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#103 : Quand DiMaggio arrive...

Karen retourne dans l'Iowa pour prendre une décision importante sur son futur. L'arrivée de Michael Swift pour jouer le rôle de Joe DiMaggio force Julia à faire face à une partie de son passé dont elle n'est pas fière. Ivy commence à douter de la raison pour laquelle elle a eu le rôle de Marilyn. Eileen soupçonne son futur ex-mari de saboter la comédie musicale.

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Enter Mr. DiMaggio

Titre VF
Quand DiMaggio arrive...

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Tom Levitt (Christian Borle) et Dennis (Phillip Spaeth)

Tom Levitt (Christian Borle) et Dennis (Phillip Spaeth)

Julia Houston (Debra Messing)

Julia Houston (Debra Messing)

Julia et Tom au piano

Julia et Tom au piano

Karen parle à un homme dans le restaurant

Karen parle à un homme dans le restaurant

Julia Houston, Eileen Rand et Dereck Wills

Julia Houston, Eileen Rand et Dereck Wills

Ivy et Jessica parlent

Ivy et Jessica parlent

Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston)

Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston)

Dereck vient voir Ivy dans sa loge

Dereck vient voir Ivy dans sa loge

Ivy et Michael sur scène

Ivy et Michael sur scène

Ivy et Michael sur scène

Ivy et Michael sur scène

Ivy et Michael sur scène

Ivy et Michael sur scène

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Une collègue de Karen au restaurant

Une collègue de Karen au restaurant

Eileen est à table avec un homme

Eileen est à table avec un homme

Eileen est à table avec un homme

Eileen est à table avec un homme

Eileen et son ex-mari Jerry

Eileen et son ex-mari Jerry

Jerry Rand (Michael Cristofer)

Jerry Rand (Michael Cristofer)

Eileen reçoit deux hommes dans son bureau

Eileen reçoit deux hommes dans son bureau

Michael donne des conseils à Ivy

Michael donne des conseils à Ivy

Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) chante au studio

Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) chante au studio

Une préstation sur scène des musiciens et chanteurs

Une préstation sur scène des musiciens et chanteurs

Les comédiens dansent

Les comédiens dansent

Dereck Wills (Jack Davenport)

Dereck Wills (Jack Davenport)

Les comédiens sur scène

Les comédiens sur scène

Dereck Wills et Eileen Rand (Anjelica Houston) profitent du spectacle

Dereck Wills et Eileen Rand (Anjelica Houston) profitent du spectacle

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) chante sur scène

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) chante sur scène

Michael Swift (Will Chase) joue avec son fils

Michael Swift (Will Chase) joue avec son fils

Michael Swift et sa femme

Michael Swift et sa femme

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) chante

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) chante

Karen et ses amies chantent

Karen et ses amies chantent

Dennis (Phillip Spaeth)

Dennis (Phillip Spaeth)

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee)

Karen et son père

Karen et son père

Les parents de Karen la regardent partir

Les parents de Karen la regardent partir

Karen et son père

Karen et son père

Karen et son copain, Dev Sundaram joué par Raza Jaffrey

Karen et son copain, Dev Sundaram joué par Raza Jaffrey

Ellis Boyd (Jaime Cepero)

Ellis Boyd (Jaime Cepero)

Eileen reçoit deux hommes dans son bureau

Eileen reçoit deux hommes dans son bureau

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Michael Mayer
Scénario : Theresa Rebeck

Guests : Will Chase (Michael Swift); Michael Cristofer (Jerry)

Ivy et Derek ont développé leur relation d’un soir en une relation passionnée. Mais Ivy n’est toujours pas certaine des sentiments de Derek envers elle. Plus tard, elle confie ses doutes à es amis, Jessica et Dennis. A-t-elle eu le rôle Marilyn pour avoir coucher avec le directeur ? Ses amis lui disent de ne pas s’en faire et de profiter de ce qu’elle a : le rôle de sa vie !

Karen accepte de rencontrer Derek pour un verre après avoir appris qu’elle n’incarnerait pas Marilyn. Derek la rassure en lui disant qu’elle a une place dans l’ensemble et que beaucoup de choses peuvent changer avant la Première. Dev s’incruste en plein milieu de leur rendez-vous, et se montre très possessif envers Karen, au grand amusement de Derek. Une bataille d’ego prend place entre les deux anglais.

