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#109 : Descente aux enfers

Julia et Tom trouve un nouveau titre à la comédie musicale. Karen et Ivy passent toutes les deux l'audition pour une publicité de jus d'orange. Frank découvre le secret de Julia.

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Titre VO
Hell on Earth

Titre VF
Descente aux enfers

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Promo 109 (VO)

Promo 109 (VO)


Plus de détails

Réalisation : Paul McGuigan
Scénario : Scott Burkhardt

Après l’échec de Derek pour rediriger la comédie musicale dans une nouvelle direction, Eileen et l’équipe créative se réunit pour essayer d’arranger ce qui peut l’être. Eileen insiste sur le fait qu’ils ont besoin d’une star pour espérer réussir à Broadway et exige que Julia et Tom trouve un titre à la comédie musicale. Derek est résistant aux idées d’Eileen, mais c’est Eileen qui finance et elle a donc le dernier mot. Elle exige que les recherches pour une star soient relancées comme prévues.

La comédie musicale en pause, Karen et Ivy poursuivent de nouveaux projets pour gagner de l’argent. Elles tombent l’une sur l’autre lors d’une audition pour une publicité de jus d’orange.

Ivy est loin d’être ravie de devoir retourner à son ancien boulot, dans l’ensemble de « Heaven On Earth ». Après avoir eu un avant-gout du succès, elle a du mal à se donner à 100%.

Frank trouve des paroles incriminantes écrite par Julia à côté de leur lit. Ces paroles ne semblent pas avoir de lien avec la narration de « Marilyn », avec des allusions à la tromperie, à une liaison romantique et au pont de Brooklyn. Quand Julia rentre à l’appartement, Frank la confronte sur les paroles, et Julia sait tout de suite que Frank a découvert son secret. Frank refuse les excuses de Julia. Elle a déchiré leur foyer, et elle ne peut rien y faire.

Karen ne peut le croire… elle a obtenu la publicité ! En arrivant sur le plateau, l’expérience est loin de ce à quoi elle s’attendait ; elle porte une combinaison verte qui la recouvre de la tête aux pieds et l’ensemble du plateau est un fond vert. Mais un job est un job, elle ne peut pas se plaindre.

L’équipe est à la recherche d’une star pour « Marilyn », et Ellis veut absolument être celui qui la trouvera. En utilisant des connaissances, Ellis arrive à arranger un rendez-vous avec l’assistant de la célèbre actrice Rebecca Duvall. L’assistant avoue que Rebecca est intéressée par un changement de direction, peut-être qu’il pourra la convaincre.

Ivy n’en peut plus et prend des mesures drastiques pendant une performance de « Heaven On Earth ». Ivy prend une pilule de trop avant un numéro et subit une crise de nerf sur scène, ruinant le numéro avant d’en être virée.

Karen se rend à la performance pour rendre ses lunettes à Ivy, qu’elles ont accidentellement échangé lors des auditions pour la publicité. Ivy est horrifiée d’apprendre que Karen a vu son « accident » sur scène. Les deux jeunes femmes échangent leurs pensées et finissent par trouvé un terrain d’entente : elles ont toutes les deux besoin de boire un verre.

Frank confronte Michael sur sa liaison avec Julia. Michael lui avoue, sans avoir l’intention, que cette liaison aurait du prendre fin il y a longtemps, révélant à Frank que la liaison n’est une erreur d’un soir. Frank retourne à l’appartement et fait ses valises. Il pousse Julia à lui dire depuis combien temps elle a des sentiments pour Michael. Julia est au fond du trou et Frank part.

Karen et Ivy parcourent les rues de New York, une bouteille de vodka pour compagnie. Elles semblent bien s’entendre pour une fois et donne une représentation impromptue, au milieu d’une grande avenue, de « I’ll drink to that », de Rihanna.

Tom apprend « l’accident » d’Ivy et se précipite à son appartement pour y trouver Sam. Sans nouvelle d’Ivy, les deux hommes sont inquiets et décident d’attendre le retour d’Ivy. Ils passent toute la nuit ensemble dans une restaurant.

Ellis annonce à Eileen, avec fierté, qu’elle doit s’attendre à un appel de l’agent de Rebecca Duvall d’une minute à l’autre, mais il suit cette annonce avec un ultimatum : si Rebecca rejoint « Marilyn », il veut être crédité comme co-producteur de la comédie musicale. Eileen remet Ellis à sa place en lui disant que démarcher les stars n’est pas la seule occupation d’un producteur. Est-ce qu’il a aussi l’intention de négocier son contrat et répondre à toutes ses demandes ?

