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#112 : En route vers la gloire


Karen et Rebecca deviennent amies et Karen découvre les joies de la célébrité. Eileen et Nick se rapprochent. Leo disparait.

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En route vers la gloire

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Réalisation : Michael Mayer 
Scénario :
Theresa Rebeck

Guests : Uma Thurman (Rebecca Duvall); Thorsten Kaye (Nick); Michael Cristofer (Jerry)

Avant les répétitions, Derek confir à Karen qu’elle fait une Marilyn sensationnelle. Ellis surprend la conversation et informe Randall de la situation délicate de Rebecca. Rebecca arrive en retard à la répétition et refuse de travailler le morceau choisi pour la journée, selon l’agenda établi. Apparemment, « Mr. & Mrs. Smith » a besoin d’être réécrite pour sa voix.

Après la répétition, Rebecca invite Karen à une soirée avec elle. Karen est excitée à cette idée et délaisse un Dev un peu morose par la même occasion. Rebecca convainc Karen de chanter au club, dans l’intention voilée d’évaluer la compétition. La reprise de « Run », de Snow Patrol, faite par Karen capture toute l’audience, Rebecca y comprise.

Derek perd clairement le contrôle des répétitions, et Tom n’a pas peur de le lui faire savoir. Tout le cast, dont Rebecca, entend l’échange. La dernière chanson écrite par Tom est donnée à Karen selon l’idée de Rebecca.

Nouvellement meilleures amies, Karen et Rebecca se préparent pour une nuit en ville. Des piles de vêtements hors de prix sont jetées sur le lit de Karen en cadeau. Rebecca conseille à Karen de surveiller Dev avec attention, car apparemment les petits amis ne réagissent pas souvent très bien quand leurs petites amies gagnent du pouvoir plus rapidement qu’eux. La nouvelle relation entre Karen et Rebecca rend Dev jaloux.

Après plusieurs rendez-vous, Karen organise une rencontre entre Dev et Rebecca. La tension entre ces deux derniers est palpable. Ils se disputent même sur ce que doit être l’objet du temps et de l’attention de Karen. Dev veut que Karen suive son propre chemin, mais Rebecca jure que son avancée actuelle sur la voie de la célérité lui apportera le plus de bénéfices. Karen observe l’échange, impuissante, et se met à imaginer un numéro de type Bollywood, « A Thousand And One Night ».

Alors que Julia et Tom travaille sur la nouvelle chanson, Frank arrive pour récupérer Leo pour le weekend. Mais Leo n’est pas avec Julia. Frank et Julia ont tous les deux reçu des messages de Leo leur annonçant qu’il resterait chez l’autre parent.

Le meilleur ami de Leo, Mason, ment à Julia et Frank, insistant qu’il ne sait pas où se trouve Leo. Julia a du mal à le croire et le suit à l’école. Elle le menace de ruiner sa vie s’il ne passe pas aux aveux. Coincé, Mason admet que Leo a passé les trois derniers jours dans sa chambre pour échapper aux problèmes de leur vie familiale.

Julia supplie Frank ne pas aller chercher Leo, mais de le laisser rentrer quand il sera prêt. Alors que le couple prépare le diner, Leo rentre à l’appartement. Julia et Frank l’accueille à bras ouvert.

Eileen et Nick tombe sur son ex, Jerry, à l’Académie de Music de Brooklyn. L’exposition a ennuyé Nick, au grand amusement de Jerry. Ce dernier accuse Eileen de sortir avec le laveur de carreaux, mais elle en a entendu assez. Nick ne ressemble à Jerry en rien, raison pour laquelle elle est si accro à Nick.

Ivy manipule Derek pour qu’il confronte enfin Rebecca et regagne le contrôle de la production.

Privée de la nouvelle chanson, Ivy prépare sa revanche sur Karen, avec l’aide d’Ellis. Ellis envoie un message à Karen avec le téléphone de Josie, l’informant que la répétition a été annulée à cause de l’absence de Julia. Karen absente, Derek donne le solo à Ivy. Rebecca se sent désormais menacée par Ivy après sa magnifique interprétation de « Secondhand White Baby Grand ».