L’équipe créative organise des auditions pour trouver la personne qui incarnera DiMaggio, mais sans succès. Moira, la directrice du casting suggère qu’ils engagent Michael Swift puisqu’il a déjà travaillé avec succès avec Julia et Tom et qu’il est disponible pour le rôle. Eileen et Derek vont voir son spectacle, le Bruno Mars Show, et reconnaissent qu’il est génial et parfait pour le rôle. La seule question qui reste sans réponse est « est-il disponible et intéressé ? »

Plus tard, alors que Julia et Tom travaillent sur un numéro musical, le sujet de Michael pour le rôle de DiMaggio refait surface. Julia refuse d’offrir le rôle à Michael sans raison valable apparente. Pendant ce temps, chez lui avec sa femme et son fis, Michael est également réticent face à l’offre à la surprise de sa femme qui voit l’offre comme une grande opportunité pour sa carrière.

Karen fait ses bagages pour son week-end en Iowa, pour célébrer la grossesse de l’une de ses amies. Mais elle est partagée entre quitter la ville et revoir ses amies, et rester New York et travailler au restaurant pour gagner un peu d’argent avant le début des répétitions. Dev la rassure, il a suffisamment d’argent pour les supporter tous les deux s’il y a besoin. Karen résiste à l’idée mais Dev la convainc d’y penser avant de prendre une décision finale.

Ellis discute de la comédie musicale avec ses amis qui ne comprennent pas pourquoi il ne gagne pas une partie des revenus engendrés par la pièce née de son idée. Ellis y réfléchit et prépare une revanche. Il « emprunte » le bloc-notes de Julia contenant toutes ses idées et paroles pour Marilyn. Il en a marre que Julia le prenne de haut et la confronte. Julia le menace de le virer, mais Ellis rétorque qu’elle peut toujours essayer, cela ne marchera pas.

Julia et Michael se rencontrent au bureau d’Eileen, et la tension est palpable. Une fois seuls, il devient clair qu’ils ont passé romantique. Julia s’enfuit, incapable de se comporter normalement autour de Michael.

Tom apprend de Dennis, l’ami d’Ivy, qu’elle couche avec Derek. Tom est choqué d’entendre cela, et encore plus choqué que cette nouvelle ne touche pas Julia. Julia lui rétorque que ce que font Derek et Ivy en privé ne sont pas leurs affaires et qu’ils n’ont pas à juger.

De retour dans l’Iowa, Karen laisse ses problèmes de côté et se détend avec ses amies, qui la persuadent de chanter "Redneck Woman" sur scène, dans un bar local.

Plus tard, Julia avoue sa romance passée à Tom : pendant leur dernier spectacle ensemble, Julia et Michael ont eu une aventure. Au début elle n’avait que des vues sur lui, mais leur relation est vite devenue intense. Personne n’est au courant et Julia veut que cela reste ainsi. Mais elle ne sait pas qu’Ellis se tient dans la pièce d’à côté et a tout entendu.

Alors que Karen s’apprête à retourner en ville, ses parents lui avouent à quel point ils sont fiers d’elle poursuivant son rêve. Ils veulent qu’elle soit heureuse. Son père lui donne un chèque, insistant que c’est son rôle en tant que père de l’aider.

Laissant leur histoire de côté, Julia accepte d’offrir le rôle de DiMaggio à Michael, rôle pour lequel il serait parfait. Ivy et Michael répète le morceau original que Julia et Tom viennent de terminer, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". Le numéro prend vie, sur scène.

Ivy : Mm... That was incredible.

Derek : It was lovely. Tom hasn't sent you a copy of the new song yet, has he?

Ivy : I don't think it's finished.

Derek : Great. Three weeks till we start rehearsing, we've only got eight songs and half the book.

Ivy : You know, Derek, I've been reading a lot about Marilyn, and watching the DVDs, and I'd really like it if... I'd really like to get together sometime and just work on her.

Derek : Well, that's what we're doing, darling. Oh... It's a joke.

Ivy : Oh.

Derek : Of course we can do that. I'll have my assistant call you. We'll put it in the book. 'Kay?


Jessica : So let me get this straight. You've got the part, you're playing Marilyn and  you're sleeping with the evil director, who's a total fox.

Ivy : He's not evil.

Jessica : He may or may not be evil, but he's definitely a fox. And the problem is...