Julia retrouve Michael après sa confrontation avec Frank pour lui dire ce qu’il s’est passé. Elle demande à Michael de ne pas s’excuser, ils ont agi ensemble. Alors qu’ils se séparent, Julia considère le futur de sa famille, en ruine. Plus tard, Julia et Tom trouvent le nom de la comédie musicale, « Bombshell ».

Karen : Your first impression.

Dev : Girl next door.

Karen : Okay...

Dev : Slut.

Karen : What?

Dev : You look great in both. What are all these things you're doing today, anyway?

Karen : Well, I can't just sit around and wait for Marilyn to happen, so I have that audition, and then I'm gonna go by Orlin to see if I can pick up some shifts from Lianne.

Dev : Hard-working girl.

Karen : Mm-hmm.


Derek : Mm. Where are you going?

Ivy : I have an audition.


Frank : It's ready.

Leo : Sorry, dad.

Julia : Oh, sorry. So sorry.

Frank : Julia, the adoption papers, where are they?

Julia : By the bed. Love you. Bye.


Tom : I've called, emailed, texted Ivy. Nothing.

John : I'm sure she's fine. Sometimes people need to be by themselves.

Tom : You have to rush?

John : I'm sorry, I do. I have a full load of case work and then I've got court this afternoon.

Tom : How 'bout tonight?

John : Still working.

Tom : Hmm. Tomorrow night's no good for me. Thursday night.

John : Uh, well, I'm getting together with a friend.

Tom : A friend?

John : I'm going to a benefit for a friend. It's a friend from college.

Tom : Great. Can I come?

John : It's not your kind of thing. It's political.

Tom : But you came to my workshop, and I'm excellent arm candy. I... I can look very dashing. And the things those Republicans are doing, I mean, it's just despicable. Especially with the arts.

John : It's a republican fundraiser.

Tom : You mean...

John : I'm a republican.


Sam : And I have all these back problems because I'm getting old, you know.

Ivy : Or your chiropractor isn't as good as you think. My guy is amazing. I'll get you his number.

Sam : Uh, or your back doesn't hurt because you're on so many drugs. What is all this?

Ivy : Oh, when I started the prednisone, I couldn't sleep, so my doctor put me on Ambien. Plus the Klonopin for the anxiety. But then I was totally doped up, so then he put me on Lorazepam and... I don't know, some new stuff.

Sam : And stuff?

Ivy : Oh, don't you judge me. Listen, I've been pretty anxious lately, and not without good reason. I worked my ass off on that workshop. And now I'm back in Heaven On Earth for... probably forever.

Sam : Ivy. I'm not judging, okay? Just... Just be careful.

Ivy : Here's his number.


Ellis : Uh, Anna Paquin... Chelsea Wood, Anna Faris, Rebecca Duvall...

Tom : Ha!

Ellis : Kate Winslet.

Derek : I'm hearing a lot of pipe dreams. Kate Winslet?

Ellis : You never know until you try.

Derek : Oh, that's sweet. What, you're a producer now, Ellis?

Eileen : If you're going for a star, it's part of the process, Derek.

Derek : Yeah, well, as we all know, going for a star isn't the first thing I'd do to save this.

Julia : Me neither. I hate chasing movie stars.

Eileen : Oh, good, so there's actually one thing you can all agree on. Derek, we have a meeting at CAA in 20 minutes. Tom, Julia...

Julia : What?

Eileen : That title.

Julia : Okay.

Eileen : All right, what's the problem? What is the problem?

Derek : The problem is what it's always been... The show isn't ready.

Eileen : Oh, Derek, you had a fight with your collaborators and you lost... Get over it.

Derek : What I had was a perfectly good idea for the development of this musical, which they didn't like... Fair enough. But I'm gonna need one or two things in return.

Eileen : Such as?

Derek : I'm not chasing stars until I see a finished script. In fact, you know what, I'm not going to do anything until I see a finished script. And when I see a finished script, I will agree to give notes. And then in one year we'll do a second workshop.

Eileen : In a year?

Derek : I've got people chasing me, Eileen. I'm not gonna just sit around and hope for the best. Whether or not you're willing to admit it, Tom and Julia need the time.

Eileen : Ellis...

Ellis : Yes?