Karen : Hey. I got your call.

Derek : Karen, hi. Thanks for coming in early.

Karen : I usually come in early anyway, so...

Derek : Yeah. I know. Come with me.

Karen : Is everything okay?

Derek : Yeah, just wanted to make sure you were staying on top of the material. I know I haven't had a chance to work with you on it yet.

Karen : Oh, no, I know. The stage manager does that.

Derek : What?

Karen : That's what Linda told me, that when we're through with tech, she takes over the rehearsals and works with the understudies so we're ready to go on if we ever need to. Which I'm sure I won't.

Derek : I think you'd make a brilliant Marilyn. I see it, you know? In my head.

Karen : Really?

Derek : Okay, just, um, stay on top of the material.

Josie : Oh my God, she's coming straight from the gym.

Ellis : Randall, hey. Can I talk to you for a second?

Randall : No, actually.

Ellis : I'm not kidding.

Randall : She's going to be at least 20 minutes late. You should go tell one of the stage management people. Thank you. Yes?

Ellis : I just heard something I think your boss needs to know.


[Ted - On Lexington and 52nd street ]

Tom : Sounds great, Ted. Anything else you want to brush up, Derek?

Derek : How late is she gonna be again?

Rebecca : What? No, I'm not late. I'm here. Sorry.

Derek : Huh. Terrific. We're gonna look at “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”.

Rebecca : Oh, um, can we start with something else?

Derek : No. It's on the schedule.

Rebecca : Uh, Derek... Um... I've had this great idea about “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”, which I need to talk to Julia about, 'cause it requires a little rewrite, takes a little time. So, um, could we focus on... I've done a lot of work on Wolf.

Derek : Give me a minute.

Karen : They are not going to cut “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”.<

Bobby : Yeah, well, I heard her. That's what she told them. She wants to cut it and replace it with a scene.

Ivy : Ugh, she's a nightmare.

Karen : I like her.

Ivy : You like everybody.

Karen : Excuse me, I do not like everybody, but I do like Rebecca. She's very direct.

Rebecca : Okay, thanks, bye. Hey, Karen!

Karen : Rebecca, hey.

Rebecca : What are you doing tonight?

Karen : Um...

Rebecca : Want to go out?

Karen : Sure, yeah.

Rebecca : Great. Call you.

Karen : Okay. What just happened?


Tom : I hate her.

Eileen : Would you please close the door?

Tom : You don't replace songs with scenes.

Derek : I didn't say I would.

Tom : You didn't say you wouldn't.

Derek : There's a lot of ways to build a musical, Tom.

Tom : Like bringing in outside songwriters?

Julia : Let's not go back to that.

Derek : It was hardly out of line. It happens all the time.

Tom : People cave in to actresses all the time too.

Derek : Meaning?

Tom : You're the director. Why don't you... Oh, what is the word... Direct?

Ellis : Oh, Julia, you have a message. Leo called. He said he's staying with your husband an extra night.

Julia : Great. Now I have to take messages about my broken marriage from him.


Karen : Hey. You're home.

Dev : Where should I be?

Karen : No, it's just it's not even 6:00. You're never home this early. Wait. Did you get fired?

Dev : No. He's not going to fire me. It's too much fun to keep me around and torture me.

Karen : Aw, maybe you should quit.

Dev : Why should I? If they want to pay me to sit around and do nothing apart from come home early and take my girlfriend out for dinner, I'm gonna let them.

Karen : Oh. I have a date. With a movie star. I have a date with a movie star.

Dev : Oh.

Karen : It's kinda cool, right? I mean, it's kinda cool. Mm. Oh, I have a date!


Reporter #1: Hey, Rebecca, smile right here! Rebecca, would you turn around?

Reporter #2: Miss Duvall! Oh, looking good, miss Duvall.

Rebecca : Who's playing tonight?

Randall : Cooper's about to do a set.

Rebecca : Oh, great.

Karen : Cooper? They're fantastic. I love them.

Rebecca : Yeah? You want to stand in?

Karen : What?

Rebecca : You're supposed to be Derek's muse. I want to see what you got.