Ivy : Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Do you think he gave me the part because I slept with him?

Jessica : I can't imagine that it hurt.

Ivy : I'm serious.

Jessica : For heaven's sakes, Ivy, enjoy the sex, and don't think about it. You got the part. You got the part.


Store Clerk : They're beautiful pieces.

Eileen : Yes.

Store Clerk : If you sell them on consignment, you make considerably more.

Eileen : I think I'll just let them go.

Store Clerk : Okay. Those are fun. They were inspired by a pair Marilyn Monroe wore in "Seven Year Itch".

Eileen : I can see that. 50 bucks.

Store Clerk : Oh, they're just knockoffs.

Eileen : I'll take 'em.


Karen : Hi.

Derek : Karen, hi. Thanks for coming. Hey, another one of these, please, for her.

Karen : Oh, no, please. Just a club soda.

Derek : So, I wanted to talk to you about what happened.

Karen : I know what happened. I didn't get the part.

Derek : Look, the script and the songs aren't even finished yet. There's a lot of changes coming fast. We just needed someone with more experience with that.

Karen : Well, she's lucky. It's a great part, and the songs are amazing.

Derek : Mm-hmm. So, how do you feel about being in the ensemble?

Karen : Well, it's a terrific opportunity.

Derek : Well done. Very polite.

Karen : Well, what am I supposed to say, I'm pissed?

Derek : Yeah, you should be. You got way too much talent to be in the ensemble.

Karen : Then why did you put me there?

Derek : Listen. Life is long. Theater is longer. It could take five years for "Marilyn" to get to the stage, and a lot can happen in five years.

Dev : There you are.

Karen : Dev. What are you doing here?

Dev : Well, you said you were having drinks with the great director, I wanted to meet him. Sorry to crash. Dev. Dev sundaram.

Derek : Derek Wills.

Dev : Karen's told me a lot about you.

Derek : I imagine so. Pleased to meet you.

Dev : Are you from, uh, South London?

Derek : Well done.

Dev : I could hear it in the O's.

Derek : Oh, I'd forgotten this game. University?

Dev : Oxford, you?

Derek : The other place.

Dev : Ah.

Derek : I expect you got a first.

Dev : I did, actually.

Derek : Mm. That's a lot of pressure.

Dev : Sorry?

Derek : Mum and dad just off the boat, all that hope wrapped up in little, old you. Congratulations.

Dev : I'm third generation.

Derek : Of course. I should have heard it in the O's.


Karen : I just don't know what you were doing there.

Dev : You said the guy was a jerk, he is a jerk.

Karen : He's a jerk who is now my boss, and I can take care of myself.

Dev : I know you can.

Karen : "Ooh, Oxford. Ooh, the other place." What is the other place?

Dev : Cambridge.

Karen : Of course! I can hear it in the "O" s.

Dev : Oh, we're Brits. That's what we do to establish our place in the pack.

Karen : So who won?

Dev : Well, I got to go home with the girl, didn't I?

Karen : Oh, that display was not for me.

Dev : No, you're right. Got something much better I want to show off to you.

Karen : Well, I'm looking forward to it, because all that British ranting about what school you went to left me pretty unimpressed.

Dev : How's this?

Karen : Wow. What movie are we doing now?

Dev : Gone with the wind, baby.


Derek : How many more do I need to see? My eyes are about to start bleeding.

Moira : We can take a five and start talking offers.

Derek : Yeah, that sounds brilliant.

Moira : Okay. These are our top picks for DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, and JFK. And I just got a call from the agent. Michael Swift is available, if you're interested in making him an offer for DiMaggio.

Eileen : He did a show with you, right?

Julia : Yes.

Eileen : Well, he's terrific.

Tom : Mm-hmm.

Julia : Well, is he... Is he right for this?

Derek : I've never seen him.

Moira : Well, he's doing that Bruno Mars show at La Mama.

Eileen : Well, let's check him out tonight.


[Michael - Grenade ]


Derek : Okay, he's sensational, but is he interested?

Eileen : Well, apparently, he's a huge baseball fan.

Derek : Is that the same thing as a "yes"? Jerry, hello.

Jerry : Derek. Great to see you. Eileen, hi.

Eileen : Hello, Jerry.

Jerry : Listen, uh, Derek, I'm glad I bumped into you. You have to give me one more chance to tempt you back to My Fair Lady.