Eileen : Get me Doug Hughes.

Ellis : The director?

Eileen : Yes, the director.


Ivy : Hi. Hi, I'm Ivy Lynn.

Cast assistant : You were booked for 10:00.

Ivy : I know. I'm sorry. I... I got stuck in the subway. Are they still going?

Cast assistant : Yes, but they're finishing up.

Ivy : Okay, thank you.

Karen : Ooh...

Ivy : Oh, hi.

Karen : Hi. We just keep running into each other, don't we?

Ivy : Yeah, we really do.

Karen : Break a leg.

Director : She was perfect.


Lianne : I tell people you cannot cover chefs and maybe in a few weeks you can ask him to put you on the schedule officially.

Karen : Perfect.

Lianne : What happened with the Marilyn workshop?

Karen : Oh, you know, it's sort of... I don't know.

Lianne : In that "nothing's happening, but anything could happen" kind of place?

Karen : Exactly.

Lianne : Sometimes they stay there forever.

Karen : I'm sorry. Hello? What? Oh, yes. Oh, okay! Okay. Okay. Oh! I... I got it. I got it. Oh, my God!

Lianne : Oh, my God, that's great!

Karen : Yes!

Lianne : Wait, what did you get?

Karen : An orange juice commercial.

Lianne : Good for you!

Karen : Oh, my gosh. I've gotta go call Dev!


Tom : Deal breaker.

Julia : Marilyn played fast and loose with her contacts, but that's not really a good title, Tom.

Tom : No, I mean John is a republican. That's a deal breaker.

Julia : American star. American icon.

Tom : Yech! Eww!

Julia : Yeah, that's bad.

Tom : I should have known. The suits. The closely cropped hair.

Julia : He's pretty dreamy.

Tom : I know!

Julia : You're being too hard on him. I thought you weren't that political.

Tom : I thought you were.

Julia : Everyone has their faults. You should give him a chance.

Tom : Hey.

Julia : Hmm?

Tom : Have you heard from Michael?

Julia : No. That's over, thank God. I don't know what I was thinking.

Tom : Did you ever talk to Leo about it?

Julia : Oh, are you kidding? We both avoided it like the plague. I just thank God every day that that insanity is over.


[Cast of "Heaven On Earth" - The higher you get, the farther the fall ]


Scott : Eileen's pretty mad I dumped her for Jerry. If she walks in here and finds me, you know she'll kill us both.

Ellis : I only need a couple names.

Scott : All right. Well, there's Elisa Dunfrey. I knew her in film school. Think she works for Madonna now.

Ellis : They're not looking at Madonna.

Scott : Mimi Brownstein. I think she's a WME. She can walk you through their client list. Wait, wait, wait. Randall Jones. My cousin slept with his sister in high school.

Ellis : And who does he work for?

Scott : Ha. Rebecca Duvall?


[John - Arthur Miller Melody ]


Julia : Hi! I'm home. I'm so sorry I'm late. Tom and I got stuck in this title idea. Ugh, I hate titles. Either they just come or you're stuck for months or years, and no one's happy. Wha... where did you find that?

Frank : By your side of the bed. Here, you sing it.

Julia : Oh, it's a misfire.

Frank : I think it's pretty good. Here, why don't you sing it?

Julia : I'm really tired.

Frank : Julia, wait. Marilyn Monroe on the Brooklyn Bridge. Do you wanna tell me what's going on?

Julia : Nothing.

Frank : You liar.

Julia : Where's Leo?

Frank : He's not here. I found that thing... And I knew, I knew.

Julia : You don't know.

Frank : I knew enough to get the kid out of the house so I could find out. Find out what the hell is going on.

Julia : Nothing's going on. It's over.

Frank : Is it?

Julia : Yes. Yes.

Frank : It was Michael, wasn't it? I thought when I saw you two at the workshop, but I then I thought, God, no, she wouldn't. She wouldn't. That's just not... even... possible. That's what I thought.

Julia : It wasn't anything.

Frank : Julia, please don't. I don't wanna hear all the stupid things that people say at moments like this. It was something! It was total betrayal of me and Leo and... 18 years of marriage! It was a betrayal of everything. Do not tell me it wasn't anything. That is just... that is disgusting that you would say that. That's disgusting.

Julia : I'm sorry. I mean it. I'm so, so sorry.

Frank : Sorry is so... Sorry is not good enough.

Julia : Frank, I don't know what else to say. I didn't want it to happen. It was an accident. It happened.