Karen : Who told you that?

Rebecca : People talk. They say you're brilliant. Come on. It'll be fun. Come on. Hey, Paulie. Hey, Phil. Hi.

Phil : How's it going?

Rebecca : Good, good. This is my friend Karen Cartwright. Be kind. All right. Hey, everyone, listen up. Karen Cartwright. Give it up.

Karen : What about...”Run”?

Phil : Snow patrol.

Karen : Yeah.

Randall : What are you up to?

Rebecca : I'm just checking out the competition.

[Karen - Run ]

Karen : Thanks. Thank you.

Rebecca : That was so awesome.

Karen : Thank you.

Rebecca : You are not an understudy. You are a star.


Dev : Hello. What's that?

R.J. : Nothing.

Dev : Hm, yeah. Really.

R.J. : Seriously, it's...  It's not anything. Unless you want to talk about it.


Tom : What are we gonna do when she can't sing it? Because I am not cutting it.

Derek : We haven't even heard it yet.

Tom : I'm telling you, she cannot sing it. And you have lost control of the rehearsal room!

Derek : The only person who has clearly lost control, Tom, is you!

Linda : Tom, Derek. The company is waiting. Right outside the door.

Derek : Well, let them in. We have work to do.

Rebecca : Well. What should we start with?

Derek : Actually, Tom and Julia have written a new number. It's a ballad entitled “Secondhand...”

Tom :Secondhand White Baby Grand”.

Rebecca : Oh, really?

Tom : It's about Marilyn and her mother, how she felt unwanted as a child.

Rebecca : Oh, is it any good, Tom?

Derek : It's not actually for you, darling... sorry. We're going to give it to Marilyn's shadow selves... You know, the voices in her head. Thought they could take on some of the more internal songs.

Rebecca : Shadow selves.

Randall : Derek, maybe you and Rebecca and I could have a sidebar.

Rebecca : I don't need a sidebar, Randall. I think that's a really interesting idea. But you know who should sing it? Karen. She's got a real rock star voice.

Derek : Thank you, Rebecca. She does indeed. Thank you.


Karen : What is all this?

Rebecca : I did a campaign for Molly last month. I thought maybe you could use some of it. Look.

Karen : This is a $2,000 jacket.

Rebecca : I know. They gave me so much stuff, I don't know what to do with it. Seriously, you'd be doing me a favor. Take it. You can't live your life in yoga gear. I'd never get away with it.

Karen : Oh, yeah, but you're you.

Rebecca : Yeah. Don't you want to be me. Wow. Who's that?

Karen : Oh, that's my boyfriend, Dev.

Rebecca : Boyfriend? You live together.

Karen : Yeah.

Rebecca : Well, take it from me. Boyfriends can be a problem on the way up.

Karen : Oh, Dev's not a problem.

Rebecca : Hmm. He might be.


Karen : Oh. You're up. I texted you.  Rebecca wanted to go to this new restaurant, Dev, and we had such a great time. Leonardo DiCaprio was there, and then David Bowie showed up. He's totally nice.

Dev : Did he join you for tequila shots in the meatpacking district? 24hour news cycle. You and your new girlfriend are everywhere.

Karen : They follow her around.

Dev : Yeah, and you too, apparently.

Karen : Wait, are you mad?

Dev : No, I'm just confused.

Karen : Why? It's fantastic. It's exciting.

Dev : Okay, but did you buy all this stuff? I mean, it must have cost a bloody fortune.

Karen : Rebecca gave it to me. They give her clothes for free. I mean, they... They do this for movie stars. You know this.

Dev : No, I didn't, actually. But, uh, I do now. I'm learning. As are you, apparently.

Karen : You'll like her. She's so much fun. This is cool, Dev. This is cool.


Julia : "It is who you are in your deepest soul that will make you a great actress." Lights up on shadow self 1. "Mama bought the piano." Shadow self 2. "Then mama went away." "Remember your childhood." Shadow self 3.

[Tom - Secondhand White Baby Grand ]

Julia : Karen's going to sound so great on this. Leo?

Frank : No. It's me. Hey, Tom.