Derek : Yeah, maybe we can talk about that in the morning, Jerry.

Jerry : We could be going by the end of the month. You look beautiful, Eileen. Nice earrings. Very quaint. Who gave 'em to ya?

Eileen : Oh. I'm sorry, I don't know why that keeps happening. I'm such a klutz. Should we get some menus?

Derek : Sure.


Lianne : Oh, well. In this business, any job is a good one. Only don't call it the "chorus," it's the "ensemble." Although, if you ask me, that's like calling garbage men "sanitation workers."

Karen : It's a great project, and the music is incredible.

Lianne : When does it start?

Karen : Uh, well, it's a workshop, so they haven't finished casting it or even writing it, so their dates are flexible.

Lianne : Ah, it's one of those.

Karen : Wait, one of what?

Lianne : Just you end up missing a lot of shifts with those things. And you know they pay next to nothing, right? And you're already taking this weekend off?

Karen : I'm going to Iowa for a baby shower.

Lianne : Yeah. If you're gonna keep doing a lot of those workshops, that's the kind of thing that goes out the window.


Julia : Doesn't it want to be a little more ballad-y? I like the Sinatra swing idea. I just think it... I think it needs more heart.

Ellis : I think it sounds amazing.

Tom : Thank you, Ellis.

Ellis : Oh, here, let me do that for you. I know, I know, I'm going. I have to get the dry-cleaning. And you have to be at the dentist at 4:00.

Tom : Oh, no, no, no!

Ellis : You're doing it.

Tom : I'm getting my teeth cleaned.

Julia : "No, no, no."

Tom : I like him. Why do you not like him?

Julia : I don't have to like everybody. You don't like Derek.

Tom : Do you like Derek?

Julia : I do, actually.

Tom : You like Derek.

Julia : I think he's talented.

Tom : You know what? Those two tigers that ended up eating Siegfried and Roy were talented too.

Julia : That's ridiculous.

Tom : It's not ridiculous, it's true.

Julia : That was a tragedy.

Tom : That's my point.

Julia : Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That's all Joe and Marilyn wanted. They just wanted to be a normal couple.

Tom : That's not all they wanted.

Julia : At this moment, in this song, it is.

Tom : Speaking of Joe, Eileen and Derek apparently went to see Michael at that Bruno Mars thing down at La Mama. They loved him.

Julia : Well, if he's doing that Bruno Mars thing down at LA mama, how's he available for the workshop?

Tom : It's closing on Sunday.

Julia : I heard it was extending.

Tom : Not according to the agent.

Julia : Oh, the agent. Now that's a reliable source.

Tom : Why would he tell us his client was available if he wasn't?

Julia : I just don't want you to get your heart set on someone who isn't available. And I'm not sure he's right.

Tom : Are you kidding? He's perfect.

Julia : You know, I don't love DiMaggio as a character. Maybe we don't need him.

Tom : Uh... great idea. Let's do Marilyn the musical without Joe DiMaggio. Hey, here's an idea. Let's skip Arthur Miller too. And JFK. Let's do it without men altogether.


Michael : Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga...

Artie : No, don't do it.

Michael : Aah!

Artie : That's a good one.

Michael : I have to go on the bridge. All right, here we go.

Artie : Do it again.

Michael : I know, I like this game too.

Monica : When does it start?

Michael : Uh, three weeks. It's just a workshop.

Monica : It's Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio. And they just offered it to you, right? It's a straight offer.

Michael : Yeah, my agent's working on it. But, you know, it pays, like, 200 a week. Artie'd have to go into full-time day care.

Monica : It's Joe DiMaggio, honey. And Julia Houston and Tom Levitt are writing it?

Michael : Yeah.

Monica : You told me you liked working with them.

Michael : I loved it.

Monica : So, if you have any questions, why don't you just call them?

Michael : If I call, it's sort of like saying yes.

Monica : And that's a problem because...

Michael : Maybe I should keep myself open for once. There's a lot going on in television.

Monica : So, you're gonna pass on playing Joe DiMaggio for something that might turn up in television? Daddy's crazy. Want dinner?

Michael : Yeah.

Monica : Pizza?

Artie : Yeah, pizza.

Michael : You want pizza?


Eileen : I'm so tired of revivals. Aren't you?

Gary : What are the specs?

Eileen : Well, it's not going to be cheap. But given that we're taking on Marilyn Monroe, you wouldn't expect it to be.

