so much that I might lose you.

Dev : You won't lose me.

Karen : So can we get married? Is the offer still on the table?

Dev : Whoa.

Karen : No "whoa"! Don't say "whoa" to me. Go get that ring. You didn't give it to someone else already, did you?

Dev : I... I left it in New York. I didn't think I was gonna need it again.

Karen : Well, you do need it because you have to ask me again.

Dev : Karen... Will you marry me?

Karen : Yes. Yes.


Derek : Yeah, this'll work. Hey.

Ivy : Hey.

Derek : You're early. The ensemble's not due in for a couple of hours.

Ivy : Sometimes I like to be early. So were you just not going to say goodbye? Three days ago, you told me you loved me. And that was the last time you spoke to me, other than to say "places, please," and "stay out of my way", I'm about to have sex with a movie star."

Derek : Ivy... Rebecca needs my attention, and I'm giving it to her. Is there any other approach?

Ivy : Is that all this is to you?

Dev : We're opening a show, and you and I are professionals.

Ivy : Yeah. Yeah, we are.

Derek : That's why we do well together.


Rebecca : No one applauded. No, I'm not speaking metaphorically. I'm speaking literally. I died out there. I'm alone in Boston dying. I, um, I've got to go. O-okay. Yeah. My shrink. He takes all my calls. All of them. That's how crazy I am.

Karen : It wasn't your fault that they didn't applaud.

Rebecca : I'm the star, Karen. It's all my fault.

Karen : Nobody thinks that.

Rebecca : Everyone thinks it. And it's true. If it weren't true, you'd be Marilyn, wouldn't you?

Karen : I don't know.

Rebecca : Sure you do. There's always someone coming up the back of you. Marilyn knew it. Nearly drove her crazy in the end.

Karen : Look, it was the first preview. I mean, everybody says that that's what happens during previews. I mean, that's what previews are for, so that... Things can go wrong. Rebecca, you okay? Oh, my God, Rebecca? Can you breathe? Oh, my God, hello? Somebody help! Hey, I need some... Call somebody, you guys!


Derek : Okay, everyone, can I have your attention, please? Okay, obviously we're not going to be doing the show tonight. Rebecca's in the hospital, but she's going to be fine. The doctors say she had a severe allergic reaction to some peanuts, but she's been sedated. And apparently, she'll make a full recovery. Now we've also decided to cancel tomorrow's shows. That's a big decision, but there's work we need to do on the ending. So don't leave town. No tweeting. Keep your cell phones on. This is a moving target.

Sam : I'm going to church tomorrow to say a prayer.

Bobby : Church?

Sue : That sounds really nice. I'll go.

Jessica : Maybe I will too. I could use a little faith.

Karen : Me too.


Eileen : What's going on? Is she all right?

Randall : Do you know how careful she is? She would never accidentally ingest anything with even a trace of peanuts in it.

Eileen : Well, apparently, something got by her.

Randall : No, this was deliberate.

Eileen : What are you, Miss Marple?

Randall : This is serious.

Eileen : I'm sorry. I understand, but let's just wait till she feels better, and find out what she thinks, really.


Derek : Yeah, well, I wouldn't put it past Ivy. Karen was there. Maybe they did it together.

Tom : Excuse me?

Derek : Oh, I'm kidding, Tom. Look, I'll go to the hospital when she wakes up, all right?

Eileen : Well, I'll put in a call to the local press, try and keep a lid on it.

Tom : What about New York? This is gonna be catnip to them.

Eileen : Oh, I'll deal with them too. Meanwhile, this thing's costing us a fortune. You two need to concentrate on that new ending. Let's not waste any time, all right?

Julia : Okay, can we slow this train down? What if she doesn't recover in time? You know that you're all thinking it. What happens to the show? Karen has had no time on that stage.

Tom : Ivy... knows it. That's just a fact. She knows it.

Eileen : We'll talk about it later. Go to work on that song.

Derek : I'm thinking.


Ivy : Rebecca's going to be fine.

Bobby : Unless she's not.

Ivy : Even if she's not, I'm not the understudy.

Bobby : But you know it.

Ivy : I'll see you guys in a minute.

Bobby : Where you going?

Ivy : Get more beers.


Dev : Thank you for coming.

Ivy : What do you want? Is this wise?

Dev : I think I may have left something in your room... A ring.

Ivy : Well, what kind of ring? Are you gonna ask her to marry you?

Dev : It's none of your business.

Ivy : Yeah. Yeah, I'll look for it.

Dev : Thank you.


Karen : I'll never be ready.

Dev : When will they let you know?

Karen : First of all, Rebecca's probably going to be fine. And second, Ivy... Ivy knows it better than I do.