Tom : Frank. I was just going.

Frank : No, no. You're working. I don't want to interrupt. I'm just here to pick up Leo.

Julia : You can't pick Leo up. Leo's with you.

Frank : He already left?

Julia : : What do you mean, he already left? He never came home. He's been with you for the last two days.

Frank : No, he hasn't.

Julia : What do you mean, no he hasn't? Yesterday I got a message saying...

Frank : Julia, I got a message the day before. He texted me he was staying with you.

Julia : When was the last time you saw him?


Police officer : So, who was the last who seen him?

Julia : He was in school on Monday. Um, his last class gets out at 3:30. It's, uh, advanced placement American history.

Police officer : Smart kid?

Julia : Yes. And he works hard. He's never screwing around. He's always doing his homework. Sort of a serious kid. Very tender-hearted. He's younger than he looks.

Frank : He was arrested a few months ago for smoking pot in Central Park.

Police officer : Oh, so he's got a record.

Frank : No, it was dismissed.

Police officer : I'm not gonna lie to you. Running away is about the most dangerous thing a kid can do in New York. Trouble at home?


Derek : They're building sets in Boston.

Ivy : And you have movie star problems. Tom and Sam were talking about it. But everybody's talking about it. People start whispering about who's in charge because nobody knows. This is what happens when a show starts to go down.


Tom : What did they say?

Julia : They can issue a missing persons report. They'll canvass the train station and the airport. We have to go to his school, talk to his friends. It's been two days. He could be anywhere.

Tom : What do you need?

Julia : Just don't tell anyone. I need to not have Eileen and Derek flipping out while I deal with this.

Tom : How is Frank?

Julia : We're both exhausted.


Derek : Where's Marilyn? Where's stage management?

Karen : Oh, they ran out to the hall. Rebecca was teaching her how to make one of her smoothies.

Derek : Smoothies.


Rebecca : This is a piece of junk, but what are you gonna do? So the kale goes in... With the coconut milk.

Derek : Don't you have an assistant for this?

Rebecca : I have an assistant and a manager, but they're both working their asses off right now, trying to find me a decent place to live in Boston for eight weeks.

Derek : Yeah, well, Linda has production duties.

Rebecca : We're almost done. Um, actually, it's best to grind the flaxseed and then throw it in, but we don't seem to have a spice mill, so what are you gonna do? It'll just take three minutes.

Derek : Give me that. Rebecca. I start teching in a week. I don't have three minutes.

Rebecca : Um, well, uh, if you could just do it all, and, um, and then bring it in, that would be great. Thanks.


Derek : I will not have my stage manager hijacked to make smoothies. Especially if we have to rewrite half the show just so she can do it.

Eileen : What do you want me to say?

Derek : I want you to say, "Derek, you are in charge, and I will speak to our star and tell her how to behave."

Eileen : I did that last week.

Derek : Do it again.

Eileen : How's the new song?

Derek : Karen's learning it. We'll start staging it tomorrow. Which is exactly when I want to hear from you about what you're going to do to alleviate this situation. This one. Don't leave this till we're teching next week.

Ellis : I called Bam and added your plus-one.

Eileen : Thank you.

Ellis : Yeah, they were a little bit confused because apparently Jerry's going to be there too. Just thought you'd like a heads-up.

Eileen : Ellis, there's something I need you to do.


Ellis : Hey.

Ivy : Ellis, what's all this?

Ellis : A vitamix, a grain mill, and a spice mill for grinding flaxseed.

Ivy : Oh, they put you in charge of smoothies.

Ellis : Yes, they did.

Ivy : Hm. Show biz.

[Karen - Secondhand White Baby Grand ]

Ellis : She sounds pretty good.

Ivy : Yes, she does.

Ellis : But you should have that song.

Ivy : I'm well aware.


Ivy : Tom, the song is gorgeous. And this one sounds sensational on it.

Karen : Thanks.

Tom : Were you waiting for me?

Ivy : Oh, yeah. Sam said you guys were meeting up for a drink. I wanted to come along.

Tom : Let me get my stuff.

Ivy : Do you want to come?