Ralph : And what's Jerry's involvement, now that the two of you are split up?

Eileen : Jerry has no involvement.

Ralph : Really? You think that you can raise all this money yourself?

Eileen : I'm producing it myself.

Ralph : Which you've never done before. And all your assets are in escrow.

Eileen : It's only a workshop. All I need is 200,000.

Ralph : Oh, good!


Karen : Ugh, I can never figure out what to pack for three days. Maybe I should just stay home.

Dev : You've been looking forward to this for months.

Karen : Let's be real. Baby showers are not that much fun.

Dev : She's your best friend. And she's holding a baby shower in a karaoke bar. I think that sounds like fun.

Karen : I'm worried about money. If I go, I'll miss four shifts at work. The workshop starts, I'll miss even more.

Dev : Karen, if you don't want to go, then don't go. But you can't not go because of money. I can cover us.

Karen : I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Dev : Well, you don't have to decide this second. Go home. Have a good time. Then we can talk about it. You've already paid for the plane ticket. And besides, the entire state of Iowa would be crushed if you don't show up.

Karen : That's true.

Dev : Mm-hmm. Come on, let's get you packed.


Zach : How'd you get that job anyway? I mean, you walk into New York, and Tom Levitt hires you to be his assistant? He's huge.

Ellis : My mom knew his brother in college.

Zach : Slept with his brother in college.

Cyn : Are they paying you?

Ellis : Of course they're paying me. Tom pays me.

Cyn : I don't mean paying you to get coffee, paying you for the idea. They should pay you for that.

Ellis : I don't get paid for that.

Cyn : It's your idea.

Ellis : No, I'm good.


Julia : What did they want? Joe and Marilyn. What did they yearn for?

Tom : They didn't want publicists around all the time. They got tired of the phones ringing all the time.

Julia : What did they want?

Tom : A nice, little house. A home-cooked meal. DiMaggio loved his sister's meatballs.

Julia : That's not what they wanted.

Tom : It is, actually. They also wanted the phones to stop ringing, and their stupid publicists to leave them alone.

Julia : They wanted a simple life together that was uncomplicated. Marriage is a good thing. "Marriage is a good thing."

Tom : Who's arguing with you?

Julia : "Marriage is a good thing."

Tom : What are you looking for?

Julia : Um, my... my notebook. I want to see what I put down for the first draft. Where's my bag?

Tom : It's in the kitchen. I had Ellis call Eileen's office. They made an offer to Michael.

Julia : I'm telling you, Tom, it's a long shot. He's not gonna do it.


Roger : There she is.

Karen : What happened to the beard?

Roger : Oh, your mom hated it.

Karen : Oh.

Roger : Oh, look at you.

Karen : You need help, mom?

Roger : Oh, let me get that, honey. Y-you go on in.

Karen : Okay.

Roger : Oh! Bring half of New York with ya?


Mrs. Cartwright : She didn't get that big part.

Roger : She give you any details? What happened?

Karen : You know, I can hear you.

Roger : Your... your mom was just filling me in.

Karen : I'm fine, daddy. I didn't get the lead, but it was a total long shot anyway. I'm gonna be in the ensemble. I'm so excited. It's a workshop, so I'm... I'm getting in on the ground floor, and the people who are writing it are, like, the top New York composers. It's... it's totally a huge opportunity.

Roger : So, what does this workshop pay?

Karen : 200 a week.

Roger : Will they hold your job for you while you do it?

Mrs. Cartwright : Roger!

Karen : I got it, mom. Thanks. Daddy... I'm really glad to be here. And tomorrow I'm going to Marlena's baby shower and for two days, I'm not gonna even think about Broadway.


Dancer : Bye, guys. We'll be at vintage.

Ivy : Bye, Luce.

Dennis : It hasn't been that long.

Ivy : It's been three days.

Dennis : Three days isn't long.

Ivy : Yeah, if you're in high school, and your boyfriend is an idiot.

Dennis : The theater is high school, and directors are the biggest idiots out there.

Jessica : Right.

Ivy : Are you two trying to make me feel better or worse?

Jessica : Look, why don't you just call him?

Ivy : Because I don't want to be pushy. Every time Marilyn tried to be pushy, it backfired.

Dennis : Marilyn was famous for knowing how to dial a phone.

Ivy : What do you think it means that we never go to his place?