Dev : You're the understudy.

Karen : No, they don't rehearse understudies until after previews. Aside from that week when Rebecca was late, I haven't done it, and I'm totally unprepared. Rebecca's probably coming back. I want her to come back. I want her... to be okay. Ugh, I don't know what I want.


[Karen - Let's Be Bad ]


Michael : Julia. Hey, w-we have to talk.

Julia : I don't have time. I have to go, and I've got to meet with Tom. I'm sorry. I really... I can't talk to you.

Michael : Hey, hey, I came here for you.

Julia : Michael, we agreed...

Michael : I know what we agreed, and I meant it, but I knew when they sent for me, I-I knew you would never have done that if you weren't... A-and you just keep ignoring me?

Julia : Michael, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. Listen. I didn't want you here. I didn't want you here. I told everyone. I was ready to walk away from the show when I heard you were doing it. The only reason I'm here is because Frank and Leo... I can't talk to you about this. I was right. I can't even talk to you...

Michael : Why not?


Julia : I could kill you.

Tom : Look, if we put our minds together, we can figure it out. The rest of the show works beautifully, Rebecca's fine.

Julia : I'm not talking about the stupid show. Do you know who tried to kiss me just now? Go ahead. Take a guess.

Tom : He didn't.

Julia : Why? Why did you let them steamroll you? Why did... why did you agree to this? They couldn't have outvoted both of us. Contractually, they weren't allowed to. If we had stuck together, this couldn't have happened.

Tom : Hiring him was the right thing to do, Julia. You cannot blame me for this. We needed an actor fast...

Julia : Not this one. I'm sorry, but not this one! You put the show so far ahead of me and my family, I may not be able to save it.

Tom : You did that. I tried to tell you so many times not to risk your amazing family for... What?

Julia : I made a mistake. I made a terrible mistake. I am trying to fix it, and you...

Tom : You cannot blame me for this.

Julia : I am blaming you.

Tom : I stood by you. I didn't condemn you, and I didn't cut you off because I love you. And I tried to be there for you through all of it. But I couldn't support you in this. I couldn't. And that is not my fault.

Julia : Nothing's ever your fault, Tom.

Tom : Hey.

Julia : It's not, Tom. You're so righteous. I love that about you. And you're so kind, and we're such a team... Except we're not, are we? We're not a team. Because the show is more important than all of us.

Tom : Well.

Julia : It sounds so weird. We're not a team. I'm going back to the hotel. I'm going back to see my family.

Tom : Julia...

Julia : Everyone will get their song. The stupid song will be finished!


Bobby : It's official. The lady Duvall is coming back.

Jessica : Where did you hear that?

Bobby : It's the company hotline.

Jessica : We have a hotline?

Bobby : Really? What does it matter anyway? You can never find your phone.

Jessica : Can I borrow yours?

Bobby : Oh, my God. Yes.

Jessica : Thank you.


Dev : Are you okay?

Karen : I'm relieved. Rebecca's great. She's gonna be great.

Jessica : Hey.

Karen : Hey. I can't get on that stage with no rehearsal. Would have been impossible.

Dev : You'll get your shot.

Karen : Aw, though I have more important things to think about. Us.

Bobby : Hey, um... Did you check the hotline?

Ivy : Oh, yeah. A vodka soda. Two. And you know what? Let's do some shots.

Bobby : Yes! Yes, please.


Ronald : I've known Ivy for a while, right?

Ivy : Yeah, Sam and I go way back.

Ronald : Great to see you here too, Tom.

Tom : I'm happy to be here. You look gorgeous, Vanessa.

Vanessa : Thank you, baby. We get to hear you sing today, Sam. This has been our church since Sam was in kindergarten.

Sam : Mom.

Vanessa : He had a beautiful voice, even when he was five years old.

Sam : Mom, mom.

Vanessa : It's true, it's true.

Sam : Thank you. Inside.

Tom : I have spent more time with your parents than I have any boyfriend's parents in my whole life.

Sam : I wouldn't be proud of that, Tom. You made it!

Bobby : Barely.

Jessica : Is it okay to be hung over in church?

Sam : You wouldn't be the first. Enjoy. Morning.

Dennis : Morning.

Sam : There they go.

Karen : Hey, this is my boyfriend, Dev.

Sam : Yeah, hi, Sam.

Dev : Hello.

Tom : Hi. Tom.

Dev : Nice to meet you.

Tom : Nice to meet you too.

Tom : Well, say hi, Ivy.

Ivy : Hi! Hi, Dev.

Dev : Hello, Ivy.

Karen : I'm so glad you organized this. I love church.