Karen : I can't. I'm having dinner with Rebecca and Dev. I wanted her to meet him.

Ivy : Wow. That's bold, since you're dating both of them. Kidding, kidding.

Karen : Funny. It's so weird that they write that stuff. I mean, in Iowa, people think that's real. My parents called three times to find out if I was a lesbian.

Ivy : They better get used to it. You're on your way. And so am I. See ya.

Tom : Good work.

Karen : Thanks.


Mason : We actually don't hang on anymore.

Julia : If you don't hang out with him any more, who does?

Mason : I don't know. He's into, like, wrestling now.

Julia : Yes, we're aware.

Mason’s mom : Have you talked to the wrestling coach?

Frank : Yes, actually, we did talk to him, as well as some kids on the team who said that we should talk to you, Mason, because you're his best friend.

Mason : I don't know. Maybe the police could help.

Mason’s mom : It is so hard, what you're going through. I can't even imagine.

Frank : Well, if you hear anything...

Mason’s mom : Oh, absolutely.


Nick : So this is how the other half lives.

Eileen : Once in a while.


Karen : Oh, here she is, babe. Here she is.

Dev : Yay.

Karen : You didn't have a hard time finding it, did you?

Rebecca : No, not at all. 345. The address is the name. Hi. Rebecca.

Dev : I know who you are. Dev. Dev Sundaram.

Rebecca : Nice to meet you finally. Uh, is this tap? I actually need something bottled... flat, not sparkling. It doesn't have to be mineral water, just something in a bottle.

Waiter : Fiji okay?

Rebecca : Yes, thank you. Great. Indian.

Dev : Sorry?

Rebecca : 345. I never expected that to be an Indian restaurant.

Karen : Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, no. Do you not eat Indian food?

Rebecca : I have a peanut allergy.

Dev : Oh, then you're fine.

Rebecca : No. It's a real allergy, not a pretend allergy.

Dev : No, you're still fine. There are no peanuts in Indian cooking.

Rebecca : Not even in curry?

Dev : Well, that's Thai.

Rebecca : There's no such thing as an Indian curry?

Dev : There is such a thing as an... an Indian curry, but there are no peanuts in it. Some northern Indian dishes sometimes... But this is South Indian.

Karen : We can go to another restaurant if you want.

Rebecca : No, no. No. I like it. It's charming. It's cute. I love Bollywood. Um... Do you have something without peanuts in it?


Ben : The stillness they achieve, it seems like nothing's happening at all, and yet it's completely mesmerizing.

Nick : Wow. You guys really like it.

Ben : You didn't?

Nick : I guess maybe I don't understand art.

Ben : Actually, you don't have to understand it. You just respond to it. How does it make you feel?

Nick : It made me feel pretty bored.

Jerry : This is a merry crew. Nina. Ben.

Ben : Jerry.

Jerry : Eileen. I don't think we've met.

Eileen : Oh, Nick. This is Jerry. Jerry, this is Nick.

Nick : And you are?

Lindsey : Lindsey. Hi. Hello, Mrs. Rand. I mean, hello.

Nick : We were just talking about the show. I don't like it much.

Jerry : Really? He's one of the most important directors in the world.

Nick : I wouldn't know about that. Just think that art maybe should be a little more entertaining.

Jerry : You're a populist.

Nick : Is that a bad thing, Jerry?

Jerry : Not if you're one of the masses.


Sam : Are you okay?

Tom : Yeah. Fine.

Sam : Come on, Tom. You've been someplace else all night. You hardly said three words to poor Ivy.

Tom : Leo's missing.

Sam : Leo?

Tom : Julia's son. He's... missing. No one can know. She's... they're looking for him.

Sam : How long has he been gone?

Tom : Three days.

Sam : Wow.


Jerry : Very interesting, your friend.

Eileen : Ugh, Jerry, do we have to do this?

Jerry : I'm just surprised. It's a little late to start dating the pool boy, isn't it?

Eileen : You know what? I'm bored too. Let's go.

Nick : A woman after my own heart.

Lindsey : He's cute.


Rebecca : It's media. You use them. It's a game.

Dev : In my experience, the press don't actually like to be used.