Frank : An accident.

Julia : Oh, please, I don't know how to talk about this.

Frank : Neither do I.

Julia : Okay, okay.


Karen : Oh...

Stage Manager : Hey, here. Come on in.

Karen : This is so weird.

Stage Manager : Oh, you'll get used to it. It's fine. Hey, Jason. Jason, I got Karen.

Jason : Hi, Karen, hi. You look fantastic.

Karen : Really? I feel like a frog.

Jason : Let's get started. First line.

Karen : Okay, um, "you have a lot of choices in the morning" from what... From what you're gonna wear."

Jason : There is your closet.

Karen : Okay. Oh, it's empty.

Jason : Oh, the clothes appear and disappear. We CGI that. Lots of choices. Y-y-you're overwhelmed by your choices. You turn away from the closet.

Karen : This way?

Jason : To the mirror, and say...

Karen : "To how you'll wear your hair."

Jason : Pigtails, ponytail, pixie.

Karen : Okay, so you CGI.

Jason : Yeah, we CGI that on you. So you're watching yourself in the mirror for how many seconds?

Karen : Six seconds.

Jason : Six seconds while that happens.

Stage Manager : Okay, follow me. No, right now.

Jason : Then your line.

Karen : Um, "so it's nice when there's no choice."

Jason : And you go to the refrigerator and open it. This side.

Karen : Oh, right.

Jason : Where there's just one carton of orange juice. It's the only thing you keep in your fridge because you love it so much.

Karen : Okay.

Jason : And then you pour.

Karen : Pouring.

Jason : Uh-huh. And your line.

Karen : "Start your day with morning Ray OJ and let everything else fall into place."

Jason : Sunglasses. Perfect! You got that?

Karen : Yeah. It doesn't seem too hard.

Stage Manager : Just wait till you've done it 200 times. Don't drink that.

Karen : Mm!


Frank : Michael! Hey!

Michael : Frank, hey. I'll see you guys.

Frank : No, Julia's not here. She's at home with Leo.

Michael : Oh, yeah?

Frank : Yeah.

Michael : Well, um... It's great to see you.

Frank : Hold on.

Michael : Frank.

Frank : Hang on. I just wanna talk. I just wanna talk.

Michael : Go home, Frank.

Frank : That's actually... Yeah. That's not so easy to do any more, is it?

Michael : It is. Go home. Julia's waiting for you.

Frank : You are not allowed to tell me about my wife and what she's doing.

Michael : I'm not.

Frank : You came into my house, you had dinner with my wife and my son and then you slept with my wife.

Michael : Okay.

Frank : You came into my house!</i Into 18 years of marriage.

Michael : This is not the time or place.

Frank : And you took everything from me! You took everything.

Michael : Frank, listen to me. It was over a long time ago. It should never have started up again, and that's on me. But don't make this more than it is. It was over a long time ago.

Frank : A long time ago?


Ellis : So what do you think?

Randall : She has been looking for a way to redefine herself.

Ellis : This could be it.

Randall : She loves musicals. Just once you get on that movie train, it's hard to get off. You said it's the Rands producing?

Ellis : Eileen Rand. They split up.

Randall : Who has the money?

Ellis : She does. So what would you need to get her to do this?

Randall : Well, all the people involved are top shelf. But do you have any material... Script, music?

Ellis : I could come up with something. I am glad that we reconnected like this.

Randall : Yeah. Where did we meet again?


Doug : I thought Derek Wills was your guy on this.

Eileen : Well, yes, he directed the workshop, but, oh, there was so much tension.

Doug : I'm stunned to hear it. No one could believe you got Tom and Derek to speak to each other, let alone work together again.

Eileen : Maybe it was a little premature. But not to be coy, if we were looking for a new director, what do you think of Marilyn?

Doug : She was a fantastic creature, and it's a brilliant idea to make a musical about her. I'd love to see what Tom and Julia came up with. They're brilliant songwriters.

Eileen : Yes, they are, actually.

Michael : Hello, hello!

Eileen : Michael Riedel.

Michael : You're looking stunning, Eileen, as usual.

Eileen : Thank you, darling.

Michael : Doug, good to see you.

Doug : Great to see you too, Michael.

Michael : What are you two conspiring about?

Eileen : Oh, we're just having a little dinner.

Doug : I don't wanna read about us in your column, Michael.

Michael : Of course not.

Eileen : Now, where were we?