Sam : You remember, I'm gonna make you sing. Hope that's okay. She promised.

Dev : I think I can handle that.

Sam : You too, Ivy.

Ivy : I'm gonna sit this one out.

Julia : Hi, Karen. Hi, Dev.

Karen : Julia.

Julia : Hey, Ivy. Hi, Sam.

Sam : So glad you made it.

Frank : Hi, Tom.

Tom : Hi.

Julia : We should head in.

Sam : Do you know how hard it was to convince her to come?

Tom : Thank you. Anybody else? Tell me you didn't invite Derek. He's gonna burst into flames, you know. Just wait.


Pastor : And when I go through my trials and my tribulations, I still go to church, and I give him the praise. And that makes the devil mad. So praise him.

All: Yes!

Pastor : Let's stand with the Lord. And say "I..."

All: I.

Pastor : "Believe."

All: Believe.


[Karen, Sam & the gospel choir - Stand ]


Ronald : We're coming to the play next weekend.

Tom : Oh, good, I'll get you comps.

Vanessa : Ooh, is Rebecca Duvall going to be back?

Tom : Actually, she is.

Vanessa : Wonderful.

Sam : All right, mom. Love you.

Vanessa : Love you too.

Tom : Sir.

Ronald : Bye.

Sam : Pop. Go talk to her.

Tom : You must be so pleased with yourself.

Sam : It's all God's doing, Tom. Yeah, I feel pretty smart. Go.

Tom : Maybe Marilyn should go to church at the end.

Julia : Not a bad idea. I think I've got a better one.

Tom : You do?

Julia : I think so.

Tom : Good.

Both : I'm sorry.

Tom : Okay.

Julia : Okay.


Karen : Here you are.

Dev : Oh, boy.

Karen : That was crazy, right?

Dev : Yeah. You know, it was gorgeous, actually. It's always gorgeous when you sing.

Karen : You okay?

Dev : There's something I need to tell you.

Karen : Uh, okay. Oh, it's Rebecca. I have to... I'm sorry. Hello?


Rebecca : Those peanuts, they get me every time.

Karen : How did this happen? You're so careful.

Rebecca : I know. Randall thinks somebody did it on purpose.

Karen : Do you think that?

Rebecca : I do, actually. It was in the smoothie. I could taste it.

Karen : Yeah, but I...

Rebecca : I know. I drank it anyway.

Karen : Why?

Rebecca : I was scared. I've never been so scared in my life. I'm not going back into the show.

Karen : What? No, you have to.

Rebecca : No, I don't. I so don't. You're my understudy. Why aren't you applauding?

Karen : Well, I don't know, I mean, maybe I'm... I'm not as ambitious as everybody else apparently is.

Rebecca : Well, maybe you should be. Might as well be you.


Sue : Okay, so she is gonna be okay.

Karen : She's gonna be fine in about a week or so.

Bobby : But she's not coming back to the show.

Karen : No.

Jessica : And it was deliberate?

Karen : Well, apparently someone put peanuts in her smoothie.

Jessica : Stop it. You're kidding. Do they have any idea who did it?

Karen : She doesn't want to know.

Bobby : Anyway, it's not the question. The real question is, who's going to play Marilyn?

Kikavu ?

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Alternative Awards : À vos nominés
Alternative Awards | On compte sur vous !

Activité récente
Smash va débarquer à Broadway l'an prochain !

Smash va débarquer à Broadway l'an prochain !
C'est officiel, Smash montera prochainement sur l'une des scènes les plus prestigieuses !...

Leslie Odom Jr. obtient un rôle dans la suite de À couteaux tirés !

Leslie Odom Jr. obtient un rôle dans la suite de À couteaux tirés !
Leslie Odom Jr. sera au casting de Knives Out 2, la suite de la comédie policière À couteaux tirés...

HypnoCup 2021 - Les couples de la série représentés

HypnoCup 2021 - Les couples de la série représentés
L'HypnoCup 2021 vient de débuter sur la citadelle! Cette année 512 couples s'affrontent pour accéder...

Leslie Odom Jr : Love in the Time of Corona sur Freeform

Leslie Odom Jr : Love in the Time of Corona sur Freeform
C'est ce samedi 22 août que la chaîne câblée américaine Freeform va diffuser la série Love in the...

Le cast se réunit pour un concert !

Le cast se réunit pour un concert !
Le cast se réunira le 20 Mai pour un concert en direct, de Bombshell.  Les actrices de la série...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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ShanInXYZ, 04.05.2024 à 18:09

Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, 06.05.2024 à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Avant-hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

CastleBeck, Hier à 23:08

Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

Viens chatter !