Rebecca : What do you do?

Dev : Dev works in the press office for the mayor.

Rebecca : Oh, that's right. That's right. You told me. And you are, um... How high up are you?

Dev : How high up am I?

Rebecca : Well, you know what I'm saying, then. It's when you're in front of them, and they're coming after you... That's the moment you have to try to control it. I mean, I like the press, but...

Dev : So you want them to think that Karen is your lover.

Karen : Do you want some saag paneer? They said there's no nuts in it.

Rebecca : No. I just want her picture in the newspaper. I want her to be a star.

Dev : Why?

Rebecca : Because that's what she wants.

Dev : Maybe she should decide what she wants.

Karen : Maybe I should. Maybe you guys should stop talking about me as if I weren't here.

Rebecca : I told you this would be a problem.

Dev : I'm sorry, what?

Karen : Okay. Just hang on, both of you guys.

Rebecca : Your ego gets in the way, and, I mean, you're losing control of her, and it's scary and frustrating. I mean, I know.

Dev : With respect, I just met you 20 minutes ago. You're in no position to define my relationship with my girlfriend.

Rebecca : I'm just describing what I see and what I know.

Dev : So this is what she's telling you while you're running around New York?

Karen : No.

Rebecca : No, no, don't go getting offended.

Dev : Oh, and you're the expert. 'Cause I hear your boyfriend Colin had to be escorted from the room using mace.

Rebecca : I'm just trying to help.

Dev : I think maybe we should leave.

Rebecca : I'm sure you're a great guy.

Dev : I love her.

Rebecca : You sound pretty defensive.

Dev : "I love her" is defensive?

Rebecca : If you love her, you should want what's best for her.

[Dev & Karen - A Thousand And One Nights ]


Eileen : Whales.

Nick : Smartest animal on the planet.  Smarter than us, certainly.

Eileen : Keith Richards.

Nick : I always wanted to be Keith Richards.

Eileen : That makes the whales a whole lot smarter than you.

Nick : Maybe, maybe not. You look pretty with your hair like that. What?

Eileen : It's just... You're so different from Jerry. There, I've said it. But you're just so different from Jerry.

Nick : Yeah. What was that all about?

Eileen : Well, he's angry that I finally left him, and he doesn't mind letting me know.

Nick : No, I mean, why did you love him? That mean streak, that's not a new thing, is it?

Eileen : Well, I guess when you're young, you think that's strong, and you think that strength will protect you. You don't think it'll turn against you. Well, you're trading up.


Julia : You better talk to me right now, you little creep, or I'm gonna make your life a living hell.

Mason : Look, I don't know anything.

Julia : I'm famous. I've had plays on Broadway. That sort of thing means something to people in private schools in New York City. If I tell your principal that you got Leo hooked on drugs and helped him run away, you're gonna have a lot to answer for.

Mason : Okay. Sure. You can make all that happen. You're all hooked up. So what? You screwed up your life so bad, you have to run around, like, threatening loser teenagers.

Julia : Where is he?

Mason : Sleeping on the floor of my room. He just needed some space, 'cause his parents were driving him so nuts.

Julia : Is he all right?

Mason : If he was all right, do you think he would've done this? You know what, let me tell you something before you freak out again. This isn't his fault. It's not my fault either.

Julia : No, it's not.

Mason : Look, I'll tell him to call you. I don't know if he will.


Derek : We're starting with act two, please. No Julia. Again.

Tom : She's under the weather. Flu or something.


Frank : I'm gonna kill him. Leo, not Mason. I'm gonna kill 'em both, and I'm gonna kill that know-nothing mother.

Julia : Frank, Frank, honey. It's okay. It's okay. You don't need to...

Frank : Don't tell me what to do.

Julia : Okay. Okay, Frank. But you know what? You are always so good in a crisis, and you hold everything in so that I can lose it. And then, after everything is better, you lose it. But that's the thing. You don't have to. He's okay.

Frank : You don't think I should go get him?

Julia : He just needs a little room.

Frank : I was so scared.

Julia : I know.


Rebecca : Ellis, would you make another smoothie? You want one? They're awesome.