Jessica : Okay, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! To Heaven on Earth. Who said you can't go home again?

Sam : Cheers.

Bobby : Cheers.

Sam : I'll be right back, you guys.

Jessica : Did you see my little cross-step for you? It was a gift.

Bobby : No, I didn't.

Sam : Hey.

Tom : Hey! How are you?

Sam : I'm good. I'm glad you came.

Tom : Well, thanks for the call. How is she?

Sam : Why don't you ask her yourself?

Tom : Last time I saw her, I broke her heart. She must hate me. I hate me.

Sam : She doesn't hate you.

Tom : Let me get a drink, then I'll go say hi.

Sam : Good plan.

Sam : Two beers?

Tom : I'd like a glass of wine. A Sauvignon Blanc.

Ivy : What, he's gonna ignore me now? Oh, that's classic.

Dennis : He'll come over. You know Tom. He's just being sensitive.

Ivy : He wasn't so sensitive he couldn't fire me.

Jessica : Ugh, chasing after movie stars. That's so lame. It's a musical. It's a new American musical. Why can't the song be the star?

Ivy : Why can't I be the star?

Jessica : Mm hmm.

Bobby : Did you guys hear about Karen? She booked a national commercial for orange juice.

Ivy : How does she do that? She just walks into this city with that midwestern moon face and lands everything.

Jessica : She didn't land Marilyn.

Ivy : Neither did I. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, you guys.

Jessica : Ivy.

Bobby : I forgot.

Jessica : Oh, you are in so much trouble!

Tom : All right. Hi.

Sam : Hi.

Tom : That went well.

Sam : Yeah.


Ivy : I'm so sick of that chick! I can't even have a drink with my friends without her name coming up.

Derek : Yeah, well, you know. New York can be a pretty small town.

Ivy : Yes, I'm well aware. Nevertheless, it is galling. And I'm so serious about this. To be competing with someone with so little experience.

Derek : There's no logic to show business, you know that.

Ivy : Yes, I know that. But does that mean I'm supposed to like it?

Derek : That's the world we live in. It doesn't matter if you like it or not.

Ivy : Wow! That's helpful. Thanks, Derek. Thank you so much for you support. I really appreciate it.

Derek : Okay, good.

Ivy : What are you reading?

Derek : It's a TV pilot. A JD / MBA / Ph.D who solves crimes. It's riveting.

Ivy : Is there a part in it for me?

Derek : How's your "dead hooker"?


Karen :Tada

Dev : Very nice.

Ivy : It was a little expensive, but Jessica says you need to look like, you know, you're successful.

Dev : You are successful. You just did a national commercial.

Karen : I did.

Dev : Oh. You buy yourself new sunglasses too?

Karen : No.

Dev : Hmm, Marc Jacobs. Very nice.

Karen : Oh, no. They're Ivy's.


Derek : Sorry? I'm sorry, what? No, I haven't read the post. Yeah, okay. Riedel said what? Just read it to me then. Uh, yeah, okay, fine. Um... Let's just stick to the plan, all right?


Derek : Eileen!

Ellis : You just can't go in there.

Derek : The hell I can't.

Ellis : Derek... excuse me! Sorry! He just barged in.

Derek : Do you wanna call off the chihuahua?

Eileen : It's fine, Ellis.

Derek : You're not replacing me with Doug Hughes.

Eileen : You can't believe everything you read in Riedel's column. You know that. He extrapolates. Besides which, Doug and I are very old friends, and we were having a perfectly innocent dinner.

Derek : Oh, the hell you were. You're worse than Jerry. You go behind my back and put an item in a gossip column.

Eileen : He bumped into us.

Derek : Because he knew you were there.

Eileen : Derek, I believe in Marilyn. I believe in this team. I'm not apologizing to anyone. Now are you in or you out?

Derek : Fine. Get me a star!


Jessica : You okay, girl?

Ivy : Yeah, of course.

Jessica : Just seem a little down.

Ivy : No. No, I'm fine.

Jessica : See you down there.


Randall : Songs. Perfect. She's doing a junket. Her flight lands in a couple hours. I'll make sure she... Gives it a listen.

Ellis : She's coming here?

Randall : Yeah, I just wanted to make sure the room was perfect. She's... particular about certain things.

Ellis : Beautiful flowers.

Randall : Yes, Rebecca likes her flowers.

Ellis : What do I need to do to get Marilyn  to the top of her list?