Jessica : Why don't you ask him?

Dennis : Why don't you just call Derek?

Derek : I'm getting a call? What for? You've already got the part.

Ivy : Derek, what're you doing here?

Derek : Well, that's nice, I can go.

Jessica : No, no, no. See ya, Ivy.

Dennis : We're outta here.

Derek : I saw the show tonight. You were terrific.

Ivy : I look like a duck in that costume.

Derek : Mm. A very fetching duck.


Cyn : What's that?

Ellis : Julia's notebook.

Cyn : Julia's notebook? What are you doing with it?

Ellis : I took it.

Cyn : You took it?

Ellis : Well, you gave me the idea.

Cyn : I did not.

Ellis : Okay, you said they should be paying me, and they should. And they're not. That Julia has it in for me. Seriously, she's a problem, and I'm not just gonna lie down for it. I'm allowed to defend myself, right?

Cyn : By stealing from her?

Ellis : I'm gonna give it back. I never said I wasn't gonna give it back, I just want to see if there's anything interesting.

Cyn : Is there?

Ellis : Mostly song lyrics, but... Hang on.

Cyn : What?

Ellis : Uh... I wanna see it.

Cyn : You little spy.

Ellis : Oh, I'm a spy now.

Cyn : You're a secret agent.

Ellis : That's right I am.


Michael : He's so beautiful.

Monica : I know.

Michael : I just want to be a great father. Theater's so irresponsible, and... I need to support us. I need to support him.

Monica : You need to be the best man that you can be. I think that Artie would love to see his dad play Joe DiMaggio. Even for $200 a week.


Julia : Michael.

Michael : Julia, hi. I didn't expect to see you here.

Julia : Likewise. Um, I wanted to talk Eileen through the new outline.

Scott : She's not in yet.

Julia : Oh, um... Would you mind giving this to her, please?

Scott : I'll put it right on her desk.

Julia : Thanks.

Michael : Show's great.

Julia : Well, it's not really a show yet. It's just a concept and a few songs.

Michael : It's more than that. I think what you have is terrific. I'm in.

Julia : Wow. Uh... that's great. When we didn't hear from you right away, I-I-I thought that you might pass.

Michael : Yeah, I thought I might too. How's Frank?

Julia : He's great.

Michael : And Leo?

Julia : He's great too.

Michael : I got married.

Julia : I heard. Yeah.

Michael : I have a kid.

Julia : Wow, that's... that's great.

Michael : You smell good.

Julia : See you in rehearsal.

Michael : Yeah.


Waiter : Excuse me, Mrs. Rand.

Eileen : Yes.

Waiter : A gentleman at the bar sent this over for you.

Eileen : Ooh. Someone at the bar sent me this?

Waiter : And he also thought you would like this. It's a Manhattan.

Jerry : It's for throwing.

Eileen : I'm meeting someone, Jerry.

Jerry : Manny Azenberg. I bumped into him this afternoon. He told me you were having dinner to talk about this "Marilyn" thing. I said there had to be some mistake, because you and I were having dinner.

Eileen : Oh, for goodness sake.

Jerry : Eileen. Have dinner with me.

Eileen : I'm not having dinner with you. You're divorcing me.

Jerry : You're divorcing me.

Eileen : Yes, I am. Go back to your blondes.

Jerry : Oh, they're boring. They all blend together. You never do. You like the earrings?

Eileen : They're lovely. You have exquisite taste. When you weren't cheating on me, it was one of the things I really enjoyed about you.

Jerry : I saw them in the window of a little boutique in Soho. They look so much like you. Come here.

Eileen : Don't even...

Jerry : Come here.

Eileen : Try touching me.

Jerry : Fine. Look, Manny is, in fact, interested in Marilyn. He's ready to come in. He hasn't even seen the specs.

Eileen : I was gonna walk him through them tonight.

Jerry : Eileen, I talked to him. He's in.

Eileen : Oh, for crying out loud. What do you think you're doing?

Jerry : I think I'm helping you get your musical produced.

Eileen : That's what I thought you thought you were doing, but you know what? That's not what you're doing.

Jerry : One of the last great theater producers has signed on to your little... musical. Because of me.

Eileen : You know those earrings you made fun of? Well, clearly you thought someone else had bought them for me. And that's what pissed you off. And that's what this is all about.

Jerry : Mm... come on.