Karen : Sure.

Rebecca : I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get some chips.

Ellis : It's a really short break. You want me to go?

Rebecca : Oh, no, I'll do it. I gotta get the right ones. No peanut oil.

Ivy : It's like some demented fairy tale. You drink a magic potion, you kiss a movie star, and presto, you're one too. Are they really that awesome?

Ellis : They are all she drinks and eats.

Ivy : And potato chips.

Ellis : And potato chips.

Ivy : Ellis? Would you do something for me?

Ellis : For you, anything.

Ivy : Don't you want to know what it is first?

Ellis : Hit me. I'll do it.


Ellis : Hey. Can I borrow your phone? Thanks.

Derek : Are we back?

Linda : Rebecca's not here.

Derek : Where is she?

Ivy : Oh, she went out.

Derek : Went out why?

Ivy : Potato chips. I think she needs special ones.

Derek : Special potato chips. Terrific.


Rebecca : We should get to your song today.

Karen : Oh. No, we're not. Julia has the flu. I'm done for the day.

Rebecca : Oh, okay. See you later. Bye.

Fan : Ms. Duvall, can I have your autograph?

Rebecca : Sure.

Derek : Hey.

Rebecca : Oh, I'm sorry.

Derek : You are 15 minutes late from a 10-minute break.

Rebecca : Derek, calm down.

Derek : Don't tell me to calm do... You get that bloody thing out of my face.

Reporter : Hey, hey! I could have you arrested for that!

Derek : Yeah, good luck with that. Let's go. I want them gone.

Rebecca : I don't tell them...

Derek : Oh, just call your publicist and get rid of them. And get your ass to my rehearsals on time, and stop messing about with your understudy. In fact, stop messing about with me. This show is going to Broadway, where it's going to be a blinding hit. I am not about to let some stupid little movie star with childish power issues stop it... or me.

Rebecca : Okay. Chip?

Derek : No.


Derek : Right. Having lost 20 minutes to miss Duvall's need for her oh-so-special potato chips, we are now finally in a position to start "Secondhand White Baby Grand", marking the transition into "Dig Deep". Karen Cartwright. Where is Karen Cartwright?!

Rebecca : She went home.

Derek : Terrific.

Rebecca : She got a text...

Derek : Be quiet! Ivy. Do you know it?

Ivy : Yes. Yes, I do.

Derek : Great, it's yours. You okay with that, Tom?

Tom : Yes, I am.

Derek : Fine. Marilyn, you're center stage. Ivy, you're in the shadowbox upstage center right. Now!


Leo : Hey.

Julia : Hey.

Frank : Hey.

Leo : I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I couldn't stand... I know you kept saying it wasn't my fault, but I felt like I was losing everything, and I didn't know why.

Frank : You're not losing...

Leo : Dad, come on. I am. We are. I don't know what anything is any more.

Julia : Dinner will make us all feel better.

Leo : Will it?

Julia : Yes, it will. Go set the table.


Sam : You okay? Tom, you okay?

Tom : He's back. He came back.

Sam : That is really wonderful news.

Tom : He's back. He's fine. He's back. Yeah, he's back!


Rebecca : So... The idea is, uh, I lie here and listen to her sing.

Derek : She's a voice in your head.

Rebecca : Okay.

Derek : Okay, go ahead.

Justin : Remember. Remember.

Rebecca : Is that all I have to do?

Justin : That's all you have to do, my dear Marilyn. Look within. It's who you are in your deepest soul that will make you a great actress.

Rebecca : A great actress. A great actress.

Justin : Remember your youth.

Jessica : Mama bought the piano.

Justin : Remember your childhood.

Sue : Then mama went away.

[Ivy - Secondhand White Baby Grand ]

Derek : Thank you, miss Lynn. That was glorious.

Rebecca : Derek. A suggestion. I think Marilyn should sing that song.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 23 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

03.01.2022 vers 16h

06.11.2018 vers 22h

16.08.2018 vers 14h

10.02.2018 vers 23h

07.03.2017 vers 22h

31.10.2016 vers 18h

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Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

Viens chatter !