Randall : She'll give it her full attention as she does all her projects.

Ellis : But I want you to really, really feel you can get behind her doing this. You said we had a few hours.


Assistant : I'm looking! Ivy? You in there? Ivy! Are you in there? Ivy? You're about to go on.


Tom : Thank you. Oh, God. Hi.

John : 'Scuse me. There he is. You came.

Tom : You invited me.

John : Well, I'm glad you came.

Tom : Hi.

John : Hi. Wha...

Tom : This is new for me.

John : I know. I know. Come on, there's some people I want you to meet.

Tom : Hello.

John : He's one of our largest donors.


[Cast of "Heaven On Earth" - The higher you get, the farther the fall ]


Karen : Hey, Dennis.

Dennis : Karen! What are you doing here?

Karen : I have Ivy's sunglasses.

Dennis : Why?

Karen : It's a long story. They're expensive, though. So she's probably worried about 'em.

Dennis : You should just leave 'em with the assistant stage manager.


[Cast of "Heaven On Earth" - The higher you get, the farther the fall ]


Karen : Ivy, Ivy, wait!

Ivy : Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Karen : Are you okay?

Ivy : You saw that? Of course you were right there to see everything. Did you enjoy it?

Karen : No, of course not.

Ivy : Of course not.

Karen : Wait, I have your sunglasses.

Ivy : You're returning my sunglasses? You know what I did when I found your sunglasses? I threw them out.

Karen : Whatever.

Ivy : You're nothing special! There are thousands of girls just like you... Millions of girls just like you! And you think this'll never happen to you? This was supposed to be my time.

Karen : It is your time. You're on Broadway. You're Marilyn Monroe.

Ivy : I was Marilyn for, like, five seconds.

Karen : But I never even got to do her even once, so maybe you should stop complaining about how lousy your life is.

Ivy : You were weak! You were naive! You didn't want it enough! You didn't fight hard enough! You didn't put enough on the line.

Karen : Yeah, okay. I didn't sleep with Derek. You're right. I didn't do that. But trust me, it wasn't because he didn't ask. You weren't the first choice. Sorry.

Ivy : Please. My mother said worse things than that regularly at Sunday dinner. School nights too. You really are naive.

Karen : Ivy, where are you... Excuse me. Ivy.


John : It's important that we're not just a minority in our own party. We need to be actively putting forward candidates for public office, and that's why I am proud... to introduce my friend and ex-roommate... Gary Knowles, the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, 14th District. Gary!

Gary : Thanks.

John : Neatest roommate I ever had.


Leo : Dad's here.

Julia : He's here?

Leo : I talked to him, mom. He told me that you told him.

Julia : What did he say?

Leo : What do you think he said? Why did you tell him? We were fine. I knew. You said it was done and we were fine.

Julia : It is done. It's over. It'll never happen again.

Leo : Too late, mom. He's leaving.

Julia : What?

Leo : He's packing up and leaving.

Julia : Frank, no. No, come on. Come on, don't. We're still a family. Okay, I made a terrible, terrible mistake. But that doesn't mean that... Frank, hold on a second! For heaven's sake! Just stop it! We have to talk about this!

Frank : Okay, let's talk. Tell me the whole story. Tell me about when it started. Tell me how long it went on.

Julia : I...

Frank : Tell me about before!

Julia : Before?

Frank : Yeah, before. About how it happened... Before.

Julia : Leo, your father and I need some privacy.

Frank : No, you don't get to decide how this goes. Whatever you thought before was wrong. You thought that this would be okay. You thought that cheating is nothing. You thought, "he'll never find out." You thought, "he'll forgive me." You thought, "it doesn't mean anything."

Julia : Don't... please don't tell me what I think. And please, please, please don't go. We need...

Leo : Don't go, dad. Please. Don't go!


Tom : Sorry. I'm so sorry. Can I steal him? Ha, sorry. Excuse me. Sorry.

John : What's going on?

Tom : Ivy flubbed a number at Heaven on earth. She had been drinking, they think. I have to get down there. Some people wanted their money back. They don't know where Ivy is. It's a mess.

John : But they can handle it.

Tom : Excuse me?

John : I mean, you have people who are handling it.

Tom : It's not... Yes, they can. But Ivy...

John : Ivy is an adult. You're turning her into a child by always being there.