Eileen : I bought them myself, Jerry. I bought those earrings for myself. And you know what? This is my musical, and I am producing it by myself.


Tom : This is great. I didn't even know it was back here.

Dennis : And the food is amazing.

Tom : So, how are things at Heaven on earth?

Dennis : Fine. Terrific. It's such a fun show to do every night.

Tom : I know your contract is coming up.

Dennis : Well, yeah.

Tom : Unfortunately, I don't have a clue about the running costs, so I don't know what they're gonna be offering by way of a bump. But I know everyone wants you to stay, and hopes you will stay.

Dennis : I-I don't need a... That's not why I asked you to lunch.

Tom : It's not?

Dennis : No. Actually, I was... I was asking you on a date.

Tom : A date.

Dennis : Yes. I was feeling kind of shy about it. But Ivy... You know, she told me to go for it. And I thought, "why not?" She's dating Derek Wills. Why shouldn't I...

Tom : Ivy is dating Derek Wills?

Dennis : It's not actually a secret. They're having sex in the dressing room.

Tom : Really?


Tom : It is completely unethical.

Julia : People have sex all the time, Tom. It is hardly considered unethical.

Tom : He is taking advantage of her.

Julia : Maybe Ivy's taking advantage of him. She did get the part.

Tom : She got the part because she was fantastic.

Julia : And sleeping with the director probably didn't hurt either.

Tom : That's ridiculous. And by the way, it proves my point.

Julia : I don't think it does. It's show business. In shows, people... They sleep together. It happens. It just happens.

Tom : So, you don't care.

Julia : Of course I care. I guess I just don't judge.

Tom : Well... I do!

Julia : Oh, come on. Don't walk away. Come on! Tom!

Ellis : Hi.

Julia : Oh, Ellis... I didn't know that you were here.

Ellis : I was just straightening up. He sounds really upset.

Julia : Yes, he is. Excuse me.

Ellis : Can I just... I'm sorry.

Julia : What is it?

Ellis : I just feel like maybe you should give him a little space right now.

Julia : Well, I think that I don't need Tom's assistant explaining to me how to handle him.

Ellis : You know what? I'm gonna get you a cup of tea.

Julia : No, I don't need you to make me a cup of tea. What I really need... Actually, you know what I need? Is for you to go. Can you go? Tom is upset, and he and I have a few things that we need to work out, and we're gonna need privacy to do it.

Ellis : But I don't work for you. I work for Tom. You can't actually just order me to leave his apartment because I don't work for you.

Julia : Listen... You should be careful about what you say next.

Ellis : You have a real problem with your temper, you know that?

Julia : I fired you once. I can do it again.

Ellis : You can sure try. And then we'll see if it sticks, because it kinda didn't the last time. Did it? I'm really glad we cleared the air. Oh, and you know what? I found your notebook. It was underneath Tom's mail, and he looked all over for it. And I knew you were really worried about it, so...

Julia : Thanks.

Ellis : You're welcome.


Marlena : Oh, my God, there she is.

Amy : Oh, my God!

Marlena : Karen Cartwright, Broadway baby!

Karen : Excuse me. Sorry.

Marlena : Hi! Thank you.

Laura : Oh, baby. My baby.

Karen : Hi. Amy. You look so pretty. Oh, my gosh.


Eileen : That was a fast one you pulled on me, Manny. Standing me up yesterday.

Manny : Jerry wants something, he can be pretty persuasive.

Eileen : Yes, well, we're here now. Let me run you through this. Our Marilyn is a terrific musical theater actress by the name of Ivy Lynn. She's a completely thrilling talent. She did a year in Wicked.

Manny : Yeah. I heard you're going to do this without a star.

Eileen : Well, I'm glad to hear people are talking about us. Who'd you hear that from, Manny?

Manny : Who do you think?

Eileen : Let me run you through this.

Manny : Jerry already did.

Eileen : Jerry isn't producing this with me.

Manny : Well, when he is, let me know. No disrespect, Eileen. But I'm just more comfortable dealing with him on the business side.


Amy : He wants to support you?

Laura : Your boyfriend sounds awesome.

Karen : He is awesome, but I don't want him supporting me.

Amy : You know, feminism's overrated.

Karen : What does that mean?

Laura : It means don't be an idiot. It is awesome your boyfriend wants to support you.

Amy : And half our class is already married. It's a pretty good deal.