Tom : You are right. What can I say? You're right. And I like you so much, John. And I don't like Republicans, but I do like you. But I can't stay here. I do have to go and take care of Ivy. I don't care if I'm infantilizing her. It's just who I am. And I'm sorry, because I like you so much. I really, really do. Even though I don't like Republicans. Sorry. But I do like you. Sorry.


Ivy : Got any money?

Karen : Yeah. Of course.

Ivy : Can I borrow a 20?

Karen : Uh, Ivy, I'm not giving you money.

Ivy : Look. You feel bad. You wanna be nice to me?

Karen : Sort of.

Ivy : Then give me a 20.


Tom : Have you heard from her?

Sam : She just texted me. She's okay, she's with Karen.

Tom : Karen? She hates her.

Sam : I didn't get into it. I think she just needs some space. You know she's an adult. We should probably stop acting like we're her parents.

Tom : Yeah.

Sam : Yeah.


Ivy : What's so funny?

Karen : "Start your day with morning Ray OJ and let everything else fall into place."

Ivy : What is that?

Karen : That orange juice commercial I shot.

Ivy : Oh, the one you beat me out on? What was that line? "Start your day with morning Ray OJ... And let everything else fall into place." That's so stupid.

Karen : Oh, God, it was so stupid. Ooh! I love this guy.

Ivy : You do?

Karen : Yeah, he's awesome. He has these little dolls that dance on the keyboard.

Ivy : I see. She likes the crazy people. Of course she does.

Karen : Aren't they hilarious?

Ivy : You're drunk.

Karen : And you aren't?


[Karen & Ivy - I drink to that ]


Karen : Want me to make you some tea or anything?

Ivy : No, I'm fine.

Karen : I don't mind.

Ivy : Hey. We're not best friends now, okay?

Karen : I know.

Ivy : Good.

Karen : 'Night.


Tom : Oh, God. It's 5:00 A.M. I haven't been up all night since I camped out for Rent tickets in 1996.

Sam : Mm hmm. I haven't been out all night since the bruins won the Stanley Cup!

Tom : What's a bruin?

Sam : It is a bear.

Tom : Oh.

Sam : The animal. Let me. I got it. Let me.

Tom : Finally she texts me. I was beginning to think she loved you more than me. Oh.

Sam : What is it?

Tom : Not her. It's someone I've been seeing.

Sam : Seeing, huh? Well, then maybe we should go Dutch. Uh. I'm kidding. It's on me. Someone you been seeing.


Michael : So Derek never intended to leave Marilyn. Wait. Wait, he was moving on. And you let me be the one to scare him back in line.

Eileen : You make it sound so devious.

Michael : I'll let you get away with it just this once, Eileen. But you owe me dinner.

Eileen : Thanks, sweetheart. Ellis, would you cover the office for me, please? I'm going out for a minute.

Ellis : I'd actually rather not answer phones any more.

Eileen : Really? And what would you rather do for me?

Ellis : Coproducing.

Eileen : Ah. That's cheeky.

Ellis : I've been talking to her manager. Rebecca Duvall wants to play Marilyn.

Eileen : We spoke to CAA earlier in the week, and, uh, she's unavailable.

Ellis : Her agents are going to call you on this phone in one minute, and if we land her, I want a coproducing credit. Oh. She's early.

Eileen : Are you gonna negotiate her contract? Are you going to sell her to the investors? Are you going to address her creative concerns? You know, there's more to producing than casting, Ellis. And we're not going to begin the process until you answer that phone.

Ellis : Eileen Rand's office. CAA on one.


Julia : Michael.

Michael : What...

Julia : Thanks for meeting me.

Michael : Out here?

Julia : What happened to your face?

Michael : You didn't hear? Frank threw a punch at me.

Julia : Well, he didn't just throw it.

Michael : No.

Julia : Is your family okay? Your wife, does she...

Michael : No, she... she doesn't know.

Julia : That's good.

Michael : I'm sorry.

Julia : Don't apologize to me. It was me. I...

Michael : No, I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have...

Julia : I'm serious. Don't apologize. What we did, we did together. And it exploded my whole life. Like a bombshell. But I'm not letting anyone say that it was not my fault.


Tom : I like it. Did you hear me? I really like it. It's a good title. Bombshell.

Julia : Bombshell.

Tom : I like it.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 23 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

27.12.2021 vers 16h

05.11.2018 vers 21h

16.08.2018 vers 14h

10.02.2018 vers 23h

07.03.2017 vers 22h

31.10.2016 vers 18h

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Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

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