Marlena : This is adorable! Oh, my God, the baby's gonna love this.

Karen : It's for you, actually.

Marlena : Really? For me?

Karen : You're having a baby. It's a big commitment. You're gonna need a friend, so you... Hug him, and call me.

Marlena : Oh... You know nothing about having babies, and you're gonna be totally useless.

Karen : That's true.

Laura : Time for some karaoke! Hey, Broadway!

Karen : No.

Marlena : You wanna give me a present? Get up there and sing.

Amy : Come on, come on, come on.

Karen : I just gave you a present. You always...

Marlena : Come on. Hurry, hurry.

Karen : Do I even get to pick my own song this time?

Marlena : Oh, it's my shower, you sing my song.

Karen : No.

Marlena : Yes!

Karen : Oh, great. Like I've never sung this one before.

Marlena : I love when you sing this song.

Karen : Ugh...

Marlena : Can I eat that? Thanks.

[Karen - Redneck Woman ]

Karen : Thank you.


Derek : All right. All right, who's next?

Ivy : Derek, can I... Can I ask you a question?

Derek : Sure.

Ivy : Why don't we ever go to your place?

Derek : Oh, God.

Ivy : What?

Derek : Uh, it's ridiculous, really. Um... My neighbors on the floor below, um, they've just installed a new stove.

Ivy : Stove.

Derek : Yeah. You know, one of those giant things. You know, it takes up half a room. It's so big, it has to have entirely new gas pipes, so they've turned off the gas, and now they've broken the gas, and now I have no gas. You can laugh. But the whole building's a wreck. My kitchen's a disaster area. I can't even boil an egg.

Ivy : No...

Derek : It's not funny.

Ivy : No, no, I just... I thought you didn't want me in your home or something.

Derek : Darling. I want you everywhere. So, no worries, all right?


[Tom & Julia - Mr. & Mrs Smith ]

Julia : I'm sorry we got into a fight.

Tom : Me too.

Julia : I've got to tell you something.

Tom : No, it's okay. I know I'm uptight about Derek, and I need to relax.

Julia : No. Well, yes. That's true. But I've got to tell you something else.

Tom : Just the history with him is so terrible, and I just... I love Ivy so much...

Julia : I had an affair with Michael Swift. Five years ago. When we were working Ready Money. I...We... Had a really... And it lasted for a while. And it was really... And I didn't tell you. And I didn't tell anyone, actually.

Tom : Frank doesn't know?

Julia :  No one knows. Never should've happened.

Tom : How did it happen?

Julia : Michael is just... He was so good in our show. And you know what a huge turn-on that is, when someone is just so great in your show.

Tom : Yes.

Julia : That's all it was. It was just... A show crush. But then... I was down at city hall, and I was gonna walk home over the Brooklyn bridge, and we bumped into each other.

Tom : The Brooklyn bridge.

Julia :  Right. Right?

Tom : Oh, sweetie.

Julia : Oh, God. It's over. It's been over for a while. I just... Need to help me not go back there.

Tom : Mm-hmm.

Julia : And... No one else can know.


Roger : Girls are coming to pick you up?

Karen : Yeah, they're taking me to the airport.

Roger : Listen, uh, Karen.

Karen : Dad, I... I wanted to talk to...

Roger : Now, hear me out.

Karen : No, you hear me out. I'm fine. I'm great. Do you know that even being in the chorus of a workshop is so much bigger than so many people ever get to do? This is good, what's happening to me. It's good. I'm good.

Roger : I know, I... I just, uh... Want to give you this.

Karen :  Oh, dad, I...

Roger : I'm your dad. I got... I gotta help out. Once in a while, you gotta let me, huh?

Karen : You smell like smoke. Why do you smell like smoke?

Roger : I don't know.

Mrs. Cartwright : He missed church this morning, too. Apparently, he was out late last night.

Roger :I'm a redneck woman

Karen : You were there?

Roger : Well, I didn't want to miss my chance to... I haven't heard you sing in so long. You're really good.

Laura : Come on, Broadway baby! Got to get you back to the big time.

Marlena : Oh, yeah.

Amy : Whoo-hoo!

Karen : Okay. Thanks.

Roger : Go on. Go.

Karen : Bye mom.

Mrs. Cartwright : Love you.

Karen : I love you too.


[Ivy & Michael - Mr. and Mrs. Smith ]

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